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I like this concept you are now trying out, BCK. Extended arms definitely work. I would also argue that sword is good beacuse it extends the reach of the model and it's motion from the hips even further. Perhpas pulling it even more towards the back wold work for you?

I'm really curious to see what you come up with! :thumbsup:

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10 hours ago, Brother Chaplain Kage said:

If this pose is supposed to be the guy lowering or dropping his rifle to reach for his sidearm, it's in the Weak range of the range of motion for that action and isn't clearly distinguishable (as in everyone can agree on what he's doing).

I imagine that models like this are walking with a puffed-out chest swagger.

Like the Aggressors with their "come at me bro" poses. It is the model equivalent of taking a picture of someone in the middle of talking so they look funny.

If the actual pose is not improved, at least it gives me a sensible chuckle.

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The chonky BGV gets some paint to test a new color as well as see how the print looks.




It looks better in person, almost like a brushed metal texture, which I really like. It also shows me that the only visible layer lines are going to be in areas of shade. :)

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Since I still can't get all the details for my homebrew marine chapter finalized and I really want to paint something, I'm going to enter a figure in the mental health event.




I didn't like the look of the stikkbomm in his right hand and wanted him to look like a sneaky git, about to go Rambo on some 'umies, so... a knife. Currently looking for the plastic rod I had in mind to make the knife handle out of, and it won't be as long as the rod - I needed the length to hold it securely in a hemostat so I could do the edge bevels without cutting my fingertips up.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Da Sneaky Git is coming along and I'm trying to do the new popular thing by adding texture to cloth by stippling and other stuff... not sure how well it's working out.



So rusty and these blown up pictures look so bad to me.


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Nah, he’s looking really good!  I like the rough texturing at the knees, definitely helps define some wear and tear at that spot.  The skin is looking nice and I like the two different colors of leather you have started.  Keep it up!

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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When I noticed that there was a defined bottom to his satchel with some big stitches and grenade poking out of the top, along with the three grenades on his webbing, it immediately became head canon for me that he's had to replace the bottom of the satchel at least once because he's always got it packed with stuff heavier than what it can it handle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Calling it good on the sneaky git for now because last night the knob on the back of my magnivisor that adjusts the fit broke, I slipped and busted my elbow right elbow this morning which makes it very painful to paint, and it's going to be nearly two weeks before my replacement magnivisor gets here. I had just started on the face before the visor broke and tried to get more work done without it and I'd rather just come back to it later.




I can start putting my Falcon together for my vehicle challenge in the meantime, which isn't nearly as painful on the elbow.

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Thanks for the kind words on the ork, brothers. :)


What's with the new click bait-y thread title? The end? It's not as dramatic as it sounds and it's regarding me thinking about leaving this thread behind and starting a new one. The mental health challenge was something I wanted to get a quick win for while I was trying to work out what I wanted to do for my homebrew marine chapter and when I first signed up for it, I missed the part where it asked if you wanted to share your story and it's had me thinking on it for a few days now. I haven't been diagnosed with ADD, but my brother has, and we have almost identical symptoms. Not to mention that anyone who's been following my thread for any amount of time knows I rarely get around to finishing something thanks to my short attention span. When I was younger I would slap models together as quick as I could, barely taking the time to get rid of the worst mold lines, so I could rush to the painting. I loved it. I got pretty good at it. Real good, if I'm honest. I doubt I would have even made first cuts at any kind of serious competition like a GD, but I did a decent amount of commission painting back then (and consequently swore it off because of what an awful experience it was and totally not worth the money).


And then I started to notice how sloppy my good paint jobs looked with joints hastily attached with too much superglue, mold lines all over the place, and only a few moments spent posing the models. The pendulum swung the other way and I happened to get hooked on converting models in the process of taking more time and care with assembly and posing and as a result of that, the painting faded into the background. My internal critic is always happy to remind me of how much better I used to be at painting than I am now, which is fantastic for the motivation to keep going. I hate that I very rarely finish anything.

All of that and two other things that happened recently have me thinking of leaving this thread behind: First, when I pledged an eldar Falcon for my vehicle challenge I went looking for the corsair work I had done previously and was shocked to see it first got underway about five years ago. Second, with the recent board update, a lot of the pictures in this thread are broken now and short of going back and changing each one manually, it's unlikely there will be an easy fix anytime soon. I want to start a new thread with the purpose of focusing on finishing models. Every new year I always make that my resolution for the board. I'm tired of breaking deadlines for almost every contest and challenge I enter as well as promises to myself. Despite what my signature says, I hope a new thread might help me stay on that path.

I do have something to show as well in this besides a wall of text. I found a paint scheme template for eldar grav tanks and knocked out a bunch of options for tank paint schemes both for the Corsairs I want to start working on again in general, but also to make a decision on how I want to paint the one I entered in my own challenge, 'cause it would be embarrassing to fail that, right?

This is the one I decided to go with.



It's the most simple one but still looks striking with the color combo I came up with a while back on this test figure:



Since I can't remember exactly where I found the template, I'll drop it below in the spoiler if anyone else wants to make use of it.






Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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Definitely take the route you think is best for you :thumbsup:

I like the general color scheme - it's simple but interesting with lots of potential for adding a variety of spot colors for gems etc.
The only thing I would be worried about is that application on the Infantry might get taxing after couple of models. But for Vehicles it would definitely work.

Edited by Majkhel
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I got the upper body of the falcon airbrushed, and it was going so well until the last piece of tape removed pulled up some of the paint across the whole strip and then one small chunk all the way down to the plastic.



A couple of spots where some of the teal color go through the masking, but very happy with it. :)  Feels so good to get this paint scheme idea out of my head and onto a model at last.

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Yeah, I've had this off-white color in mind for a while now and when I first landed on this trio of colors I knew I wanted to use it. All three are from the P3 line, in fact. The white is Sickly Skin, the teal color is Eldritch, and the dark color is Greatcoat Grey. For the grey and teal I used the paint straight from the bottle as the first layer and then added Vallejo Mecha color White Grey in increasing amounts for the two highlight passes, but that wouldn't really work for the Sickly Skin. For that, I mixed it with a small amount of Thrall Flesh (also from P3) for the darkest first layer, painted over most of it with the color from the bottle to leave the low areas shaded, and added white acrylic ink for highlights.


The question now is do I leave the falcon turret completely white, because the teal doesn't pass through it? Or do I make the turret a mini version of the paint job?

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On 9/22/2022 at 8:24 AM, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

The question now is do I leave the falcon turret completely white, because the teal doesn't pass through it? Or do I make the turret a mini version of the paint job?

Better stick with the single colour, with some detailing in teal if it's too monolitic. A mini version of the scheme would be too confusing and not look as good, especially if the turret turns to either direction. Love the choosen scheme though! Black and white, you didn't make it easy for yourself :happy:

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