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Just went through the same deal with my first Fist. It's an accomplishment for us... "builders".


But that dude is awesome. Great work all around, man. I wasn't into the glaive at first but it's so fitting in retrospect. Now, great painters are the one's that are able to bring it more than once, or something like that. :D

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Holy crap there is a god, great work Kage I'm really astounded at this beautiful miniature


Great job :wink:




Just went through the same deal with my first Fist. It's an accomplishment for us... "builders".


But that dude is awesome. Great work all around, man. I wasn't into the glaive at first but it's so fitting in retrospect. Now, great painters are the one's that are able to bring it more than once, or something like that. :biggrin.:


Oh yeah, I can build like a madman if I'm inclined, but I'm a slow painter and then all that basing and stuff... yeah, the builder curse.


I also wasn't sure about the glaive when I first started slapping this guy together as the first version of it was kinda 'meh', but I'm glad I stuck with the idea.


Awesome work Kage, and bravo on seeing this dude through to the brutal end. Are we going to see more of the Crimson Sons in the future? 


Definitely. I have the jetbikes, the MK III squad, and some other bits I can use to convert some stuff, but it will be a few months at least before I can afford any new resin purchases.

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It's all good man, it can only get better from here. I eagerly await more. I have this feeling like we're cresting the wave of another period of awesome here in the WIP section like last summer when SZoulless and everyone else was busting out great stuff. We've got you rolling on your Crimson Sons, Nurgling is busting out more Astral Claws stuff, Night Lords are pouring out of the walls, Totem Pole posting his fantastic Index Astartes series, the list just goes on. I'm trying to get my long-time friend from NC to start posting his awesome Emperor's Children as well, good things are on the horizon my friend.

Edited by Brother Heinrich
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Oh man, I was just looking at Z's thread the other day and feeling like a complete chump with the greenstuff. You're right though, there's a lot of good stuff happening in our dark corner of the site.


For my Sons, I've got some ideas bubbling in the back of my head for more character conversions(like a counts-as to use the rules for Sevatar) and possibly some surprising unit choices you might not expect to see in the VIII Legion.

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Your stuff is awesome!  Very well thought out and executed!  

Where in Texas are you?  I saw you mention Dragon's Lair I think in your thread.  I think there is one of those in Austin.  

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Oh man, I was just looking at Z's thread the other day and feeling like a complete chump with the greenstuff. You're right though, there's a lot of good stuff happening in our dark corner of the site.


For my Sons, I've got some ideas bubbling in the back of my head for more character conversions(like a counts-as to use the rules for Sevatar) and possibly some surprising unit choices you might not expect to see in the VIII Legion.

Yeah thats what I like about you Crimson Sons, you kind of have a carte blanche to do things that are very un-Night Lord like. Those Rogue traders are all bad apples and a terrible influence on you guys.

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Yeah thats what I like about you Crimson Sons, you kind of have a carte blanche to do things that are very un-Night Lord like. Those Rogue traders are all bad apples and a terrible influence on you guys.


Rogue Trader Militant Lord Gotha is a nice guy, really. You just have to get to know him. Honest.


Sometimes for a person with my imagination and slow work speed, carte blanche can be the death of a project, but I actually finished a figure for this one, so I've got that going for me. Which is nice.



But enough Bill Murray references because it's time for an update.


In a convoluted extension of the MK III squad my friend got me for Christmas, I was able to procure some more goodies from eBay recently. I went with some Medusan Immortal bodies(no arms or shields) because they look cool, and the fluff reasons of why I chose these for my Crimson Sons will be revealed at a later time.


I received four copies of three Immortals, and here's how they looked out of the package, front and back:




They came in two lots of six, and I only planned on a ten man squad with them, so that leaves me two extras to chop up and have fun with. One of the Immortals has a bionic leg that would be aces for a X Legion player, but I decided it wouldn't fit the idea I had because it's positioned really... strangely. Here's some shots of the bionic leg:




The servo hip is kinda cool, but I really don't like the way the thigh armor juts so far forward. Time for some surgery:




Mmmm, much better.


The back of the leg will be cleaned up with greenstuff so it looks like normal flesh and bone under ceramite. Next, I wanted to remove the head and replace it with a normal MK III helm I had already modified, as well as trim down the collar some to distance myself a little more from the X Legion aesthetic:




Don't worry, the cog trim all over the armor will be dealt with at a later time. The plans for this figure is to either be a Sevatar stand-in or the fourth incarnation of Brother-Chaplain Kage. He will be armed with a chainglaive, and I'm still working on how to get the arms to into the position I want.


C&C welcome as always.



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Looking really good the shape of the front piece on the iron helm resembles a skull


Sevatar is described as having a skull helmet, as well as chaplains, so if I ever get to playing games again, the figure could be whichever one I need.

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Two small cuts and a little scraping and filing.


The elegant simplicity of it is exactly why I intend to thief it!


It often seems to be the simplest tricks that worst best.


Very nice work, creative use of materials for the cloak as well it looks great.


Yeah, I wasn't sure how it would scale down to a 40k mini, but it turned out even better than I thought it would.



I was going for a "Who's next?" kind of feel, but I think that works too. :)

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Looking really good the shape of the front piece on the iron helm resembles a skull


Sevatar is described as having a skull helmet, as well as chaplains, so if I ever get to playing games again, the figure could be whichever one I need.



Technically, Sevatar's was skull-painted.
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"The war room's bulkhead door opened on grinding tracks, admitting the emergency red lighting of the corridor beyond. The figure in the doorway wore a helm to match his three kindred, with its crest of backswept gargoyle wings and skull-painted faceplate. Tourmaline eye-lenses stared at the three warlords gathered in the dark."

Shadows of Treachery, Prince of Crows, page 294


So personal preference?

Edited by Kol_Saresk
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