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There's plenty better than me out there, and if you keep at it, you'll be amazed at the progress you can make.




Here's something to either make you cry, or inspire you to push yourself on your painting skills: http://www.coolminiornot.com/topweek


I check that page at least every other day, if not more often.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Those bloody eyes look grim dude, awesome.


Now that I have a handle on how to do it, I think it looks suitably grim as well. :smile.:


Nice work man, really enjoying the streaks of grime/oil. How do you achieve that effect?


Most of the paint job is just lots of layers of washes, and so are the streaks. I start off with a dark blue that's so thin it's probably more of a glaze to kind of outline where I want the streaks to be, then repeat with a lot of thin layers of Devlan Mud, tracing a slightly different path each time. It's probably not even visible beyond a foot or so, but it makes it look like there have been numerous layers of grime set down after long periods of time in the horrific weather of Oxitania.


I gave it one more shot for a pic to get a better look at that and the bronze collar and helmet trim, which I tried to give the appearance of age and a heavy patina:



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Almost finished with this guy:




I painted over the bronze collar and helmet trim because while I think the effect I got with the patina looked good, it only did so if you were looking at the figure from right in front of your face, so I went with a weathered silver color instead.

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The color plate from the Massacre books shows them with silver trim, but this guy is an officer and I wanted to have a little touch of something to separate his gear from the others without any of the usual bling you'd see on a 40k figure. Instead, I just decided to keep the paint chipping and weathering on him to a minimum, so he's going to be one of the cleanest of my Crimson Sons figures.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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The IX that died at Oxitania are not the Ninth Company. They are the Crimson Sons. They are the scarred, soul-broken children of Terra, cast into the depths upon oaths sworn, never cursed with meeting their father until the sins of their former 'brothers' were blindingly obvious to all. The Ninth Company whose Captain was culled by Sevetar was not the master of the Sons.

Edited by 1000heathens
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Out of curiosity BCK,(and because I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but are you planning on explaining how the IX ended up at Tsagualsa and their Captain's death by Sevatar?



The IX that died at Oxitania are not the Ninth Company. They are the Crimson Sons. They are the scarred, soul-broken children of Terra, cast into the depths upon oaths sworn, never cursed with meeting their father until the sins of their former 'brothers' were blindingly obvious to all. The Ninth Company whose Captain was culled by Sevetar was not the master of the Sons.



Yeah, the Crimson Sons are the original IX Company of the VIII Legion during the Terran Unification Wars, and were nearly wiped out in the fulfillment of their duty. According to the fluff, the King of Oxitania was given a stay of execution if he would serve the Emperor as a Rogue Trader in the Great Crusade, and the reformed IX Company was oathbound to his service, effectively removing them from the normal chain of command. The IX written of in ADB's novels is a newer version of the company formed from Nostraman recruits after the discovery of that planet and Konrad Curze.


As Heathens pointed out, they did not meet their primarch for some time, and the way I'm telling the story of my army, they despise the "Night Lords", their primarch, and any other non-terran VIII Legion.

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Almost finished with this guy:




I painted over the bronze collar and helmet trim because while I think the effect I got with the patina looked good, it only did so if you were looking at the figure from right in front of your face, so I went with a weathered silver color instead.

Amazing work Kage, my only nitpick (and a truly minor one at that) is that the top half of his axe seems to be slightly bent.


So will this grim Praetor be accompanied by a command squad? If so then these: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/MKIII_COMMAND_SET.html may be of interest to you, and personally I think that champion is just screaming out for one of your exquisite capes.

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The axe head and the top part of the haft are resin, and were slightly bent when I received them.




Using hot and then cold water, I straightened the axe head out twice before mounting it on the brass tubing, and once more afterwards, and it always returns to that original shape. :sad.:


As for the command set, I'm low on funds right now, and it might be some time before there's any new additions to my Sons other than the unfinished models I've shown previously.



Hatred goes both ways, brothers...


*Edit: can't wait to see your dude finished BCK, outstanding work


Thanks, Heinrich! I didn't realize it was you at first with the new avatar.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Hatred goes both ways, brothers...


*Edit: can't wait to see your dude finished BCK, outstanding work


Thanks, Heinrich! I didn't realize it was you at first with the new avatar.


No worries, felt like it was time for a change, especially with Hashec Tor 2.0 on the way.

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No worries, felt like it was time for a change, especially with Hashec Tor 2.0 on the way.


That, I want to see!


Now, I have an announcement to make: I have finished a miniature.


For some of you, this would be a minor accomplishment at best, as I see so many members putting up finished squad after finished squad, but it's something much bigger for me. I have always been more interested in the modeling/converting side of the hobby and less of the painting and completing an army side. If I'm remember correctly, and I'm afraid that I am, the last time I finished a marine model for 40k - including the backpack, something on the base, etc - was my original incarnation of BCK for my Blood Angels army... probably around 1999.





I'm feeling pretty good about it.




Or maybe even more like this:






So here's Gresh, Captain of the IX Company, VIII Legion, Crimson Sons:





I tried to get other angles of him, and even some better ones from the front, but the pose is not easy to photograph, and the axe made getting everything into focus quite a pain.

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