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The chainglaives I've seen other modelers do were pretty long as well, but I will shorten it some. Now I just need to practice sculpting some fur and figure out where I'm gonna fit a bear hide on this guy.

I think it depends on which side of the house one models a chainglaive. If you go more towards and axe/halberd look, then the technique is going to lean towards chopping motions which can be impeded by the length of the haft, if you model more on the spear-like side of the house then length fits with the combat style a little more as you are actually using it to keep an opponent at arms length (or longer).

Edited by Brother Heinrich
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Yeah, I need to shorten the haft a little. Even though the new axe head is shorter than the original, the longer face makes it look taller overall.


I was going to prime a couple of old metal marines today to try out a couple of shades of blue, but last night a cold front came in and brought thunderstorms with it. I've had issues priming in humid cold in the past.

Personally I think the haft looks OK. Looking forward to seeing paint on the models though. 


Dude, imagine holding an axe twice your height. Not even Khârn could control that beast.

(Goes outside to try it) Yeah, yep Heathens is most definitely correct. Explaining that was something though. 

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I agree, maybe take it down so that the bottom tip of the axe blade is level with the top of his hand


That's way too short.



 If you go more towards and axe/halberd look, then the technique is going to lean towards chopping motions which can be impeded by the length of the haft, if you model more on the spear-like side of the house then length fits with the combat style a little more as you are actually using it to keep an opponent at arms length (or longer).


I was looking at some historical weapons when I was deciding what to do for the counts-as chainglaive(and a glaive is more like an axe than a sword), and I really liked the look of the bardiche and voulge, which are both on pretty long poles, but at the same time, this 9 foot tall super soldier from the future also won't be using it in a historical fashion, chopping at people from behind a barricade, wall, or shield wall, so I will trim the haft a little.


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What you have right there, my friend, is a Halberd. Were you using it as any other weapon, the length simply wouldn't work. Its way too long. However, if you choose to make this into a Halberd, then it is the perfect length. The only stipulation is you really should put a spike that the end. Halberds were weapons used mainly by royal guards, and were made to be effective in both thrusting and slicing motions from a distance (they're bulky and somewhat difficult to master but they were designed so that no one could come near the King)  Funny enough. I really like the idea of the Crimsons Sons Captain having a Halberd. After all, he is to all intents and purposes in services to the former King Rogue Trader. Only thing I would say though is that you should holster the revolver and leave his left hand free. Having a gun in his hand gives the impression that he wields the halberd one hand which just isn't the case.


Know what I mean?

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In the back story I'm building for these guys, Vastos took that weapon off of one of Gotha's techno-barbarian royal guards after it sheared clean through his own chainsword, and the pistol was a gift from Gotha to the new captain after he was given the rank of Rogue Trader. That way, I can still use the awesome weapon profile of the chainglaive and have a similar weapon for these Nostraman-hating Terrans that didn't come from the "Night Lords". 


I can see what you mean about the pistol, but I'm not sure how it would look with a bare hand.

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I like the pistol but I'm a huge fan of modeling marines with an open hand myself.  I've been giving some of the WB I'm making empty left hands or knives.  After all an Astartes open hand is probably more than enough weapon to remove a normal human's head, heart or whatever else it grabs hold of.  I like the implied threat that the free hand gives a model.  Your captain is in a casual enough pose that he's holding the Glaive with one hand and surveying the battlefield before taking up the weapon again to kill and maim.  Why overdo it with him holding every weapon he is armed with?  Have the pistol mag-locked to his thigh if you want it exposed, just cut away the hand and stick the butt back on it.

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I'll see if I have any more of the GK open hands left and give it a try, but that pistol is so frellin' big, it won't really maglock anywhere without looking comical.


More stuff from the last box of goodies Mikhail sent me, here's a MK IV Destroyer body with phobos bolter and 40k arms, trying to replicate the tactical ready position seen by military personnel the world over. I've always thought the MK IV helms looked a bit too narrow, so I'm trying out the Maestoros variant helm to see how it looks.




I know the left hand needs to be rotated to hold the bolter correctly, but I wanted to see if this pose was even going to be feasible before I started in with the blades.

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I'll see if I have any more of the GK open hands left and give it a try, but that pistol is so frellin' big, it won't really maglock anywhere without looking comical.


More stuff from the last box of goodies Mikhail sent me, here's a MK IV Destroyer body with phobos bolter and 40k arms, trying to replicate the tactical ready position seen by military personnel the world over. I've always thought the MK IV helms looked a bit too narrow, so I'm trying out the Maestoros variant helm to see how it looks.




I know the left hand needs to be rotated to hold the bolter correctly, but I wanted to see if this pose was even going to be feasible before I started in with the blades.

Looks ok so far but Don't glue those MK VII arms to that body.  I'll send you a set of the Destroyer Missile Launcher arms to hold the bolter, they look so much better.  You will thank me for it later and they match so much better in the end.  I always liked the MK V helm with that body myself, but that helmet is my go-to all the time.

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Dude on the left. He makes my kill-gland happy.


Worse yet, all I can think of when I see him is 'Heresy-era Alpha Legionary'.


Damn. Now you got me thinking.....


Well, I've been doing some thinking about these Crimson Sons and how to differentiate their VIII Legion from the Night Lords a little more, and I might be backing away from all the skinned trophies and such and going for a more tactical approach. Marines are already scary as it is, but a surgical strike force that can see in the dark and attacks at night...


I dunno why everyone thinks Alpha Legion when someone mentions tactical in the vein of our modern day military.


Steady on, Heathens.





Yes, stay the IV Legion course, brother. You're making one of the best Iron Warriors armies I've ever seen and you need to keep doing that.

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Allies are fun, though...   :P



For realski's though, I don't think 'tactical' when I think Alpha Legion. All Legionaries are tactical to a degree.


When I think Alpha Legion, I think of 'dynamic entry' teams, special reconnaissance, and covert direct action. Which that fella fits to a super-slick 'T'.

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Dude on the left. He makes my kill-gland happy.


Worse yet, all I can think of when I see him is 'Heresy-era Alpha Legionary'.


Damn. Now you got me thinking.....

Now I'm thinking about the XX Legion as well. I don't have that helmet on the left personally. Now I need one, I'll have to track some down.

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