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I'm still working on this stuff, but work has been busy and I've also been upscaling some 3d miniature files intended for 28-32mm to print as xmas gifts for some friends. There's been a fiasco with Amazon in the meantime, trying to get some 3mm brass tubing to pin together my void hunter pieces and the first thing I was sent was 3mm square tubing, which absolutely will not fit in a 3mm round hole. Returned it, tried again from the same seller and I got 3mm solid bar stock. Yeah, I don't have anything that can cut that, and it's so heavy (relative to the 3d printed parts) I wouldn't want to use it even if I could cut it. Returned that. Tried a different seller, finally got the tubing.




I can't show the minis I'm upscaling for gifts because they're fantasy, but I'm also working on upscaling something for myself.




100mm or just shy of 4" tall.

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A quick diversion that I just had to do with all the memes floating around about OMY (Old Man Yarrick) and the deplorable looks of the new Lord Solar.

Cavalry commander from a recent release from one of the patreons I'm subbed to and the proof of concept for the kitbash idea.





Need to make a few tweaks, a little cleanup, and I want to add some more details, but I like how it looks.

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Files for knocking down rough spots or shaping and then wet/dry sandpaper in 400, 600, and 800 usually. I make my own sanding blocks and smaller sticks from 3mm sheet plastic and double-sided tape.

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So I knew I wouldn't be able to change my hobby butterfly ways cold turkey, if it's even possible at all, but I was expecting it and I'm not upset about it. Being honest with yourself about these kinds of things is always a good idea. A number of things contributed to me not getting a whole lot of hobbying done in the past several weeks, but a slight diversion into an old project is where I'm headed for the next little while.


My Macharius Vulcan has been stripped of paint. I put a ton of work into cleaning up the model's errors and the paint job turned out really well, but the layer of varnish I airbrushed on it at the end kind of ruined it for me. It was a matte varnish intended for use with artist acrylic paints and it ended up more shiny than a satin varnish I had that was actually intended for models. I tried knocking the shine down with some rattle can matte varnish and it barely put a dent in it.

Aside from that, I also didn't do as much color modulation and contrast as I should have on such a big model, and then someone spilled house paint on a box of my stuff in the garage - the Mach was the only thing still in there in thankfully - and my attempts to remove it without damage the paint below weren't working.


A new paint job isn't the only thing that will be changing the big ol' behemoth of a tank. I had two of these un-official models and the Vulcan variant was the one with the lesser amount of issues to fix (which were still a LOT), but I always wanted the double-barreled Vanquisher version more. Problem was the second tank was more suited to a terrain piece from the awful casting problems.


Enter the 3d printing revolution for our hobby.



I can't find the original Vanquisher turret for comparison (I wonder if I threw it away and forgot), but my Omnissiah, look at how CRISP that turret is! With supports, this thing took up almost my entire build plate so there was no room for the mantlet or barrels, but they're coming soon. :)






Never cared for the original muzzle brakes on the FW barrels so I found something akin to the Russian ML20s 152mm gun on the ISU-152.

This might be another possibility.


Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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With all the technomancy hand waving that goes on in 40k I think I could be forgiven a few coils on the back of the turret. I don't really want to print another one because it failed completely the first time and the second time there was a partial failure that was thankfully kept to the back side of the stowage bins on the rear of the turret.


Now to force more of my scale model realism into my 40k hobby, I had to make entirely new vanquisher barrels because the voice in the back of my head would not shut up about all of those giant rivets on a gun barrel. So many rivets.


Anyway, here's what is currently going on my printer and I should have a new mantlet and barrels to show off tomorrow. :)



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Welp, back to the drawing board. Dunno what's going on with my printer, but one of the barrels completely failed, the mantlet was a partial failure that was bad enough to make it unusable, and the second barrel came out flawless. Except that seeing something in the 3d modeling program or the slicer and judging the size once it is printed is something I'm still working on visualizing better. The barrel is too small in comparison to the rest of the tank. I've always thought the huge barrel diameters in 40k was a bit much, but here I am saying this smaller and more realistic one looks almost as silly.


This new one should fit the scale better. Starting at the first orange tapered area in front of the mantlet, this new barrel is 100mm long (3.9") and will extend past the front of the tank. I'm also going to try to print the muzzle brake hollow instead of filled in.





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The Lychee slicing program recently added an amazing new feature in a beta test that allows planar cuts on a model and lets you designate parts not to cut along that line. Which is amazing, and has huge potential for 3d kitbashing.


Take this Macharius vulcan turret for example.


Let's say I wanted to remove the mega-bolter barrels to put something else there. Normally, this would be huge PITA to do, but now, I can choose not to slice off the weapon housing and targeter chunks and just remove the barrels.

And then pit something in their place. Like... Hellhammers.






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Been trying to come up with a decent helmeted head for my little IG squad, and the much smaller head of the new plastics made it difficult. First was find a pretty good 3d model of the kasrkin/hostile environment head that was made for the original Cadian plastics. Needless to say, it was huge in comparison to the new proportions and my attempts to adjust it to fit didn't go so well.




Next was a third party helmet that already had a skull on the helmet that I added the wings to, and then added the light and made the respirator filters a little larger because they were so small originally they failed to print. Not totally happy with how the filters came out and might have another go at it since it only takes about an hour to print up 15 of them.




I totally forgot to update this with the printed Macharius turret with the dual Hellhammer cannons!





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Sometimes you just gotta realize that the money is more than worth the time and effort to convert something. I want this squad of cadians to be Imperial Stormtroopers of the holy Inquisition and for a couple days now I've been trying to find a way to turn their lasguns into something approximating hellguns (not hot-shot las) and with Kasrkin gun arm sets relatively cheap on eBay, I have enough on the way to deck out my 10 man squad and command squad for a little over 20 bucks.


Which is easily worth the hours and hours of hassle this was looking to cause me.

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I need an Inquisitor to lead my stormtroopers, right? Figure these Stormcast Eternals make for some fancy Imperial types in power armor.


The start of Inquisitor Stane.




Belisarius Cawl built the primaris marines in a CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!

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I've had idea before, but suggesting some things to another member for making a COBRA army out of his Guard had me thinking about it more the last couple days. Printing some heads I found to try it out... not helping because they turned out pretty good.




If I do go with this idea, I'm probably going to leave the original heads on these guys and call them Crimson Guard and use these heads for normal Guard troops. Why? Because I don't like the helmet for the Crimson Guard. And I couldn't find a decent 3d model of one even if I did.




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Printing gun barrels is a pain in the ass, it seems. The first ones I printed that were too small were warped, and the newer ones I printed a little while ago are warped too. I tried heating them up in hot water and clamping them to a flat surface overnight, which did help some, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get them completely straight. I don't know how else I could possibly support them to make it work. Anyway, finally got the barrels attached to the Macharius turret.







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8 hours ago, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

Printing gun barrels is a pain ... no matter I do I can't seem to get them completely straight. I don't know how else I could possibly support them to make it work. 

Could you print the muzzle brake separately and use brass- or plastic rod for the main barrel?

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