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I don't own any guns, I have all my teeth, I finished high school, and I never mated with a relative (well, that I'm aware of). Also, my accent is so slight, or nonexistent, to other Texans, I get asked where I'm from quite a bit.

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Well I'm Irish and Asian in south Australia where if your not crocodile Dundee or of such a low IQ your left to a life of boredom.


No accent I wear Red Sox bruins celtics and patriots apparel drink more dr pepper then I care to admit love a good chilli dog and sadly unless I can save up the dollars only move to Canada

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Didn't mean to insult, brother. My apologies.

No insult taken. I was typing a message and missed all of the fun drug references. I kicked several bad habits for one relatively healthy resin addiction years ago. I haven't ever looked back and I actually spend a lot less money now too. Edited by mikhail
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I meant, to Kage... So again...

I don't own any guns, I have all my teeth, I finished high school, and I never mated with a relative (well, that I'm aware of). Also, my accent is so slight, or nonexistent, to other Texans, I get asked where I'm from quite a bit.

Didn't mean to insult, brother. My apologies.

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None taken, man, at all.


I meant, to Kage... So again...

I don't own any guns, I have all my teeth, I finished high school, and I never mated with a relative (well, that I'm aware of). Also, my accent is so slight, or nonexistent, to other Texans, I get asked where I'm from quite a bit.

Didn't mean to insult, brother. My apologies.


Oh, none taken, man! I was relaying that I wasn't the typical Texan. :D

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OMG, I wish I could sculpt something like this to mold and cast for my Scars:




It's a modern interpretation of armor from the Yuan Dynasty - the dynasty Kublai Khan, son of Genghis, set up after the Mongols conquered large parts of China.


That would be sweet i had looked to see if anyway did brass etch to a similar pattern but to no avail. Though its been a long day and i have no whisky or beer in the flat :( Anyway Give it a go maybe make the front out of styrene and bend it in the V shape? Love the seat! I want a chair like that the cushioning is wasted on the space marine can they even feel it though inchs of cerminate I think not. lol 

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That would be sweet i had looked to see if anyway did brass etch to a similar pattern but to no avail. Though its been a long day and i have no whisky or beer in the flat :sad.: Anyway Give it a go maybe make the front out of styrene and bend it in the V shape? Love the seat! I want a chair like that the cushioning is wasted on the space marine can they even feel it though inchs of cerminate I think not. lol 


I wanted it to be a representation of how the old Mongol horsemen had some flashy saddles and such, since they practically lived in them, and less of a Pimp My Jetbike. But no, I don't think the marine would really notice much difference. It's a personalization showing his dedication and care to the thing. Or something like that.

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Good idea brother.


Have you seen Templars crusade01s YouTube channel?


Great heresy works and advice so on.

His imperial fists rock and there is a great crusade era white scars force on there!


May help with pointers I know you don't need it just thought I'd recommend where I first drew inspiration from

Edited by Jaspcat
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Ah yes, Doomrider and his chaotic plane of cocaine.


So, I discovered a few things tonight when I tried the hair spray chipping technique, but first, he's a run down of the basics:


1) I primed the test figure black and then hit it with a few light coats of an oxide red spray paint color.


2) I set the figure under one of my desk lamps for a few minutes to help set the paint and then sprayed a couple of coats of hair spray on the entire figure.


3) When that was dry, I sprayed it white and let it sit under the desk lamps for 5-6 minutes.




Now, normally, what you would do next is brush a little area with water, let it sit for a few seconds or longer if it's being uncooperative, and then you gently scrub the area with a paintbrush. The hairspray between the red and white paint will start to dissolve, and you'll get real paint chipping effects as the paint on the top layer is actually coming off.


Well, the white paint I used was something I borrowed from my older brother, and I didn't notice it was lacquer based. The water just beaded on top of it. I grabbed some rubbing alcohol and tried that, and after several minutes, it finally started working normally... or so I thought. Turns out I had let the alcohol soak on it for too long, and, well... whole chunks of paint started to come away with the careful brushing. In a few spots, it even lifted the red oxide paint and the black primer is showing through.




Now, if I wanted to really go nuts with the chipping, like maybe on an Iron Warriors army that's been laying siege to a place for a year straight, fighting in trenches and breaching weak points in walls, then this would be great. For what I had in mind with my Scars, that's a little too much. BUT, it does show what's possible with the technique. I'll see if I can get my airbrush working and try this again in a few days with acrylics so it will chip properly.



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Dude still looks pretty amazing I think. But I agree that it's more siege appropriate. I was thinking on the white are you going pristine white or off white? My technique seems to come up pretty weathered but not chipped but I'm attempting a new technique for chipping simple but effective
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