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Found an Escher box on eBay for almost half retail with free shipping and now have an unbroken electro-whip, as well as more materials for the gang. Here it is with some more work on the conversion. 





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Seriously, how is the whip even doing this with her pose?




I was going to try to keep the hand from the original arm with the whip but it just wasn't going to work, not only because of the funky pose but also because of the jacket sleeve being all up on the hand. So, I cut it at the handle and now it looks like she's proper crackin' that thing. 

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Slowly chipping away at it with several more GS sessions to cover the gap in the left leg, re-sculpt the abdomen, and I had an idea to put a hood on her so I sculpted the cloth wrap around her shoulders to be the foundation for the hood but when I clipped off the pony tail thing in preparation to do the hood, I decided that I wanted to do a crap load of hair instead. 




If anyone else is interested in trying to do hair like this, being a big mess of braids, dreads, probably some fake weave stuff as well, I used a medium sized tube tool cocked at an angle to make the braid looking ones, and for the ones that look like dreads and a pony tail tied off in short sections, I used the tube tool as normal and then gently rubbed them between the flat back sides of the tube tool plates to flatten them out. Let the hair/tubes sit for about an hour so that they're still malleable but won't squish easily and won't take fingerprints. To anchor the hair to the figure and help them bend a little, I put down a thin layer of GS to press the hair into. 


Looking at the pics now, I do believe I might be adding even more after this because I like the way it looks and also to cover up a few bad places I didn't notice before. 

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Hi BCK! Definitely add more braids and locks! Will the whip position be needing adjusting with the increased mass of the hair?

The re-worked abdomen looks ace now. Maybe a bit slim (front look only) compared to thighs. The cloth around her shoulders is top notch :thumbsup:

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There's plenty of clearnace for the whip. Concerning the abdomen, I re-sculpted it because 1) the first go looked like crap and 2) head cannon for this character changed somewhat and she's supposed to be leaner and less muscular than the other ladies. 


And more hair!



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The bounty hunter looks amazing, the whip actually looks decent now! (The original pose on the GW model is just...weird) Some impressive GS work as well, especially the detail on the hair.

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So, this is no longer a bounty hunter based on the background I've been working up for my Eschers as my Liberalia Martiale entry. She is now one of the three sisters who run the gang, and is essentially a master dome runner who could just about navigate the underhive with her eyes closed. 


I've started on the second of three sisters, and being the largest and strongest of them, will be wielding a plasma cannon. The marine plascannons were way too big, not to mention that I wanted it to be shoulder-mounted, so I used a Van Saar rad cannon and a marine plasma gun to see what I could do. Here's the initial rough chop job to see if it would even work and I was definitely digging it. 




Here's a quick sketch I cobbled together before work tonight showing more work on the plascannon and my first go at the pose for the second sister. 




Having had a work shift away from it and coming back with fresh eyes, I see now the legs extensions are too much and I'll cut them down tomorrow. 


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Can we all take a moment to appreciate how cool that gun is? Just let it wash over you, start your day with something pleasant.



That’s looking awesome, BCK! As far as the leg extension - I’m assuming you’ve already scaled against a standard ‘Munda fig, but can you post them against each other? Your scale might not be as off as you think if she’s gotten a more “Goliath-esque” boost to her physique.


Still don’t know how you manage to get such cool conversion ideas out into model form. Black model magic indeed! :lol:

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As far as the leg extension - I’m assuming you’ve already scaled against a standard ‘Munda fig, but can you post them against each other? Your scale might not be as off as you think if she’s gotten a more “Goliath-esque” boost to her physique.


She's definitely going to be the most muscular of all the Escher gals, so you might be right. Here's comparison shot. 



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The first Escher is amazing, and while I liked your initial ideas of a lost Sororita or a bounty hunter, I cannot argue with the final result :D


As for the second one, I think it is coming up nicely! It is true that the comparison picture makes her look excessively tall, but I still think adding a bit of height would be a good idea.

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First of all, I love that plasma cannon conversion. Secondly, the legs actually look like they'd work well with her build with only a minor shortening compared to how you've got them in the picture. Can't wait to see more of this!

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...the legs actually look like they'd work well with her build with only a minor shortening compared to how you've got them in the picture.

Agreed - I wouldn't shorten them too terribly much - let her be a bit of giantess.
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In classic me tradition, I didn't like the first go with the greenstuff on Stheno and have since torn it off. Due to work kicking my ass lately (two weeks in a row now, we've had record-breaking weekend sales) I haven't gotten any new work to show on her, but I did get an infusion of fresh blood into Acid Reign from the eBay Hive. 




I found these for a shockingly decent price and would have picked up one of the old leader models (the Shouty Sarge looking one in particular) but the guy wanted 4 to 5 times more for those models than the grunts, which just wasn't gonna happen for me. Quite honestly, the primary reason I got them was that metal figures are so much easier to strip than plastic ones and this will let me try out paint schemes more readily.  As an aside, my Super Clean paint stripper proved its worth again by removing the years-old primer and paint remnants in an overnight soak with most of the paint sloughing off under the running water from the faucet. Judging by the rough condition of the bases these models are on, I have no doubt they're veterans of numerous old gang wars. 

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