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It's great to witness some solid and steady hobby progress from you, BCK. :thumbsup: The Eldar skimmers are looking great and I look forward to seeing the force grow over the next few weeks/months. Have you thought about how you're going to tackle the infantry elements of your force yet?

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I meant to take pics of how I filled the gaps in this third hornet and completely forgot to do it last night. Not the best pic of the lower intake/thruster bit below, but it was the best I could find on the internet.


I rolled out some greenstuff into some snakes and lined the edges I marked in red above with them, and then slathered a liberal amount of superglue all over the underside of the hornet where this piece would contact it. Quickly get it into the correct position because superglue and GS make a really quick and strong bond, then just as quickly got the bar clamps on it to compress it against the body as much as possible and squeeze out the GS from the gaps which I trimmed away with a metal sculpting tool. Let sit until cured.



After doing this 3 times, I can assure you these two clamp points are the least slippery, but may still take a few tries to get set firmly without slipping off.

Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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Artel W. Fantastic stuff and for my money, they're beating GW at their own game in the space elves area. I don't like the look of their banshees or dark reapers, but that's a subjective opinion on the aesthetic and not a criticism of the sculpting quality. Aside from what I posted pics of above, I also have their not-Striking Scorpions squad and their not-Warp Spiders squad.


*edit* They also do orks really well and the recent ork kommando I did for the Mental Health Challenge is from their Skawt 'n Rekkon Skwad, which I think was their first ork item and kicked that off with a bang.


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Remember this?


I finally got my printer going again.


Now I have some straight pulse lasers for the Hornet since I could only get one of six of the resin ones to something close to a straight barrel. Sonic cannons up top, originally planned for one of the other Hornets, but they're kinda chonky. I do like the D-Cannon kitbash, but I kinda tunnel vision'd on the size of it in the modeling program and should have made it larger since the intended use is on a Falcon.

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Thanks! With my printer having sat dormant for 3 months I did some calibration tests first and was pleased to find it still dialed in. I thought I had angled the models properly to minimize layer lines, but the details are sharp.

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22 hours ago, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

Artel W. Fantastic stuff and for my money, they're beating GW at their own game in the space elves area. I don't like the look of their banshees or dark reapers, but that's a subjective opinion on the aesthetic and not a criticism of the sculpting quality. Aside from what I posted pics of above, I also have their not-Striking Scorpions squad and their not-Warp Spiders squad.


*edit* They also do orks really well and the recent ork kommando I did for the Mental Health Challenge is from their Skawt 'n Rekkon Skwad, which I think was their first ork item and kicked that off with a bang.


Thanks! They have some great stuff.  Their Xenos are awesome, their marines not so much, Some of their proportions are damn chonky. Have to get me one of those busts though...


Those prints are amazing, old FW-resin can't compete with that.

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Yeah, their marines aren't quite as good as their xenos or orks, but the new not-Berzerkers look better than what was on offer before.

Thanks for the compliments on the prints btw, though I would have been perfectly happy to use the resin ones... if they weren't tools of Tzeentch.


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Progress on the third Hornet! I've been trying for days to come up with a paint scheme that I like and wouldn't be too difficult to mask, and of course, I didn't like any of them until I made one that would be difficult to mask.



I didn't have the proper super thin flexy masking tape required for the curves in the template, but I got pretty close with what I had and I'm pretty happy with it. The symmetry is damn close, which was my biggest fear on this one. :biggrin:


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I have all the weapons I need for the three Hornets: the two pulse lasers two sonic cannons I printed, and I think the resin star cannons are in good enough shape to use most likely because they're kinda chonky.

And it might be a little while before I have anything else painted up because two of the P3 colors I was using had a tendency to separate when I mixed them with my airbrush thinning mix. The grey in particular was being very uncooperative when I was painting this last hornet and I had to keep re-spraying areas where the paint was coming out in slightly different shades because of the separation.


I'm ordering some colors right now from another company that look real close to those I was using, but it's going to be 4-5 days before they get here and then I'll need to test them out.

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On 10/21/2022 at 12:30 AM, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

I didn't have the proper super thin flexy masking tape required for the curves in the template,

The other way works too. Get the wider tape, then use a sharp knife to cut the curve into one side. Larger curves may require multiple pieces of tape. Having said that, your end result was a hell of a match to the sketch.

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Overcompensating? Nah, I imagine it was some Corsair equivalent of a redneck who saw a busted Lynx with the giant distortion cannon laying there and said to his buddies "I bet I could put that on a Falcon."


Drinking buddy said: "You'd have to strip it down, turn it into a flying gas can. Fill the back with warp condensers and-"


Crazy, enabler buddy goes: "Hell, I got a whole shed full of 'em! Let's do this!"

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3 hours ago, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

Overcompensating? Nah, I imagine it was some Corsair equivalent of a redneck who saw a busted Lynx with the giant distortion cannon laying there and said to his buddies "I bet I could put that on a Falcon."


Drinking buddy said: "You'd have to strip it down, turn it into a flying gas can. Fill the back with warp condensers and-"


Crazy, enabler buddy goes: "Hell, I got a whole shed full of 'em! Let's do this!"

The Path of the Mod'er

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Or... and hear me out on this... why not a sonic cannon too?


3d printing is so many dreams coming true for me and all the ideas I had (and new ones too!) but never had a good way to implement.

And these just went into the printer. Should have some pics tomorrow. :biggrin:


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Those are fantastic looking!  The print quality is very high too, I can’t see any print lines in the images.  Is that due to the dialing in of the printer, the quality of the sculpting, the round shapes (flats tend to cause that more, right?), or the resolution of the printer?  All of the above? It just looks a lot cleaner than most of the 3D stuff I’ve seen.

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My printer is a 4k so there are definitely layer lines but to answer your question it's all of the above. I have my printer dialed in really well, the models for the Warp Hunter parts (despite being very old and intended for an FDM printer with very little detail) are sculpted well as are the bright lance and sonic cannon models I scaled up to fit on the Warp Hunter bits. The shape of the models and the orientation of them when printed can all contribute to how good or bad the layer lines are.


But they can also be fixed after printing with sanding and/or filler putty. It's shocking how many Youtube content creators I see painting up minis with these very visible layer lines when even a light sanding in the area would have either removed them completely or made them much less visible without destroying any detail.

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