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I would keep the turret white/Sickly Skin, and then the body of the weapons either Greatcoat Grey or another color in either an analogous or quaternary/square color scheme, but probably not a directly oppositional/contrasting color unless that’s what you are doing with the rest of the Eldar weapon bodies and gems - you probably don’t want the contrasting color to be the only one of those on the entire model.

The Falcon is looking good though!  Like the look of that tank body!

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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The turret is already painted solid white. :)


The underside of the tank, and possibly the lower half of the turret, I'm going to paint gloss black. Why? Those parts won't be that visible, it will be a sharp contrast to the upper portions of the tank, and one of the things I definitely have to change about how I approach the hobby is not chasing perfection and compromise on some things. It's an easy compromise, won't affect the look too much, and cuts out what would otherwise be a lot more work that could easily drag me out of the joy of the progress I'm making.


As for the weapon color, I'm not sure, but maybe gloss black as well? Speaking of weapons, since I don't really intend to play games with this stuff and I want this corsair band to look they don't follow the rules of what weapons should be on what vehicles, I'm going to see about kitbashing some digital assets. Anyone following this thread for a while knows I love autocannons on the Imperial side and for the space elfs I have a similar passion for the distortion cannons. I found a pulse laser and a d-cannon model and had some fun.




I'm not able to use my printer at the moment, but this is going to get made soon. :D

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I fixed the paint that got pulled up from the initial masking and basically had to re-do all of the grey paint on the front end to get both sides to look right. Got the weapon housings painted the white color and thinking about leaving the weapons black for the strong contrast and ease of it.




Bryan Blair, I'd already been using a color theory calculator to see what would go well with against the teal, because the other colors are pretty much black and white, and magenta, orange, and red are what come up. Leaning toward the orange and I think the canopy glass would look good in that color.


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I got the canopies done on the Falcon, but had to do them twice. >_<

I airbrushed them last night and dug out my old bottle of Pledge (Future) Floor polish and was going to gloss coat them and the weapons. I poured some of the Pledge into a plastic palette, thinned it down about 50/50 with water, and brushed on the first coat. It dried faster than I remember the last time I had used, which has been a number of years, and it didn't look that shiny. I thought I might have thinned it too much. When started to brush on the second coat, it took the paint with it like I was using some kind of solvent. I threw both canopies in the paint stripper and went to bed.

Tried again after work and got the result below, which also looks better because I had used a magenta color for the shading at the bottom and against the orange it looked like a bright red and not at all what I was going for. I used a dark purple for the second go and got what I wanted. :)



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It's a very high gloss and highly protective varnish. Its intended use is to be a shiny protective floor coating. I used to use it not just on the rare bits of a model I wanted to be glossy, but it was also great for thinning down and mixing with some paint to do blends or gradations by glazing. I also used it for decal application, because the best results are to put down a gloss layer first, then the decal -- matte or flat surfaces are rough and refract light in lots of directions and can trap air under the decal you'll never get out --  and then put another layer of gloss on top for the same reason as well as for the protection, then knock the shine down with matte or flat varnish to make it look like it was painted on.

Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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On 9/21/2022 at 2:08 AM, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

I want to start a new thread with the purpose of focusing on finishing models

Clickbaity title indeed!

Leaving the old mega topic behind is a big deal, but a new start is always good - have you considered the Blog functions? I'm considering moving one or more of my painting logs over to there. 

Loving the Eldar, they're one force that always works well with unorthodox schemes. 

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I finished the Falcon, which I posted in my challenge thread earlier and then got too busy with work to come back here and do it.




Is it perfect? No.

Is it to the standard I would normally try to hold myself to (that was one of the main reasons I've barely finished any models in years)? No.

Is it driving me crazy to step back and not try to do all the other things I wanted to do? Yes.

Am I happy that I've finished a model that looks pretty dang good otherwise? Absolutely.


I would have finished it even sooner if I hadn't had to fight with myself so much on where to say it was good enough and keep the momentum going. I wanted to do a small amount of weathering, paint in some more details, maybe edge highlight all the outer edges, but those are the traps I always fall into and get stuck and lose the momentum. I have to keep it going. For nearly 25 years I've wanted to have one of those pictures of a fully painted army. The pointed eared pile of shame must be diminished.


Not to mention that I've had some resin stuff sitting around waiting for paint longer than some of the members of the board have been alive.



I bought the Scorpion when it was brand new, same with the Cobra super-heavy which isn't pictured, and I can't even remember how many different paint schemes I planned for them: Saim-Hann, Ulthwé, Alaitoc, Altansar, and several homebrews of both craftworld and corsair origin. Their time is coming in the colors of The Blades of Vaul. Next up is a FW Hornet and then on to another vehicle from there. I want some practice with the airbrush and the paint scheme before I get to the big guys.


Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble, but it's half letting you guys know where I'm going next, and half encouraging myself in writing. :)



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You should be pretty damned happy with how great that vehicle looks, bud.  No niggles there.

Give yourself some space and get some more things to that level, then make the decision on whether you want to come back and do some detailing, weathering, etc.  Get the force to where you sort of want it, that way you can weather and detail in chunks and it will all look more consistent as well.

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Hnnnngh... now I want them all again! :biggrin:

Congratulations on the completed Falcon! And that scheme you devised is now showing it's worth - it is attractive enough to make the model look good even if it's not having edge-highlights or other fancies :thumbsup: The blended vibrant colors of the canopies become a focal point of interest and suddenly: the model is complete :biggrin:

Well done!

Edited by Majkhel
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Thanks for the support, brothers! Onwards and upwards. Next is two Hornets that took a fair amount of clean up and gap filling where the lower part that makes up the thruster and intake section connected. Look at this!



I wasn't a fan of the extra fin things that stick off from the back of the wings so I clipped the connector off and filed the area flat. For the gap, I used the same method I did on my Macharius where I lined the edges of the under section with GS, slathered on super glue in every area that looked like the parts would contact, and used some bar clamps to keep constant pressure on it. When the excess GS squeezed out the sides I scraped it away and left tiny furrow in it that I could fill with Tamiya putty and sand smooth.

Much better!

And my two little space crawfish with gaps and blemishes filled, sanded, filed, and ready for primer.


I was wanting to put two pulse lasers on one of these but I couldn't straighten the resin ones out that came with the kit so I may have to finally get my printer going again and do some up. Or maybe put some disentegrators on it. >_>

Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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I agree they do look better without those extra fins. The silhouette is more streamlined.

Pulse lasers... If everything fails, you would probably be able to rebuild them around a brass rod core or something similar I guess? 

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I would like the little wing flanges/fins if they were more solidly attached to the main wings, but the small, thin connector to them just doesn’t seem to be very good design-wise.

Really like the look of the Hornets though, whether they have those extra fin bits, they will look really cool painted up in your scheme!

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6 hours ago, Majkhel said:

I agree they do look better without those extra fins. The silhouette is more streamlined.

Pulse lasers... If everything fails, you would probably be able to rebuild them around a brass rod core or something similar I guess? 


The resin pulse laser barrels were comically bent. Each kit came with 1 (I have 3 hornets but I'm missing parts for the third one) and of the 3, I was only able to get 1 even remotely straight. Printing new ones would be much easier than trying to make new barrels myself.


32 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

I would like the little wing flanges/fins if they were more solidly attached to the main wings, but the small, thin connector to them just doesn’t seem to be very good design-wise.

Really like the look of the Hornets though, whether they have those extra fin bits, they will look really cool painted up in your scheme!


Yeah, if the fin connector was larger of even if the wing narrowed and then flared back out it would probably look better, but it's always looked strange to me. Also wondering if I should even bother putting the little thrusters on the bottom because the area they attach to is inset a good amount from the rest of the fuselage and wouldn't be very visible once they're mounted on a stand.

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How it started:


How it's going:



Being more careful with the masking from now on, putting down some varnish between each layer of paint so I don't get another Bad paint peel like what happened on the Falcon. For the Hornet with the teal stripes I sprayed a large with the color because drawing out a paint scheme on a template in Photoshop is one thing but actually masking it out is another entirely. The gem blisters that are right in the area where the teal would end and the white color would begin all kinds of in the way and successfully masking around them will be a nightmare so that part of the paint scheme will probably get adjusted.

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Got the canopies painted last night and they look even better than the ones from the Falcon. :biggrin:



They look so good!



(edit: They are not glued in yet, and I had to do some re-shaping on the front edge to get them to fit on the resin models)

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I knew the 3 colors of my scheme looked good together in my head and on the templates I did some planning on, but they were all on the cool side of the spectrum and I knew I needed an accent in a warm tone for a good contrast pop. I figured the canopies would be a good way to do that and I honestly wasn't sure it was going to work out; on the Falcon it wasn't as bright as I wanted but on the Hornets it really came together like I was hoping it would.

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