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I'd hoped for progress the last few days, but life kept getting in the way. Small update this time:




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It's been nearly a month since I posted something, and I am still making some slow progress on my Sons, but in needing a little break from them I was visited by the muse of an older project. Remember this?






I've given up on finding either of his missing left arms now, and I've been looking on eBay now and again to see if anyone has any Eisenhorn bits for sale(they never do) or if I could pick up a complete model on the cheap(ha ha, very funny), and today I guess I'd just had enough waiting around and decided to do something about it. I was digging through some sprues for something, passed a couple of Ork Boyz frames in the big stack, and then came back a few seconds later. What caught my eye was an arm holding an axe, and it occurred to me that it might just be the right size for a replacement, and if I snipped off the head, it looked just about right for the scroll tube. I then remembered that the original right arm was going to need a lot of conversion work to get it where I wanted, and another Ork arm was close by, holding a slugga that looked good...


After some chopping, gluing, sanding, and a couple hours test fitting and making tiny adjustments, here we are:






Keep in mind I do intend on greenstuffing the leather jacket sleeves and the open stormcoat sleeves like in the original model and illustration, but I think this is going to work out a lot better than me trying to chop up the metal arms. Also, he's not going to be leaning back as far as he is in the picture, but the figure is so damn heavy that nothing short of superglue would him to the base properly and I'm not quite ready to affix him to a base just yet.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Still have mine. Lovely model too. May strip mine of and redo him.


Definitely my favorite model from the Inquisitor line, even before I read Abnett's awesome trilogy.


Looking good kage I'm liking the youthfulness your reviving in the model


Thanks. I'm not sure how old he was when he got some of his signature equipment, like the force staff carved from a chunk of the Lith or the bolt pistol given to him by a Libby from the Deathwatch, so I'm flip-flopping on just exactly how to deck him out at the moment.

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Maybe so, Jasp.


At first, I like the fun from the Ork sprue, but the more I looked at it, the more I was deciding against it. While digging around for the rest of the bits that came with Eisenhorn, I had forgotten I once bought the Slick Devlan figure and thought that the automatic from his right hand would look much better. Here it is with the first sleeve done and curing:






Once it's cured, I'll add the big cuff, and then the storm coat sleeves.



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Looking good Kage! 


I think you've captured all the stoic gruffness of the original. Can't wait to see him finished. 


My biggest worry with trying to de-age the head was that I would screw it up, but I also think he looks suitably gruff.


Yay, Eisenhorn updates! The face is coming along nicely. Can't wait to see him completed, he'll be a great showpiece.


It's been a while, I know, and I want to see him done as much as you guys.


He looks really great so far !




One more final update tonight, with the cuff done and one of the shoulder pads rebuilt:



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I've greatly enjoyed reading through this thread over the last few days, BCK. You've got great skill and a very deep bitz box. :smile.:


I get that you prefer the modelling side to the painting, but after seeing your Crimson Sons I selfishly wish you'd paint a bit more. :wink: I'd especially love to see you put some colour on this friendly looking chap:

And Maestoros of my Iron Warriors:



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I've greatly enjoyed reading through this thread over the last few days, BCK. You've got great skill and a very deep bitz box. :smile.:


Thanks for the compliment and for taking the time to read through the whole thing! The bitz box is deep, reaching back to 1998 or so, but since I've jumped ship from 40k to 30k, a lot of it would take too much effort to properly integrate into the Unification Wars timeline I've decided to set my Crimson Sons in.


I get that you prefer the modelling side to the painting, but after seeing your Crimson Sons I selfishly wish you'd paint a bit more. :wink:


I am working on some new stuff, slowly, but it might be a little while yet before any new Crimson Sons see the light of the WIP board.



I'd especially love to see you put some colour on this friendly looking chap:

And Maestoros of my Iron Warriors:




Ah, Maestoros. Big ol' teddy bear, he is. Possibly my favorite conversion I've done, and a nod to the Iron Warriors army that will never be. Looking back at him now that I've completely abandoned 40k, I might revisit him and make some tweaks to put him into the 30k time frame. I agree with you, it would be nice to see some paint on him. I might just do that.




Edit: I guess that's two votes to get him finished?

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I don't think I could paint a purple marine and do it justice. It's one of those colors I've always used sparingly because it's difficult for me to shade and highlight well.


And then I also hate the Emperor's Children with the fury of a thousand suns thanks to the HH books. Is hate a strong enough word? Detest. Despise. Abhor.


Fulgrim gets special mention for the first HH book I almost threw across the room(Nemesis being the first one I actually did), but really any time they show up, I start skipping pages.

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I am not alone in hating the Emperor's Children! Yippeee! :D




Really loving what you've done to Eisenhorn so far. Sterling work and I can't wait to see your next update :)

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