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Yeah, I'm digging this.




Squad LMG looking good! I'll have to remove those stupidly large pistol holsters and clean up the area but I'm really liking this already.


Also, are assault intercessors total crap on the table? They're shockingly cheap on eBay. I just ordered bought 2 more 5-man squads.

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I moved the LMG to a different body because the more I looked at it, the more it felt like he had too much gun weight and length that far forward for the angle that body was at. I got the whole first squad sketched out though! Not set in stone, but I like it.




I did have a chainsword from the AI stuff on the sarge but it kept dropping off while I tried to snap a pic and is going to be replaced by something more interesting to go with his plasma pistol anyway.

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Hopefully it's going to be a chainaxe? :D

Good to see you back, BCK - you were missed. I dig this new project of yours - inquisitorial black ops space marines given a last chance to serve the emperor or face His wrath. Jaxom put it well: the space marine version of the last chancers. 

Are you going to first-borninise the primaris bodies or leave 'm like this? Also, a little hint: MkIII pads work SO, so well on primaris. Try it out.

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Probably closer to Inquisitorial suicide squad, but yeah. :)


Chain axe? I don't have any handy. Well, none that look good, but I'll keep it in mind. As for de-primarisizing them, I'm quite alright with leaving them how they are for the most part and calling them the new line of first born that GW put out a few years back. Like how there are only 3 Indiana Jones and Star Wars movies.


I've done Mk3 should pads on primaris before, but come on, they look good on anything. Speaking of, I want to personalize these guys so they don't all look identical. The paint scheme will be the same, with no markings of kind to denote chapter, company etc, but I also don't want to get bogged down in a lot of sculpting work so shoulder pad choice and helmet swaps are definitely going to be utilized.

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While do I really like the look of the primaris helmet, as I mentioned above, I'm going to be mixing in some old bits so they don't all looks identical. Going back to the first test model on my lunch break to try a couple things.




I forgot that the reivers have that one funky shoulder pad bigger then the other and I'll have to shave it down so can old pad can fit on it.

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I really like these, a penance style squad is great theme as well. I may have missed it but what sort of colour scheme you thinking of using for them?


Are you going for marines from multiple chapters ala Death Watch or will it be just the one?


I do remember in 2000ad they had a team of Judges called Holocaust Squad that were sent on insanely suicidal missions but were given far greater freedom in their personal time than regular Judges. That's what I think of when you spoke of your ideas. 

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I've done a bunch of pads, helmets, powerpacks, and weapon swaps for my Primaris force and found the kit is very versatile for making unique looking Marines. My Malevolents are chock full of them.


I clip off the Reiver shoulder pad and don't bother with anything fancy because any MK Shoulder pad covers the entire upper section of the arm.


I like the theme behind this squad!

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Ok, I know I'm blowing this up, but it's my own thread and god damn it, I'm excited about being excited about marines again.


Maybe it was God-Emperor providence or simply the most holy Algorithm of the Omnissiah, but the Astartes animation popped up in my youtube feed earlier today and of course I watched the whole thing. After that, I had to go find some old marine sprues and had to give one of the Mk 7 heads a try on #1. I was worried it might look too small, but you know, I think it fits just right.




Arm position is now pinned and finalized as well. :biggrin.:

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Ooooh, great to have you back, it's always a treat to check your updates!


As for the theme/paint scheme of the marines, may I suggest to take a look at the "War of The False Primarch project/Some things are best left forgotten" that Apologist is overviewing on Instagram and Fb? (I think there is also a thread on the WIP or Hall of Honour). The project is based on "true scale"/primaris sized firstborn marines, which fits with your project, and it has plenty of low-scale conflicts where a small detachment would fit right in!


Some ideas similar to your Inquisition-aligned "Suicide squad" are present already, including multi-chapter groupings, but I'm sure they could be tweaked to fit your idea as best as possible!

Edited by Elzender
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Wasn't happy with the LMG marine so I went back to the drawing board and came up with something I like better.




I've made several drum magazines for 40k minis in the past and they're always a pain in the ass. They look good when they're done, but man, it's such a hassle. I also didn't have anything handy that was about the size I wanted, so I figured a big ass box mag would be a nice change. Still got a little more work to do on the fit to the rifle and refining the shape, but I love the feel of it. I'm considering sculpting some heavier armor on him too - not as much as the gravis on the heavy intercessors - but something in-between would look nice.

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Wasn't happy with the LMG marine so I went back to the drawing board and came up with something I like better.


I've made several drum magazines for 40k minis in the past and they're always a pain in the ass. They look good when they're done, but man, it's such a hassle. I also didn't have anything handy that was about the size I wanted, so I figured a big ass box mag would be a nice change. Still got a little more work to do on the fit to the rifle and refining the shape, but I love the feel of it. I'm considering sculpting some heavier armor on him too - not as much as the gravis on the heavy intercessors - but something in-between would look nice.

Big agree with this new direction for the squaddie. I recently slapped together an LMG for one of my lieutenants with the same kind of premise as your approach. I don't like the over-detailed relics and prefer to ground the weapons a little. Here's a picture of it (I hope its okay for me to show, just wanting to spread some inspiration!) to throw some ideas into the think tank.


As for up-armoring perhaps a touch of the old MK3 would fit quite well. Thicker greaves and gauntlets with bonding studs across the armor flares. Possibly a smidge higher on the gorget too?

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@NomadPainting That guy looks great! And yeah, feel free to drop pics of your own or whatever in here. I like seeing what other people are up to.


@Augs There will be some sculpting work but armor plates are quick and easy. I meant doing some of the crazy crap I'm known for, like sculpting over 75% of the mini. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of a departure here, but I bought some AoS Dominion stuff a while back for a little Diablo (the video game) Angels project and you can see some of the results in my instagram link in the sig below. One of the package deals I bought came with the banner bearer guy, I forget his funky title, but I didn't have any plans to use him for one of the angels. The other night, I was listening to something on youtube and the person kept saying Sigmarines over and over. I'd obviously heard it before, but thought why not see how one might actually look as a marine?




I clipped off the banner so it would be easier to work on the figure. I'm not entirely sure it works as a marine, even if we consider it some pretty fancy artificer armor. I have to say I really like the proportions; obviously not as broad as a marine but it's a good bit taller than even a primaris as you can see here in the closest pose I could find for comparison.




While it may not have worked out as well as I saw it in mind, it did give me some other ideas.

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How do I phrase this without sounding like an arrogant PoS? Uh... I've been complimented on my cloth sculpting for a while but it often takes me several attempts to get it right and I didn't like the way the sculpting on the sigmarine thing went. Sometimes an internal critic can be crippling - looking at you, atrophied painting skills - and other times it is vital to helping you improve. If you're always satisfied and never see the flaws in your own work, never want to improve, then you never will.


For me, I almost always overdo the sculpting on cloth the first time and almost always think it looks fine while I'm doing it. I wanted to give the appearance of the cloth rippling in the wind, as the plastic... skirt? appears to be doing. Last night when I looked at it with fresh eyes, I didn't like it. It made him look fat more than his robe moving with the wind, so I tried again.




But why bother for an idea that didn't work out? I want one of the marines for my Inquisicide Squad to have a robe and it's good practice. :smile.:

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