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That. That right there is why I love that Forgeworld doesn't make a model for every character they create. 


It's amazing what the mind can craft from a small paragraph story, and a handful of equipment.


Awesome, man. He's imposing as hell, and that axe is :censored: ing scary.


I had some of the FW chainaxes around here but couldn't find them and the few I still have from the old, old Berzerker sprues look awful. I briefly considered a giant chainsword to count as the axe, but no... I needed an axe. I checked eBay for one of the axes from the SoH Reavers, but there were no individual axes for sale and I wasn't wanting to buy a whole unit of them. That left one option. Build it myself.


Since I have a thing for bearded axes, I wanted it to be similar to the ones from the Reavers and being master-crafted, I had the idea of making it very slim and without the big, obvious engine on it. First thing was to cut the teeth off of a chainsword and trim down the back and the sides as closes I could without making the teeth fall apart. Then I got some plastic strip of the size I wanted, snipped off two sections, glued them together and sanded the seam smooth. Drew desired shape on with a pencil, then cut, filed and sanded. Glued teeth on and then sanded the sides again to the point that it was reducing the width of the teeth along with the rest of the axe. Glued to the handle and added a little reinforcement tab of plastic on each side where the top of the axe joins the handle.


Here's a pic showing how slim it is in comparison to an old Berzerker chainaxe, and note that the handle is wider than the axe itself. :smile.:




In the second pic, you can see the seam where the pieces of plastic strip were glued together, but it's so small and light, it's really only visible up close and from certain angles.


I so want him though please!!!!


He's perfect



Trade ya for a Titan! :biggrin.:


Edit: I'm still considering making this guy up as a War Hound, like he changed his armor after the betrayal, and I'll be using a different head that I bits ordered today. In the meantime, any ideas for War Hound decorations?

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Since I have a thing for bearded axes, I wanted it to be similar to the ones from the Reavers and being master-crafted, I had the idea of making it very slim and without the big, obvious engine on it. 


*GASP!* Me too! I knew there was a reason we're friends.


I like my axes like I like my gamer chicks... beardy and mastercrafted. 

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I love the dedication you put in that axe BCK, and the result is above awesome. It's really good to see something different from oversized weapons !


If you think this is over-sized, you shoulda seen what I originally had in mind!



I like curves on women and on axe blades. What can I say?

Who doesn't brother. I had the same issues with chain axes during my short stint with the World Eaters, but your solution is very good.



That's why I posted how I built it, so maybe people can see it's not an impossibility to make a custom chain weapon.


And I bring updates!




Removed the mohawk and added some hands.


I decided to change up the helmet to make it look a little more sturdy and also as kind of a MK 2.5 that has touches of the II and III in it. I'll have to get some better pics of it, but that crest bisecting the helmet face is actually a blade. I figure a World Eater would be the kind of marine to turn his whole body into a weapon, so why not a blade down the face of the helmet for when both your hands are busy and you still have to tear someone's face off?


In continuing to give the appearance that this guy is a juggernaut, I did a test and filled in the right greave up to the level of the armor trim to see if it added to the walking tank look I want. I think it does, so I'll be filling in the rest of the frontal armor like that.

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Yeah, he is coming a long really nicely. I was going to suggest to keep one side of the leg armour as normal, the other side blocked out, like he had heavier armour on his leading leg, however as this is a World Eater he probably doesn't think to much about stuff like that.
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War hound, brother. He's a War Hound. No Nails itching in his brain.


He's most definitely thinking of trying to survive long enough to kill things.  :wink:


EDIT: Damn. Ninja'd.

Edited by 1000heathens
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War hound, brother. He's a War Hound. No Nails itching in his brain.


He's most definitely thinking of trying to survive long enough to kill things. ;)


Sorry, Warhound. Even without the nails, I imagine he will still get lost in the song of battle.


My thinking is a crapload of armor up front and no real worry about the back.

Fair enough, that makes sense to. In a way, it's mark III that has been modified closer to being TDA.



Anyway, looking at the work done on the Warhound had inspired and motivated me to get cracking on my Iron Tenth, so thank you.

Edited by Demon2027
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Anyway, looking at the work done on the Warhound had inspired and motivated me to get cracking on my Iron Tenth, so thank you.


Glad to hear that, and can't wait to see more X Legion on the boards. :wink:


Looking awesome buddy!


I'm surprised at how cool it looks when you fill in the front of his greaves. I think I may have to give that a try.


Those monstrous sized greaves have been a mainstay in the art for a long time, and increasing the length of the waist and the girth of the legs is how I BCK-Size™ my marines, so this was just a natural progression.


good stuff kage,

and on a side note kage in danish means cake!


now make more awsome stuff!


Hmmm, Brother Chaplain Shadow or Brother Chaplain Cake... not sure which I like more. And yes, more awesome stuff to come!


You make it look so effortless when it comes to flat surfaces and smooth surfaces that's a beasty axe :biggrin.:


It's really not that spectacular or that difficult to do with the right tools and a little practice.


But speaking of filled in MK III armor plates, more awesome stuff, and smooth surfaces...




He's been partially disassembled to work on other parts - he took a tumble off my table last night ant the right arm came apart at the pinned seam, for example - so I filled in the rest of the armor on the legs, rebuilt his belt, added a few grenades, and tried my hand at sculpting a War Hounds icon. I'm about 70/30 on the icon... I think it came out ok, but coulda been better.


I definitely like the look of the legs like that, though. That might become a thing.


Note: the head is just one I tossed on there because the other is currently doing something else.

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