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Thanks! Just got some new stuff to put up as well.


A couple of printed heads to try out and I think I might use the 2nd one here on my three bladeguard.


I printed out a primaris marine split into legs, torso, arms, and head, and I also printed a set of gravis templar legs just see how they looked. Not really caring for the gravis torso design, I tried out the primaris chest on the gravis legs and tacked on a GW arm and head and I think I might be on to something here.


The chest is obviously too small for the legs and I would simply print the chests larger to go with them.

Both those helms look good, but I’m actually a fan of the 1st without the modeled on laurel.


As far as the chest and legs - I like the look, but I would consider in addition to beefing up the torso a bit bigger, possibly lowering the scale on the legs some too.


The other thought I had was that Terminator armor torsos really would look good with those legs - not sure if printing those is a possibility or not though.

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The other thought I had was that Terminator armor torsos really would look good with those legs - not sure if printing those is a possibility or not though.


You're not wrong, and the shoulder pad I printed out for the gravis armor is a close fit and could easily be adjusted.




I tried a Tartaros and Catraphractii torso and the Tartaros looks okay but it's very deep and there's a lot of overhang off the back.




The Cataphractii didn't look right to me and it would be a lot more work to join the torso to the legs anyway, so I didn't get a pic of it.

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Looking on eBay for a couple things, thought I'd check on a primaris heavy bolter.






Over a third of the price for the full heavy intercessor box after tax and shipping. As Thanos once said: "Fine, I'll do it myself."



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Printed up some box dread arms for giggles. I have a bunch of old metal and plastic ones want to realize my dream of some of the mortis dread options I wanted back in 3rd. The supports I built for them weren't perfect and there's a few issues like the exhaust ports on the side of the missile arm, and the HB and LS barrel ends aren't perfectly round but it was a successful test and they definitely look better than old parts.


As far as I'm aware, the only dreadnought volkite arm was for the contemptor. Looks great though, right?




The metal lascannon arm on display here is the only one of mine I could find and I was pretty sure I had at least one in normal condition, but this was chopped down by a guy to count as autocannons and I acquired it when I bought a few dreads off him.




Dressing room...





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Boxdreads are my first love. I had at least six metal ones. They're what really got me into the hobby back in the day. 

I'm a bit puzzled as to why you would even look on eBay for bits when you own a decent 3D printer. I'd have that thing running all day everyday! ;) 

The volkite arm is very well designed! Your work or a good find? 

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Yeah, I was a fan of the box dread, and have a lot of them because I wanted to do an Angels of Vengeance Deathwing force a long time ago.


You can't always find decent models of some of the bits you want. I did eventually find a good HB model when I got pissed off enough to really dig through the dusty internet library shelves, and no, I'm taking the first tentative steps into learning how to do some 3d modeling but that Volkite is not mine. I can sort of kitbash some stuff by combining parts from various 3d models but that's it for now.

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Something I may not have mentioned in the thread was that back in the middle of 3rd edition when the Tau were introduced, I really liked their rules and got a starter army box. The shine began to fade when I started putting together the boxy, clunky looking battlesuits that were also of a size that couldn't conceivably contain a pilot unless they were quadruple amputees. I sold off the half-assembled army and never saw GW release anything in the time since that was interesting enough to pull me back. Sure, some of the updated models later on looked better, but there was just something about the aesthetic that still didn't grab. I will say the newer stealth suit models are probably my favorite in the whole line.


I'm not bringing this up because I've suddenly decided to start cheerleading for The Greater Good or anything, but a few days ago I found someone making what was initially some GW proxies for Tau with a little more anime stompy robot feel to them, and has since gotten into their own aesthetic and I really like how they look. I picked up a few STL kits and had a go at printing the first one last night. It's going to take two full build plates for the whole thing, but I wanted to show the progress because it came out really crisp. I dropped the layer height down lower than I've done before (25um for fellow printers) because with the more curved shapes to these suits than GW has, it would have a lot of the visible layer lines at the normal resolution I print at.






This is a few renders of how some of the huge number of parts can be assembled into a Commander suit.




I'm going for my own take on a Farsight type of character with a big blade and shield (whice are on the second print run).


Oh yeah, regarding the scale and a pilot being able to fit in the suit, here's the commander frames next to a normal crisis suit.




For anyone interested, the creator is PiperMakes and Tabletop Titans just did a battle report yesterday on YouTube with a bunch of these printed models standing in for normal Tau.

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@jaxom That sounds interesting, might check it out.


I ran another full build plate with all the remaining parts for my version of Farsight and there were no failures this time. Sometimes when you're arranging models in the slicing program to get ready to print, it's hard to know exactly how large and part actually is until it's finished printing. I could tell the sword was going to be fairly good size, but dang.




There were a few different options in the kit for the sword and I liked this one with the necrontyr-like engraving on it.

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That print is really interesting - glad you went for the leg option that didn’t have the large intakes on them.  Is he armed with one each of the plasma rifle, burst cannon, and flamer?  Also, the jet pack for him seems to be bulkier on one side with three exhausts, while the other side is more slim with four - that will give a really cool asymmetrical appearance to him.  Really like the more hoof-styled feet you selected, and that Dawn Blade is huge!


Very nice appearance all around!

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Oh, the jet packs are individual units, I wasn't sure if I would like the slimmer or bulkier one on the finished model so I printed both.

Ahhhhhhhhh - so now the question is “What ya gonna go with?” :wink:


Are you looking at any additional vanes like the Farsight model has hanging off his jet pack exhaust areas?

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The creator did make her own version of 'Hindsight', but it's a much older model that doesn't work with any of the newer modular stuff since she went off on her own aesthetic and the only things I'm using from that kit is the sword and shield. I tried to see if the jet pack from that model would work with this newer Commander battle suit kit and it wouldn't. It's also hard to tell in the slicing program how large an option will look on the model once printed and assembled and is why I frequently print multiple options in those cases. I'll probably go with the larger of the two because it looks suitably beefy enough to carry this giant battlesuit around - not easy to see in the side view but the one on the left is almost twice as wide as the other.

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Pipermakes does fantastic work. I'm a huge fan of the discontinued fw style she does and the whole four armed aesthetic from Shadowsun. I'm actually finally getting a 3d resin printer thanks to those designs. There also should be a newer version of "Hindsight" on comicsgamesandthings.com has two handed dawn blades floating shield generators and other cool parts.

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The neo-terminator squad is taking shape. Not 100% happy with the head options and I thought I still had some GK termie heads around here somewhere, but I'm not having any luck finding them.



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I know it's pretty common these days to use Gravis legs to bulk up Terminators, but I find it visually jarring myself. It's like putting an old Sherman tank turret on to of an M1A1 Abrams chassis to me. To each their own though. I did buy a set of truescale Terminator STLs last week though that look very promising. To each their own! :thumbsup:

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