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I like the changes to the robes - something seemed a little off with how you had them before, which I wasn't able to put my finger on until I saw them redone.  I think part of what made them seem off was that they went in the opposite direction of the folds between the model's legs... now that they both go in the same direction it seems a lot more natural and gives more of a visual flow up the model.  Looking good.

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It takes drilling, pinning, cutting, and brute forcing, but you can get old marine arms to fit on Primaris.




I had one of the helblaster plasma guns on this guy initially, but it was just way too primaris and even though this isn't perfect I like it a lot better.

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I need some opinions, brothers. I had an idea for a better way to do flowing cloth away from the body of the model gave it a try last night. I wanted to do something like the half skirt covering one leg the AoS banner bearer has that I tried turning into a marine, and I wanted it flowing out behind one my running Tacticessor marines.




The GS is very thin after removing the form and this shot from the other shows that if this idea works out, I will need to not only add more GS to the inner side for more strength but to make it look better.





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So the robes thing wasn't just for one of the guys in my inquisicide squad, it would seem. That, along with being slowly enticed by the new Black Templar models has thrown me into the deep end of a new idea that's been cooking for a week or so now. However, I don't want to do them as Black Templars due to a number of reasons but mostly because I hate edge highlighting quite a bit and I would never get BTs painted going with the traditional method of edge highlighting every edge on the whole goddamn model... for every model.


But I've been here before, right? More times than I care to admit, 'cause ADD and never finishing things does get old for me, let me tell ya. I'm serious about it this time. I ordered the limited BT Battleforce box off eBay tonight. And I spent last night and some more time today working on a test paint scheme.


I put paint on a model.




Here's the Sigmarine showing off what I have in mind, and also giving me a chance to try out the Vallejo Metal Colors I bought a little while back.




There will be white accents of some kind on the robes, not sure what just yet, but I do some background lore building up and I'll start putting some of it on digital paper soon.

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I've seen it, and probably every other video out there about painting black space marines. The problem is that I really like the look of the studio scheme with all the edge highlighting and haven't been blown away by any of the other options I've seen.

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Any thoughts to armouring up ? Made the typical Sigmarines myself, but just had to tinker with the legs:




Not to make you wander off on a tangent or anything ! The orange/purple shade looks very promising though.

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I've seen it, and probably every other video out there about painting black space marines. The problem is that I really like the look of the studio scheme with all the edge highlighting and haven't been blown away by any of the other options I've seen.


Amen, they're just so damn crisp at the edge while subtle with the fade through the blue-greys. Personally, I think it's better to choose a paint scheme one will be happy painting than to push for something one can feel in the bones that it'll be a slog.

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I do like the way the newer AoS models look as fancy armor marines but opinions of it outside of the B&C were that it looked too slender for a marine. I think the sculpted robes could help bulk it out, but the shoulder pads definitely need to be changed up.




The unfortunate thing is that while the older AoS models do make better marine conversions because they're closer to primaris size and broader in the chest and legs, I don't like the way they look. This test figure might just stick around as one of my not-black Templars.


Edit: Jaxom, look like you replied while was writing this and missed it. You're absolutely right; I chased that very same kind of paint scheme on some Dark Eldar a long time ago when the new models first came out and there was a jetbike in the codex with the extreme edge highlights and it looked SO GOOD... and I hated every attempt I made at it.

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I think I've nailed what's been bugging me about the mini you've put together. It's not the slenderness, it's how smooth the silhouette is and how that makes it seem more like normal armor than power armor. I think a few cables may help.

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Could always do a 1st Legion successor. Still allows you work with the "Templar/Knight" feel but allows you to stay away from black as a color scheme or association with the BT's if that's what you want to avoid. 


Maybe. Thanks for the suggestion.


I think I've nailed what's been bugging me about the mini you've put together. It's not the slenderness, it's how smooth the silhouette is and how that makes it seem more like normal armor than power armor. I think a few cables may help.

I think the shoulder pads is the biggest thing about the silhouette looking off.


Had a go at one of the Indomitus blade guard to adjust the the cloth on him because I don't like how they have it going under the chest plate. Also the first time I've tried sculpt a purity seal in years.



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I had a look at the sword brethren box and liked the look of their bigger gorgets and thought I'd give it a shot on the other two blade guard vets before adding the upper chest part of the tabard.






I've also purchased some bits from the multi-part BGV kit to customize these Indomitus BGV models.



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