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Evening Kage!


Just read up from about pg 30 or so. I love how you take so much individual care and consideration with each mini. So many of us get all riled up with putting huge squads out, while you're plogging along with each individual, making each one a tiny work of art. Makes me really glad to see someone slowing down and putting so much effort in.


And the 8th Legion looks badass. 


Keep it up, buddy!

Edited by Flint13
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Evening Kage!


Just read up from about pg 30 or so.


Wow, that's a lot of posts to read through in one sitting. O_o



I love how you take so much individual care and consideration with each mini. So many of us get all riled up with putting huge squads out, while you're plogging along with each individual, making each one a tiny work of art. Makes me really glad to see someone slowing down and putting so much effort in.


I'd never thought of it that way, trying to make each on a tiny work of art, but I guess that's not far from the truth. I've always spent a lot of time on squad leaders and HQ figures but I still spend a decent amount on the rank and file as I feel that a good pose can often instill more character in one of these little plastic soldiers than a crapload of greenstuff. I don't mind spending a lot of time tweaking a pose because there's always this satisfying feeling I get when everything clicks and the figure almost seems to come alive.


And the 8th Legion looks badass. 


Keep it up, buddy!


Thanks, and I will... if slowly. :smile.:


A little update on the counts as Sevatar, having removed the decorations from the legs:




A few rivets came off while I was removing the trim, but I felt that there were too many to begin with, so I went ahead and removed them all.


Here's a little bonus I found while digging through some of my old junk a few days ago:




I don't recall when it was that Forge World first came out with their awesome Plague Marine conversion kit, but the day I saw it, I was putting together some Chaos stuff and decided I would try to do something similar. Back then, before all of these handy tube making tools came out, I used very thin solder wrapped around something for tubes, and you can see I was trying to get more bend out of it than it could handle. I had intended to remake the tube, but I put this guy down the next day and promptly forgot about him.

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Fresh and still steaming, woot!


It's a bad habit posting this late, but the room where my hobby desk is has a half wall on one side and no door from the hallway, so I have to get my hobby work in before everyone goes to bed. Apparently, two 100 watt bulbs can put off a lot of second hand light pollution.


Then I retreat to my room, check out posts and stuff across the forum, and edit my photos together.  Oxford comma ftw, btw. ;)

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Man I am thoroughly impressed with this blog! I love how ambitious you are with the reposing. Definitely a blog that keeps me motivated. Also I hear ya on the late night posting I pretty much hobby at night so by the time I post a new blog its late(or early) as hell on the east coast. 

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When there are rules for them.


Man I am thoroughly impressed with this blog! I love how ambitious you are with the reposing. Definitely a blog that keeps me motivated. Also I hear ya on the late night posting I pretty much hobby at night so by the time I post a new blog its late(or early) as hell on the east coast. 


My urge to convert is more often a curse than a blessing, but thanks. :)


So when can we expect you to get back to work on your White Scars? :biggrin.:


When FW releases rules for them. :(  That's the main reason I swapped to a different chapter a while back, because I wanted one with rules already in place so I'd know what I could do and not waste time or models on something that would be outdone by a new unit or wargear option when their book comes out. Chainglaives being a perfect example of that. Short of a powerfist here and there, I'm pretty positive I would drop any other standard power weapon for a chainglaive, and I'm wary of something like that happening with Scars if I did a whole army of them now.

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just caught this blog .great conversions and great greenstuff in the earlier posts in particular


Inspiring stuff you got going on this here blog, I certainly hope the updates keep rolling in.


I appreciate the kind words, I hope to keep the updates coming. Speaking of which, I got some of the first stages of greenstuff done on my new figure:




This was probably the most painful foot repositioning I've done so far, with part of the lower leg breaking off when I removed the foot, but at least the foot sits flat now and he can actually stand on his own without requiring blu tac.

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Looks like a promising start!


How do you get such clean, sharp edges with greenstuff? It's always been way too flimsy for me, so I've recently been experimenting with mixing various ratios of apoxie sculpt in there with it. 

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This. Your sculpting will never be the same.


It completely changed everything for me the day I got them. It's like I had been trying to cut down trees with a herring for years and then someone handed me a chainsaw.

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This. Your sculpting will never be the same.


It completely changed everything for me the day I got them. It's like I had been trying to cut down trees with a herring for years and then someone handed me a chainsaw.

Haha... fish saw.


Mk, thanks Kage! I'll give ebay a scour for some.

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I would suggest Royal Sovereign clay shapers in the size 6(large). I bought some smaller clay shapers of a different maker a few years before I got these and they were medium firmness and just didn't hold up well. The rubber tips started to come apart and crack after a few months and ended up being a complete waste of money.




That's where I got the ones I currently use. They're a bit pricey, but I'd say they're practically a must-have if you intend on doing a decent amount of sculpting/conversion work.

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Good work on the greenstuff and reposing.I hear ya about life getting in the way I haven't hobbied in two days. Now I'm waiting on some models and bits on order to continue the damn blog, oh well back to being lazy keep up the good work brother.

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Good work on the greenstuff and reposing.I hear ya about life getting in the way I haven't hobbied in two days.


I try to do a little something every day, but it doesn't always work out that way.


This is truly inspirational stuff BCK! I wish I had a fraction of your skill with the green stuff...


To get better with the green stuff, you really have to hate yourself.


I'm about half joking, half serious there, but it's a seriously unfriendly medium to work with and to keep forcing yourself to use it, to build up that much self loathing, you have to go punch a kitten or something equally nasty first(OK, that part I really am joking about - don't go punching defenseless baby animals).

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