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Yes, definitely worth it, you make it look like everything fits like a glove.  (I had a similar fight with some of Forge Worlds extra armor on one of my landraiders...was frustrating enough that even though I got it done, I still haven't painted it 8 years later)


Love the design of those sponsons.

Edited by Surreal Cruelty
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Glad I'm not the only one that isn't very fond of the Land Raider kit. I don't normally advocate for replacements for existing kits where none is needed (I maintain the Carnifex kit is perfect for instance) but good grief, building that shoebox is an exercise in frustration. I'm still not sure if the seam at the back where the top plate meets the rear of the track horns is supposed to be smoothed off or not...

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I've built a total of 4 now. One of my own when it was brand new and the same for a friend, a painting commission I did for a guy in Canada that was long enough ago that he mailed me a check to buy the kit and pay for the paint job plus shipping back to him, and then this one. It's a shame the kit is so bad because I still like the way it looks but I'm never going to build another one.

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  • 1 month later...

Spartan arrived and is in a shocking number of pieces. I've heard some personal accounts of it being much easier to assemble than the LR kit despite the part count.

Inspired by the Mini-Me B&C Reforged contest, I'm working on something I've wanted to do for years: a re-make of my original Brother-Chaplain Kage, who began life as an Imperial Fist but I hated painting yellow, so he became a Blood Angel instead (black with some red was much easier) and valiantly guided his jump pack Death Company every weekend for a little over a year at the LGS weekend tourney.



My first really involved conversion for 40k, both arms are two separate pieces made from several donors because no straight left arms existed back then and I needed a specific rotation of the right arm to handle the ridiculous length of the crozius I made. Here's an old, old pic before he took a tumble down some concrete stairs at the apartment complex I lived in back then.


Skull helms that weren't attached to metal chaplains were also hard to come by and this chopped down berzerker helm always looked too chaotic, even with the ears of Khorne removed.

With some digital kitbashing, I'm customizing some parts to print with the intention of sticking to the spirit of the original, but definitely making use of all the options available to me now.



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Love it, man, and those bits look awesome!  That is a really cool original Marine, he looks good and should be a very cool redux.

Because of the style of pistol, is this going to be a Primaris Marine?

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A few of the printed parts didn't turn out as well as I wanted (even with a second go), but I also found a piece of art that immediately changed my idea for a new chaplain build and most of the mis-printed parts won't end up being used anyway. I did find a nice skull helm that's somewhat close to the original, minus the chaos hints. Here it is on a random body and because the cured resin doesn't photograph all that well, what the model looked like in the slicer.



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Omnissiah forgive me, for I have strayed from the path of  your holy circuit. I forsook the foundational teachings that first brought me into the glow of your radiant noosphere for ease and expedience.

Meaning I tried to 3d print my way into this conversion and it ain't workin; gonna have to go back to the old ways of razor saw, hobby blade, pin vise, brass rod, and glue. I don't normally bother with making primaris minis bigger because I think their proportions are just fine, but there are two reasons for it this time: first is a little bit of lore for the character, but the second and more important reason is that I wanted a bigger canvas to work on.



He will be the head chaplain of my home brew chapter and I want him to look every bit the part of a $60 (or more) HQ figure. If this goes anything like I'm imagining, it will be my most ambitious conversion probably ever.

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It might not look like there's too much change, but there's been a LOT of work. I had to cut both feet off and pin them, extend the torso even more, and way more time that I care to admit to in dry fitting and blu tac posing.



He's gonna be quite a tall boy at the end of the day.

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Building on the ghosts of chaplain conversions past, I had a rough idea of what I wanted. My new homebrew chapter of not-Black Templars templars brings from their ancient history a reference for the bones of their fellow warriors, and being a fleet-based chapter will often carry a piece of the skeletal remains of a fallen marine to honor their memory, their sacrifice, and ensure the eyes of the fallen are upon them as they fight on. The chaplains are responsible prepare and bless the bones of the fallen for their brothers, and the lead chaplain chaplain takes this to a higher level than any other templar. So while I was trying to think how I would represent this, I found this piece of art and had to go all in.



It's not going to be a exact copy, but there's so much in this piece that was along the lines of what I was already thinking that it will be close.




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Yes, the legs are from a Stormcast Annihilator, and I considered trying to do something with the arms as well but the hands are shockingly small on the Stormcast.


No, he won't have a jump pack because I don't think all of the decorations I want to put him on would stay put if he was blasting through the air. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Felt cute dressing up some gravis bits with BGV bits. Might delete later.




Thanks to Triszin for the idea (even if he isn't a fan of the tabards, I think it works).

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  • 3 weeks later...

And on a painfully slow work from home day, I passed some time trying to come up with a decent idea for a second version of the most bizarrely posed marine in the Dark Imperium box. You know the one... this weirdo.






I'm probably going to swap out that chain sword for a powered sword or fist.


*Edit* Also going to be running a build/paint contest soon with a Fire Raptor prize for the winner. I've got a post about here with a question about the subject of the build and shipping if you're outside the US.


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On 8/25/2022 at 3:00 PM, Brother Chaplain Kage said:

And on a painfully slow work from home day, I passed some time trying to come up with a decent idea for a second version of the most bizarrely posed marine in the Dark Imperium box. You know the one... this weirdo.

He's only bizarrely posed if you don't realize he's reaching for his pistol while swinging his rifle away from that hand :tongue:


New version looks good though!

Edited by Gederas
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We thoroughly discussed that a while back when I was trying to do something with the other one of these models I have and it still doesn't work for me but if makes sense to anyone else, I'm envious.


To beat on this old horse some more:



If this pose is supposed to be the guy lowering or dropping his rifle to reach for his sidearm, it's in the Weak range of the range of motion for that action and isn't clearly distinguishable (as in everyone can agree on what he's doing).


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