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That big? Damn. I've ordered that set and thought that the bolt pistols would be usable :sad.:


I got in the last bitz shipment from Mikhail, and I thought it was just a slightly smaller bolter but didn't recognize the pattern. When I started digging around on the FW site is when I discovered it was a pistol. It does look a little bit larger on this guy because, even though the Kasrkin Sergeant figure is the same height as a marine, he's not as bulky(but that changes later as well).


Yes, my daughter's name is Valkyrie and she refuses to answer to Val or any other nick name.  She's 8 years old and named for the Norse "Choosers of the Slain," not the GW flyer and she knows it.  She also commands an amazing level of respect at the local gaming club as well.


lol, cool


I can't wait to see where the conversion is headed with the Kasrkin model, although I have a pretty good idea already.:wink:


(Yes that conspiratorial wink emoticon is just to annoy you Jasp.):whistling:





It's not for me that's for sure


I only showed this to two other members... who showed you?

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I can't wait to see where the conversion is headed with the Kasrkin model, although I have a pretty good idea already.:wink:


(Yes that conspiratorial wink emoticon is just to annoy you Jasp.):whistling:





It's not for me that's for sure


I only showed this to two other members... who showed you?



Mole spotted! :lol:

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As you may remember, this fellow was looking to be one of my recon marines sometime in the near future:




He needs a cameoline cloak, as all good recon marines do. But BCK, you might ask, why not just use the FW models? Well, I don't like the huge optic on the sides of their helmets, I don't think their cloaks are big enough, and I have no intention of giving them sniper rifles.


The idea I had was for the cloak to look thin, or at least made of a lighter material then the cloaks, capes, robes, etc that you normally see done with greenstuff. I didn't want them to completely obscure the marines either, being able to see space between the cloak and the marine's body in some places. The problem is, greenstuff does not cooperate very well if you roll it out really thin.


What's a conversion crazy chaplain to do? Use real cloth, of course. Well, paper towels anyway.


I decided to try it on one shoulder last night to see if it would even work, and here's the result:





Not bad! Though it is hard to photograph because it all but glows under my lights.


And with the other side, just finished early today:





I'll try to get them primed tomorrow and take some more pictures so that you might have a better look at it, brothers.





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Nice idea. Be a bugger to paint.


I think I misunderstood what you meant because I forgot to mention last night that it's not permanently attached to the marine himself, but to his shoulder pads. Now that I have it primed, it should be easier to see.





And on the marine:



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Ingenious! Though I'm curious about the lasting durability of it, the water treatment to get it hang so realistically is awesome! You win!!!!


It's just some white glue thinned about 30/70 with water. After I shape it, I let the glue begin to dry to the point that the paper towel is starting to stiffen up, and then brush on more glue that's barely diluted at all so that it dries very hard and holds the shape.


Now that is too sensible BCK. Look the part for certain.


Thanks! I think it could use a little refining, but this first test turned out really well imho.

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Lovely little cape there mate, but I think I preferred it on just the one shoulder, leaving the shoulder exposed for livery and or chapter symbol.


It doesn't look bad now, and considering the technique, I think it looks amazing and a lot better than I could sculpt.


Look forward to seeing it painted.

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Lovely little cape there mate, but I think I preferred it on just the one shoulder, leaving the shoulder exposed for livery and or chapter symbol.


It doesn't look bad now, and considering the technique, I think it looks amazing and a lot better than I could sculpt.


Look forward to seeing it painted.


I didn't notice the ridges in paper towel it before it was primed, and I'm still not sure if I like that or not.


OK, remember this pic?




And this question?



How are you going to make him look astartes though? He still looks a lot like imperial army (even if a heck of a lot more hi tech and awesome)


I see the Legiones Astartes as a much different military organization in the Great Crusade than the Space Marine Chapters of the 40k era. To me, I think they'd look a lot more like "normal" soldiers(especially the scouts), just bigger and much better at what they're doing, for the first several centuries. Basically, the look I was going for is heavily influenced by the appearance of modern armed forces with some 30k/40k flair thrown in.


As to making him look more astartes, after deciding on the arms and pose, I set about bulking him up to better reflect the astartes physique.




At first, I just did the chest, but it made the legs look REALLY weedy and frail, so I added some more mass to the thighs while maintaining the look of the cloth. The gap at the small of his back is there because I wasn't sure exactly what gear or bits I might put around his waist, and left that space open for options.

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lol, The Juice.


Another progress shot, where I was sticking the various parts back on to make sure everything still worked once he was all Juiced up, and more changes to the bolter carbine.



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As long as you like it that's all that matters brother :biggrin.:


So how many for this squad 5 or 10?


So far, there's just the one.


The first wave of reinforcements to the VIII Legion, IX Company has arrived:



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Actually, it was from a local friend of mine as an early x-mas gift. :D


I've also tried out some weathering powders, and I really like the results, but it's proving difficult to photograph. I'll try for some better pics later.



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Interesting the mikhail making a friendly donation to the BCK inspiration fund!

I don't have any MK III armor, right now just some MK IV for my Alpha Legion. I'm waiting on some bits myself so I can give them some holstered pistols and sniper rifles. There are other more specific things that I always seem to have to source from Europe or other secret sources.

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