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In a similar vein to Majkhel's suggestion about the Hammer, perhaps give him a short Mohawk that falls to one side in reference to his original Fabio hair, now cut down to a more sensible, less-exploitable-by-foes-in-melee length?
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That guy is a beast! I feel like there's a good reason to build a stim rig he wears on his back - like some crude form of the stimulants system in Marine power armor, he's got a pretty contestant pump line - maybe triggered by a stud on the inside of a bracer or something?
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Beautiful as always. What's your working time to get your GS so smooth? Do you let it sit for a bit?


I use the GS as soon as I mix it up and I made a video about how I smooth GS you can check out here. 


In a similar vein to Majkhel's suggestion about the Hammer, perhaps give him a short Mohawk that falls to one side in reference to his original Fabio hair, now cut down to a more sensible, less-exploitable-by-foes-in-melee length?


I have plans for his hair already and it's going to be a little different from phase one. ;)


That guy is a beast! I feel like there's a good reason to build a stim rig he wears on his back - like some crude form of the stimulants system in Marine power armor, he's got a pretty contestant pump line - maybe triggered by a stud on the inside of a bracer or something?


I was planning on doing something like that, yeah. 

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Wow, safr, I don't really know what to say to that except that I'm flattered and happy to get your mojo for the hobby going again. :D


And here's what is probably the last update on Goliath Phase 2 before he's done because the end is sight now. I think. Maybe. 




I had to replace one of my desk lamps this week and the pictures keep coming out with the mini looking very shiny and I took several with the lights in different positions and it's all the same. *shrug* The thing on his left shoulder is something to help him breathe; either a filter or oxygen to augment what his respirator does, but it's made from a thin rod of styrene and due to the dark background it's grossly overexposed and almost appears to be glowing. 

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Again, excellent work on sculpting the armor, muscles, and pantaloons out of green stuff.


References are key! Your own clothing being great for that. I can't tell you the number of times I've used the handy reference of what I'm wearing when sculpting cloth, and if that doesn't work for what you need then the internet is your friend. 


Wow - your Goliath boi is epic! Your sculpting never ceases to amaze me. The stage two version, definitely the right choice going with the hammer. It not only ties them together but balances the him out well.


Great stuff! :cool.:


Yeah, keeping the hammer was a good suggestion from someone on here and before I added the armor on his right shoulder and the respirator filter thing on his left, it was much more obvious he still had the same leather straps from phase 1. 

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That dude us looking massive, wow. 

I love the hammer in particular - I know it wasn't greenstuffed or anything, but that's just an inspired, simple piece of converting. 

That being said, the whole ensemble looks amazing. I'm stoked to see the final product :) 

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I finally found a good base for phase 3 and here's a quick lineup for size comparison. 




Even though he's taller than p2, I don't plan on making him quite as bulky, though the Slaughterpriest model is going to get more muscle added. I'm going to cut the torso away from the legs to make it a little taller, and saw it down the middle to widen it a bit. :D

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Your sculpting is absolutely insane. Latest update looks promising!


Appreciate the kind words, brother, but if I can get there anyone can. Just been doing it a long time. 


G'damn that's gonna be a big boy! Loving how you are putting these guys together!


(And luckily I'm working on some terrain we can use to play some 'Munda in!)


He's gonna be a little bit taller after I get done with the torso, but I can't really get going with the build until I decide what weapons to give him. I'd considered sticking with the hammer across all three phases, but I've also had ideas for a big axe or a powerfist. 

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It almost goes without saying, but your sculpting, as always, is exemplary. Convincing anatomy and posture, smooth finish and just the right stylisation to fit perfectly in with hte GW studio sculpts. It's really lovely to see the progression between the three. Will you replicate the piping around the groin on the trousers? That and the spiked codpiece are distinctive of the base Goliath sculpt, so it'd be cool to see the detail repeated on all three.


He's gonna be a little bit taller after I get done with the torso, but I can't really get going with the build until I decide what weapons to give him. I'd considered sticking with the hammer across all three phases, but I've also had ideas for a big axe or a powerfist. 


Particularly because the heads are very different, I think the hammer's a really important connecting point between the figures. For that reason alone I'd encourage you to use it in some way. Perhaps you could use the base sculpt but enhance it with some sort of power-cell?


It'd be fun to see the third one be showing some physical deterioration; still goliath-overblown, but with prominent veins and looser skin. Perhaps you might even go with some particularly catastrophic injury – an arm lost below the elbow, perhaps, to give a 2000AD 'Mean Machine' Angel vibe?


Whatever you decide, I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this character.

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Why not do a hammer-axe hybrid, like Thor's Stormbreaker from Avengers Infinty war and Endgame?


I'd thought of that but I'll save my axe idea for a different figure. 


Come on man, you started it... it's Hammer time. :devil::laugh.:


It almost goes without saying, but your sculpting, as always, is exemplary. Convincing anatomy and posture, smooth finish and just the right stylisation to fit perfectly in with hte GW studio sculpts. It's really lovely to see the progression between the three. Will you replicate the piping around the groin on the trousers? That and the spiked codpiece are distinctive of the base Goliath sculpt, so it'd be cool to see the detail repeated on all three.


He's gonna be a little bit taller after I get done with the torso, but I can't really get going with the build until I decide what weapons to give him. I'd considered sticking with the hammer across all three phases, but I've also had ideas for a big axe or a powerfist. 


Particularly because the heads are very different, I think the hammer's a really important connecting point between the figures. For that reason alone I'd encourage you to use it in some way. Perhaps you could use the base sculpt but enhance it with some sort of power-cell?


It'd be fun to see the third one be showing some physical deterioration; still goliath-overblown, but with prominent veins and looser skin. Perhaps you might even go with some particularly catastrophic injury – an arm lost below the elbow, perhaps, to give a 2000AD 'Mean Machine' Angel vibe?


Whatever you decide, I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this character.



First, thanks for the compliment. :) Second, you guys make a good point about the different heads (and bodies for that matter) being different enough that it needs a unifying theme like the hammer to tie them all together. On the idea of him showing the signs of age and the extremely hard life of a ganger, I am planning on him displaying a number of old wounds and coincidentally, I made an oyumaru mold of something in that vein last night. 

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If you don't carry over the hammer, I would:  


a )  carry over the pistol from the 2nd model to the thrid; and

b ) replace the hammer with a large bionic power claw or such.


That way you at least have continuity from the 2nd model to the 3rd, and a visible indication of why he doesn't have the hammer anymore.


They are a looking great - I look forward to seeing what you do with the 3rd.


BTW, there is something about the way the first model holds his pistol that really aggravates me, but in a way that seems really appropriate for the model... so well done. :)

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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I'm definitely keeping the hammer and he might have the stub/plas in a holster but I don't plan on him holding a ranged weapon. I'm glad the phase one version aggravates you with how he's holding the gun because that's exactly the kind of effect I was going for. :biggrin.:


I widened the chest of phase 3 today and I took a few pics in case anyone has a need for something similar. The main part of the body comes in a front and back half and I cut the torso away from each half just above the belt, then cut each of those pieces in half vertically. 




I used two different sizes of strip plastic - thin strip on the front and thicker strip about where the spine is - for an easy way to increase the width of the torso with no sculpting. You can see how I left a gap between the strip plastic and the outer edge of the model so I have some space and depth to get greenstuff into when I come back to clean up the surgery. 


Here's the modified chest on the model. 




And yes, trying to pose this guy on a standard Necromunda 32mm base has shown me... 



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Thanks, heraclite! Being a lurker myself at a lot of other forum boards, I appreciate it. 



So, the theme of this post is you know how you often tell yourself you're not going to do something and then end up making a liar of yourself? You know, like "I'm not going to drive to the convenience store at 2 AM and get junk food simply because I can't sleep", or "I'm only going to do one involved conversion in this Escher gang", or "I told myself I wasn't going to make Phase 3 as big as a Stimmer and that Slaughterpriest model is big enough already". Yeah... 




I don't have a Stimmer model, but this might even top one of them.

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