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That's completely fair and an important part of being satisfied with your hobby is being able to change something that you may not like about a model to get it to a place where you do. I was never that excited about the look of the Indomitus terminator armor; the proportions never looked right and it never gave me the impression of the walking tank that it was supposed to invoke (for me, that's Cataphractii). The legs in particular were the thing liked least about them, and coincidentally the thing I like most about the Gravis armor. It was an easy win-win swap situation for me once I found some decent legs to print and I really like the feeling of being able to turn that frown upside down on a model series I didn't like that much in the past.


Is everyone going to like it? Of course not, and I'd never expect that, but I've always pushed the idea to make models you're happy with and not worry about how many likes it may or may not get on a social media page.


Also, thanks for offering your opinion on it. :smile.: For a long time now it seems that a lot of people won't comment any constructive criticism or an opinion that doesn't directly align with the poster.

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The hobby has often been a way to unwind, decompress, take my mind off something, etc, and today was one of those days. A monstrous headache that just wouldn't go away has hounded me pretty much since I woke up this morning due to some personal stuff, and as a last resort I sat down at my hobby desk and decided to mess around with my neo-terminators a little more and it served as a suitable distraction and the headache has eased up quite a bit.


I mostly worked on a weapon conversion and then moved to trying to decide on a pose for the Captain and while I was looking at the sad state of the old plastic storm bolters, I had an attack of nostalgia and an idea for a modern upgrade option. It's just a quick mock up so don't mind mismatched parts. :smile.:



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Ohhhhhh my.






I wanted to try to keep the original arms, but I barely have any of the storm bolter and power fist arms and it just wasn't going to work out, so here we are. I love it. I can't tell you the last time an indomitus terminator model put a smile on my face because this might be the first time. I do realize that saying that when only the torso is indomitus might sound a bit snarky, but to me, this is so much closer to what I always wanted that terminator pattern to be. :biggrin.:

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This chap looks fantastic, the 'storm bolter' looks just as they're described to be, full of power and easily capable of creating a storm of death! A nice homage to that older model too!


Impressed by the volkite weapon and Tau prints too!

Edited by Pearson73
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Or maybe this, now that I can finally show it off. A warboss made for a friend, requested by his wife(including the fez hats), which took me far too long to finish. Since it was possible he might see it here or on my Instagram, I had to keep it under wraps to make sure it was a surprise.


Introducing Waboss Grulgore Dagruk and GRIFF! (all caps with the exclamation mark, or else).




Special thanks to Lexington for some additional parts to help with the conversion as I had little of my own ork stuff.




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I changed the pose on this guy since I didn't like where the sword arm sat and have removed the chest details in preparation for sculpting the upper part of the tabard which will also do away with the wasp waist look.




As I don't play the game and have no need to conform to a codex entry to kit these guys out, they're going to be something akin to Sword Bretheren vets that get to choose their equipment and not lock the unit into one setup.


As the updated title of the thread shows, the name for these guys is officially the Brotherhood of the Palatine Blade, or Palatine Templars for short. I'll get more into that with some lore in the near future.

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Sketch for the Sgt. LT? No idea what a sword bretheren-like unit leader is called. Anyway, thought I might use the gauntlet of ultramar bolter-fist on this guy but it's going to be a pain to try to get the ammo belt and box to fit. I may remove the bolter and turn it into a proper power fist.




Also, if you're determined enough with a Dremel, you can get any reasonably sized helmet to fit in the neck-socket-thing.

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