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No boyscout bandolier, lol.


Taking a little break from the Scars today, I had some inspiration for the AoV chappie I started some time ago - the arms are new:



this has given me great ideas on parts to use for your chaplain.
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Have you seen my new recipe? It's the jade statue scheme for the dark elves blood alter, gives a darker scheme less blue green :cuss around


No, where did you post it?


this has given me great ideas on parts to use for your chaplain.


Ooooh, nice! I like to think I do well with the chaplains. If I'm remembering correctly, this is my 7th.

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7th? Loool like chaplains then? Where's the head from btw?


There's been two incarnations of BCK, the old 2nd ed one with the half-metal face, a Sally chaplain I started converting from the jump pack chaplain, a termie chaplain that I converted for a friend a long time ago, a Crisons Fists chaplain from the power fist model, and now this guy. The head and body are from the same model:




It was in finecast and the first one I bought was in terrible shape. The tubes on the helmet were almost completely gone thanks to voids and air bubbles, the crozius was messed up, the left shoulder pad had a giant void in it, and the thighs where all crusty with... I dunno... whatever that finecast error is where it looks like elephantitis, obliterating the detail. While I was waiting for the replacement to come in the mail, I chopped up the bad to see what I could do with it.


The book on his hip I managed to salvage and later used on my AoV libby, Oberin:



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Trying out some paint chipping on the first jetbike:




I'm going to have to get a different white paint because it's not chipping like it should be. I might have to dust off the airbrush for the rest of the Scars.

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wow how have I missed this! looks like I know what im doing tonight!


nothing to say other than wow, I am envy.


the chipping looks great, afraid to ask but how do you keep it so (for lack of a better word) neat?

whenever I take a sponge to a mini, sh*t goes everywhere but where I want it...


keep up the great work!

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I tried the liquid mask once, and I don't know if it was a bad bottle of the stuff, or if there was something on my brush that reacted with(nothing that I could think of), but stuff stuck to my brush like iron filings to a magnet. Ruined it, in fact.

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all I know about liquid mask is that you should apply it with a toothbrush,

as in flick the brush with your finger so it splatters onto the model,

then paint as normal, then remove mask with an eraser...


ive heard good things about olbas oil for stripping resin, though I've yet to try it, should strip finecast aswell, though I cannot be sure

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy cow Kage.  I feel guilty I hadnt made it to this page yet!!! I think it is so freaking cool how you mod your minis to match specific pieces of art / concept art.


Just wow.


Having seen some of your own work, that's high praise. Thank you. :D


That's my kage you stay away Maeve :biggrin.:


But he is amazing so I'll let everyone have kage as it's unfair to shackle his amazing talent :ohmy.:


Awww, thanks Jasp. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of that stuff about me wanting to change Legions was lost in the crash, including the Crimson Sons idea by Heathens. That's a little disappointing.


Last night, some jerkoff took a sharp turn too fast and drifted into my lane, and when I swerved to avoid him, I hit a huge hole where the asphalt met the dirt, and it killed both tires on my passenger side, as well as the front rim. The rear rim might be damaged too, but I don't know at this point. I'm hoping the damage is limited to that, and not anything else. Even if I can claim this on my insurance to save some money, the deductable will just about clear out what little money I had saved, considering I've already spent about $800 on the car in the last two months.


With that will probably go any chance of ordering stuff for the new Legion idea for some time.

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Crap! So sorry to hear about that, BCK. :( Perhaps you could put your Greenstuff-Fu to use in the meantime knocking up a  praetor model plus a few other HQ choices like Apothecaries, chaplains etc using whatever spare bits you have knocking around? Then hopefully a couple of months down the line you'll have enough to order some Forge World goodness. :)

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