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With the Prime Day discounts I splurged on a nice brush, far above the usual stuff I grab from Hobby Lobby, in the shape of a Winsor & Newton Series 7 in a size 2. This is the packaging it arrived in yesterday. >_>




It looks NICE and part of the purchase is the discount, part was thinking it will help me want to paint more. 

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I've rearranged my hobby space, bought a nice new brush, and I have a wall mounted shelf on the way to hold my paint off of the table, all with the goal of wanting to get more painting done. I've started taking an inventory of my paint, gathering it from all the different boxes and drawers and sorting into the different makers, and man, seeing how much I have and knowing how little I actually paint is bringing up some weird feelings. 







A little dramatic, I know, but fighting against my own inner critic, procrastination, and probably some amount of depression isn't easy, but I'm trying. 

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I wouldn't stress about it. Painting is hard for some people (me) and a lot of the time I try to convince myself that "I just need a different paint" to get started.


Some people need (a lot) time to paint, lord knows I have like 3000 points I've built in 2 years and I have about 250 painted. 

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Right there with you, I've got probably 50 or so Citadel paints, 20 or so AP range and more weathering powders I can shake a stick at.


I base 2k points of Marines as of today and I've painted half a models base layers.


I go through waves of enjoyment from different aspects of the hobby. Sometimes its painting, sometimes (like now) it's building, and sometimes I get the most enjoyment just out of organizing my bits and hobby area.


It's not dramatic BCK, it's normal.

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Thanks guys,  I appreciate the encouragement. 


Been trying out a test scheme for my Blades of Vaul and after a few paint over re-tries, I think I have something I like. Might get tweaked a little more, but I do like how it looks and it's not terribly difficult to do. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Paint rack is now attached to the wall can hold 24 Vallejo-size dropper bottles on one row, or 17 P3/GW size bottles. 




Time to do something I've wanted to for a long time now - dropper bottle migration for the saved space on the rack (22 bottles per row instead of 17) and flip top lids suck. 




I bought a pack of 50 dropper bottles. This is going to eat up some time, lol

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While moving all the P3 colors I thought I might use on a regular basis to dropper bottles, I kept aside some I was getting low on to order from the Privateer Press web store because the prices to buy P3 paints from other sellers online is just straight up stupid, and found a number of the colors I wanted to order missing. They didn't show up in the list as 'out of stock', they were gone. This was particularly problematic because the three colors I'm using for my corsair scheme are all P3 colors - Sickly Skin, Eldritch, and Greatcoat Grey - and Greatcoat Grey is one of the OOP colors. I found two bottles of GG on eBay last night that was a reasonable price hike from the msrp and bought them. 


In case anyone else likes P3 as much as I do, here's the compiled list I made. I omitted metallics (never liked them), inks, and washes and just went for paints. Strikethroughs are gone, bold and italic are newer colors since the last time I bought any P3 stuff. 




I suspect Beaten Purple and Iosan Green have been replaced with Bad Bruise and Mage Hunter green, but some of the other missing colors are odd, like Morrow White and Thamar Black, and Menoth White Base still being there but the highlight color is not. I'm definitely going to see if I can find some Sanguine Base and Highlight because they were two of my favorite red paints. 

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So I wanted a war walker or two based on the old school metal ones with some updated plastic bits. As it turns out, bits sellers value the plastic war walker legs a lot more than wraithlord legs, so my conversion budget made that decision for me. The new war walker weapon mounts, however, were surprisingly cheap but could only find one pair for the moment. 




Yes, I did chop up an old metal war walker torso to add the newer wraithlord pelvis bit but it wasn't just an aesthetic thing - the plastic legs were so close together on the narrower pelvis that the calves were practically rubbing against each other. Instead of the cockpit chair pilot of the newer metal war walkers, I want the pilot to look like the Rogue Trader ones 




Got a fair amount of GS work to go from here, but I think it's going to look nice when finished. 

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Not sure if it will help, but I've been replenishing my stock of P3 paints from this seller. I doubt the older colors are truly OOP as many of the official PP schemes are built around them. They've been spotty to get during the pandemic due to being manufactured in the UK. Add in Brexit and it's been a real crapshoot as to when & where they're available.


I would also recommend giving the metallics another go (minus Brass Balls, that one never really worked). Pig Iron and Boiler Black are so useful it's ridiculous. The silvers are also really good. I still have some of the pre-production samples from the studio that are still good from back in my Brushthrall days. The plastic hinges on the lids cracked long ago, but if they had a good seal they're still good. Like you, I've been migrating them all to dropper bottles. I've got a good source for bulk buying droppers if you're interested.

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  • 4 months later...

Primaris may have saved my interest in this 40k side of the hobby. I had so many ideas for the eldar and they've fizzled for the most part, but the rumors of new models on the near horizon might bring that back as well.


For now, I've been working on tempering my expectations of the size of the project I want to do with some primaris-as-firstborn and the first part of that is limiting the amount of conversion work to help this keep moving. That part has been working pretty well. The second part, actually deciding on what chapter, faction, whatever these models are from, what their story is, and what their appearance will be is still a bit hazy. I had initially thought of resurrecting my Crimson Sons, but so much of the excitement of that was working with Hyaenidae, so I think they will stay where they are. The basic idea of a small group of marines doing their own thing still pulls on me though. Renegades, but not traitors? A collection of survivors from different chapters in the midst of a huge campaign? A secret Inquisitorial unit for classified operations? Disgraced chapter now undertaking a brutal crusade to cleanse their name and honor? I have only hazy ideas that don't seem to want to solidify into a proper direction to go in.


What ideas do I have? Themed a little more like modern special forces than the usual space marine schtick, I think. And motion. Lots of motion in the poses. They get in, they do the job, and they get out. Enough words! Pictures of a test model!



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Nice quote!


The idea of these marines working as an Inquisition hit squad I hadn't even considered until I was typing out possibilities last night, but I'm really liking that idea the more I think about it. I can do something with that for sure.


General plans for the figures? 2-3 small squads of tac marines, probably 5 each, subbing Reiver carbines as firstborn bolters and having either an assault weapon or a bolt rifle as an LMG. A scout squad, maybe two. A heavy support squad with an autocannon from a suppressor because autocannon and... a couple other items I haven't decided on. Maybe a few Outriders 'cause I bought some a while back?

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Instantly connecting with this new project idea. It’s definitely something that’s crossed my mind recently, too. If you go the Inquisition-aligned route would you be more inclined to do a DIY or embrace a more established Chapter like the Red Hunters?


Looking forward to seeing this progress!

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I remember reading about the Red Hunters years ago and thinking it was an odd bit of lore. What I want to do is essentially black ops ghosts, not putting multiple companies working with other arms of the military in open combat with giant Inquisition icons all over them. Maybe it's a Dirty Dozen kind of thing where marines that didn't follow orders as well as they should have or were outright renegades were given the option to keep doing what they do best for the Inquisition or be put down.

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Good to see you back.


It'll be interesting to see what you come up with - next project in my sprue pile/back of the head was an Inquisition-tasked Crimson First ragtag force, with some extra Spanish/tercio influence. Back theme of suppressing a local governor in his hive who didn't help enough after the fall of Rynn.


Think it was all the Inq iconography on the Deathwatch minis making me look for ideas to not shave it all off.

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Maybe it's a Dirty Dozen kind of thing where marines that didn't follow orders as well as they should have or were outright renegades were given the option to keep doing what they do best for the Inquisition or be put down.


Sounds almost like an Ordo Hereticus version of the Last Chancers; I like it!

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