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14 hours ago, Brother-Chaplain Kage said:

Not as dynamic as the image in my head, so there's probably going to be some tweaks done to it.

I think it's the (facing the model) right leg. All the reference photos have it bent, and I think that imparts a "coiled to strike" feel to an otherwise static posture.

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Starting the greenstuff work in earnest, but it's been a while since I've sculpted muscles and there's a lot of rust to knock off. A quick post to show again how I go about greenstuffing a conversion and also point out that someone who gets a lot of praise for sculpting work still makes a lot of mistakes and frequently has to re-sculpt something several times to get it right.




First and foremost, are what I call foundation layers. If your GS is going to have any real thickness to it all, you will need to put down a base layer to cure and then build on top of it so it doesn't constantly deform or even slide around while your tools are working on it.


Next is working in sections, because if you try to work on one very large area or several smaller sections of GS at the same time, you will end up putting a finger or part of your hand into and destroying that part of your sculpting. Even trying to consciously keep it in mind while sculpting hasn't stopped me from doing it, so I just go in knowing it's going to have to be broken down into sections over several sessions.


Having an eye for how anatomy should work is also good to help you spot errors before you get too far into something. In the first pic which is just cured foundation layers, his left arm is too high on the chest and sculpting the deltoid/shoulder part above the bicep would not look right, so I shifted it down.


The other picture shows me starting to lay in the armor for the thighs and abdomen and I kept the torso and arm upper section separate so I could work on both parts without the worry of messing up sculpting as I mentioned above. It also shows how bad my first attempt at doing the muscles is, but as I said, it's been a while and I knew I would be rusty. This is also my second attempt at a raised pose of a bare arm and arm pits are a bitch to sculpt and get it right.



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An old saying tells us that if at first you don't succeed, beat your head against the problem until it submits. Or something to that effect.


I don't remember if I said I was never going to sculpt a bare raised arm the last time I did it, but I'm saying it now (and possibly again). Fourth time is the charm, so here's attempts 3 and 4.




Once the putty is completely cured I'll wrap the left forearm in chain and then start on the Mk5 chest and abdomen details.

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Moving right along now that the left arm is finished. And modified twice since the last picture was taken. :whistling:




My idea for this model is to be the Betrayer during the Heresy when his armor was still white and blue and after sculpting the Mk2 armor plates on the right leg, I'm wondering what armor mark to use for the left. I'd initially wanted to do mk3 given the lip around the top of the thigh armor, but I think the knee pad and all the rivets would take up more time than I want to spend on this. Mk 4 is still my favorite of all time and I'm leaning heavily that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for ignoring the Titan cannon (?!) for a second here, but I quickly browsed through this thread just now, came upon the first early mockup and instantly thought "That's Khârn!". And the conversion has only become cooler and cooler in the following updated. Very, very intriguing!


EDIT: However, if you'll allow me the small bit of criticism: You may have gone overboard a bit with that loincloth. If nothing else, it covers up A LOT of that really beautifully realised Mk. II leg.

Edited by KrautScientist
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  • 3 weeks later...

"Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage, against the dying of the light."


-This fething print


Files were a mess, took forever to do supports on the larger pieces, multiple failures across the whole thing but the main body section (the last thing printed) failed 3 times, and had a partial failure resulting in a little deformation for the fourth go but I'm calling it done.




Now the clean up and assembly begins.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got the two halves of the front section together and the layer lines that first seemed slight were actually a lot worse once I got a primer coat on to how they really looked. Here it is after a lot of sanding and scraping with a hobby blade to clear out the worst of the layer lines and round off the blocky geometry where the side turret housings are.




I've also been having issues with my airbrush for a while, which is one reason why I quit working on my eldar corsairs, and after changing out the nozzle and needle with little change in the issues, I replace the rubber o-ring seal at the front of the airbrush and it works like a dream now and I plan to have more painted stuff on the way soon.

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Just looking at the pic again, I noticed some missing parts, and I'm not sure if you have them and they're just not shown or not, but there should be two small straight rails, and two small "L" rails to go on each side of the back half, drawn in red,



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You're not wrong. I tried printing them and they keep coming out warped. I'm looking into the option of doing them with plastic rod or tubing. If that doesn't work, they be left off. There were also other issues when I posted that pic that I realized yet because I had not printed all the correct hover 'ski' plates.




There's 10 skis on each side, three in the center of the fuselage in the red square, and then two much larger ones on the ends of the split fuselage - which I'm sure Grot already knows. The three I printed for the front central section actually go on the three side slots and the model I needed to print for the center wasn't in the file I was using (but found it in a subfolder). So I had to print three of those, three more of the ones for the sides, which means I also printed six too many of the rear side skis. All part of the process when there's no directions included in the files.

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My brother surprised me this past week by saying he was interested in getting into 10th, mostly due to a group of his friends who all play video games together and which I didn't know also played 40k. He surprised me again a couple days later when he dropped $500 on Sisters and asked me to help him get back into painting (the last time he painted anything on the regular was probably 30 years ago or more when we were kids).


Which also means I need to get serious about nailing down the details and paint scheme of my custom marine chapter. Or go all in on my Corsairs. My ADD is already laughing at me.


There might be some pics of my brother's minis showing up here later once we can figure out a paint scheme and a painting method he likes. We tried some Contrast and he only liked how one of the 4 colors he bought worked, though I might be selling him on a metal armor scheme for his sisters because I can do all of that with an airbrush.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I don't have any primaris specific transports (mostly because they're ugly) and I might need one for playing in 10th, I found an Impulsor on eBay for a "decent" price as far as GeeDubs goes, and the same for a sprue of aggressors. I have no idea if the chonky boys are going to be any good but I snagged 'em for a song.


These will also get dusted off and prepared for painting.






I plan on keeping the WW modular to use as another Rhino variant if need be.



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@Firedrake Cordova I still have an old metal WW launcher part from my 3rd edition days but it's so heavy and tall it makes the whole model top heavy and prone to tipping over.


I think GW purged the upper piece with the heavy bolters. I honestly don't recall where I got the ramp bits from. I intended to use my LR ramp pieces but they wouldn't fit with the upper piece so I had to scramble to find 3d ramp models (from two different makers!) to get this thing done. Although I like how it came out, none of the 3d printed parts fit that well and it was not my favorite modeling experience.

Edited by Brother-Chaplain Kage
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Any fellow 3d printer hobbyists out there will understand the feeling of wanting to print something right away but having a bunch of empty space on your build plate you should probably fill... And while going through some options to include in the run, I felt like I should make this little day dream into reality.




Question is, should I paint as the living, breathing legend or as a memorial statue?

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