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Hairdryer!!!! Don't cut them!!!!!






If only I could repose it like I wanted with the proper application of heat.


Primarchs, Lunge! Good luck on your endeavour sir


Thanks! I'll probably need it.


Don't do it, Kage! Think of the children! :cry:


I don't have any, so we're all good. :biggrin.:


In every age the truly wise and talented are considered mad men.

So brother I give you my faith and I hope through the ages the whisper of the man who dreamt of reposed primarchs and dared to challenge the gods (FW sculptors)


Inspirational as always, Jasp.




Lets try that again, you sir, are brave and I for one would not be doing it with *genuine* FW models.....I'd risk it with recasts, maybe....


They're not genuine. Shhhhh!


Go for it!

I have faith in you, and If for some Strange Reason you find that you have some how managed to "Brake" it, I'd offer a hand at Trying to fix it..


Why, thank you, sir! I shall keep that foremost in my mind whilst embarking upon this endeavour.



I am anxious to get chopping on Morty, but I'm trying to focus on my walker for Grot's contest. A little sneak peek...





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OK, so, the itch needed to be scratched. Here's a quick mock up of about what I'm wanting out of a reposed Morty. With his legs straightened out, he's quite tall, so I put a marine figure in there for scale.



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Oh, very much yes. The problem is that I don't like the upper portion of the chest piece and it doesn't leave much room to do anything, like adding the rebreather. I'll have to figure out how I'm going to modify that. I'm also looking at adding more cloth, like how the art usually has him wearing a tattered robe.

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You just gave me an idea with that Contemptor. Thanks.


Are you aiming for a pose similar to the artwork of Mortarion in Collected Vision?


Hey, just don't steal too much of it before Grot's contest is over. >_>


As for the pose, I was going for a Casually Strolling Incarnation of Death sort of thing, though 2 of the inspirational art works I'm looking at him walking in a similar pose.


Probably my favorite Morty pic by the towering god of 40k art, Adrian Smith(NOT John Bland):




I really like the hood with the spiked crown coming through it, but I dunno how hard that would be to reproduce on the figure. I definitely want to add more cloth like there is in this painting.


This next one just feels like the same pic as above but at a different angle. I do like the better view of the face and rebreather.




And finally, the third pic I'm using is from Colrouphobic, and I really like it because it's a more slender and frail-looking version of Mortarion, rather than the beefy linebacker build in the above pics, but also because the robes are black and he looks like he used Bill Nighy as reference for the face, and that's just fine by me.




I might have to go with black robes and a black scythe now.


Oh yay! 


You're going to fix his goofy old man face by covering it with a badass rebreather. 


I appreciate that.


I'm certainly going to try and hope that I don't screw up the head, lol.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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The figure is pretty solidly built with thick legs and arms and a barrel chest.


Ah, if I only I could sculpt faces really well. I would totally make him look like Bill Nighy. Wouldn't he be great if there was ever a movie?



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Mmm....primarch conversions. I wanted to do something with Angron but when I got him I just couldn't. Good luck to you sir.


I would certainly add more cloth.


You should also give him a bodyguard of Deathshroud in their original description, unpainted armour


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Mmm....primarch conversions. I wanted to do something with Angron but when I got him I just couldn't. Good luck to you sir.


I would certainly add more cloth.


You should also give him a bodyguard of Deathshroud in their original description, unpainted armour



Adrian Smith's Mortarion and this Deathshroud are two of my favorite Death Guard images, ever. I've thought about trying to recreate the look of these guys before, but while I'm doing a small detachment of Dusk Raiders for my Unification era VIII Legion, these guys are very, very much Death Guard and I'm just doing the Morty figure for the challenge and display.

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So I started cutting away the front of Morty's hood to expose as much of the face as I could to see about adding a rebreather, and I came to the realization that the more I look at the face, the less I like it.




I went back to the art again and decided I would try to make my own based on that.




To my surprise, I found that a regular marine head was almost exactly the same size as Morty's! I ran into a problem when trying to sculpt something like the shape of his rebreather, and that was he began to look like a croaking frog. :sad.:


I grabbed one of the larges plastic rivets I had and gave it another try.




I'm considering hooking up some tubes on each side, but overall, I like the look of it. Once I finalize the mask, he'll get the crown of spikes and the hood. :biggrin.:



And in other news, after years of scouring the interwebs, I finally found me a BFG Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser that wasn't ridiculously overpriced(some of the missing bits are still soaking in the paint stripper).




This is the first Chaos ship I've gotten, and to quote Road House, "I thought you'd be bigger." 



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That's not a frog croaking that it looks like.... :unsure.:


I know, I said I tried something first and it didn't work, so I went with that instead. Why, what does it look like?


Kinda looks like Bane....maybe that's just me? He is the Primarch "For the people!"


Yeah, when I added the top part of the crown I was worried it was going to look a lot like Bane.

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I would have expected to see something like that on fulgrim.


Or i could see that on mortarion, if Forte had made him, teehee.


Many kudos to you for this, looking forward to the finished death lord!


Also makes me reconsider kitbashing a perturabo out of the other primarchs, but i think he'll be released by the time i've mustered all the parts and the necessary courage.

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Ball gag!


Honestly I think you made the right choice on a head swap he shouldn't look so decayed till nurgles influence starts.


A frail face and body doesn't portray resilience it shows painfull rotting which isn't my view especially if you like to drink from a fine selection of aged chemicals viral fluids and other cancerous delectables with your legion

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