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Possibly a bit to even for that, may add a bit of a crack. I imagine he would of taken quite a bit of fire during his service to the Imperium


I'm thinking he had his armor refinished after the betrayal to remove the WE markings, so he's not showing a whole lot of wear and tear right now.




*I would keep the indentation on the helm, will look great with a lick of paint


Thanks, and yes, I'll be keeping it. :smile.:


Got a little paint work done today:




It's odd to me that when I photograph red on a figure, it always comes out looking flat and dead, but the blue I painted this guy with is actually more pale and tone done - I mixed a medium blue color and a light blue/grey for it.

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That blue looks great, BCK! It's really got a solid, electric, vibrant color. I totally here you about red too; I'm not sure if it's the lighting I use or what but it always looks sort of pale or washed out. But, I guess we'll have to stick to blue :wink: BLUE FOR THE BLUE GOD


Those trophy-skulls also may inspire me to add some to my NL. They are sort of asking for it :tongue.: I've been meaning to for ages but it's just been hard to find a scale and quantity of them that I like since many of the WHFB ones look too big and bulbous on the model. That guy looks awesome though! Looking good, man keep it up! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some of you might remember this guy from a while back:




I was recently struck by the desire to do another Space Wolf, but as I've made my peace with 40k, I wanted to do a 30k version of one instead so this one will likely never be finished now. I did try to match the pose with early armor marks, but it just wasn't happening, and I had already started building an idea for a character in my head, and this figure no longer fit it. The only thing that survived this original version is the axe, which I modified.


I even started working on a fluff piece for him, but I wasn't liking it, so I'll rework it and bring it in at a later time. Long story short is that he was grievously wounded by a melta gun from a traitorous marine, losing the bottom half of his face and part of his neck. He was known as Halvar Ironbeard, so named because his thick, coarse beard was said to have once deflected a blade. The melta blast that ruined his face also did damage to his mind and alters his perception of reality, where he often believes he is still a human warrior in his tribe before being chosen to become an Astartes. This instability and his body's refusal to accept a cybernetic replacement for his lower jaw and voice has rendered him mute and unfit to continue his duties as a Wolf Guard to his Jarl. He now stalks the battlefields as a Lone Wolf, infiltrating enemy lines by stealth and hunting down their commanding officers.


I didn't want him to look anything like a 40k Space Wolf and I think running around without a helmet on is incredibly dumb for a marine to do, plus I wanted him to have a chainmail replacement for his beard on his helmet. (Yes, a Space Wolf with a helmet on! *GASP!*) Other ways I wanted to differentiate him are to avoid a wolf pelt entirely, and to show more of a Norse influence on the armor. He's still very much a WIP,  but enough blabbing! Pictures!




The 'beard' is just a form for the chainmail, which I'll be sculpting on top of it soon after a little more practice. There's also going to be a lot more of the swirly decorations before this is finished. In chopping the legs up and putting them back together so he stands up straight, I found that he's a fair bit taller than other marines. Here's a comparison shot:



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That last chap looks awesome. Looking forward to you making a few score more :wink:


A few score? This will probably be the only one. Maybe, maybe, another in Terminator armor a little further down the road, but 40+? lol, no


Dear god BCK, wow.......




Some great modeling skills and looking forward to seeing him finished as Im sure it will look awesome.  At the mo though for me it kind of looks like a marine in a burka?


Really? You think something akin to this:




Looks more like this?




It's neat how much extra height you get if your marine isn't all hunched over.


He looks awesome Kage! Has a great sense of looming menace. A+ :happy.:


No need for expensive true scaling with Terminator parts! Just stand them up straight!


I love that fellow! That's how a viking in space should look like.


Reminds me a little of some artwork I once saw of Eric Bloodaxe, the second king of Norway.


What an amazing name for a king. Glad you like it.


Im about to leave the hobby and you bring this out you bloody miracle worker you.


I love it with a passion


Why are you about to leave the hobby?

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I love that fellow! That's how a viking in space should look like.


Reminds me a little of some artwork I once saw of Eric Bloodaxe, the second king of Norway.


What an amazing name for a king. Glad you like it.



They say he got that name for two reasons. He was a ruthless warrior in the raids on Britain, and he killed most of his half-brothers to remain in power.

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Gorgeous dude. I have wanted to do some similar in terms of chain mail around the mouth. I love the detail on the helm, and axe sword combo is perfect.


I've had the idea for a while but didn't really know how to make use of it until a few days ago. As for the weapon combo, I've also wanted to do that for a while and this fellow presented the perfect opportunity for both ideas.


They say he got that name for two reasons. He was a ruthless warrior in the raids on Britain, and he killed most of his half-brothers to remain in power.


Just read up on him. Always happy to find out about historical figures I was unaware of. :)


That is a fantastic piece man! Love the head piece... Lol, don't see a burka at all;)


The helm isn't quite finished, and in fact, right now I have eyebrows similar to what's on the picture above sculpted and curing.

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Alright, I'll admit. I was a touch shaky about the chainmail mask at first, but I got to admit, it looks good.


As for your avatar.... you wish you could look this awesome...   :P



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This is the first time I've given chainmail a real try, and it's a pain. I'm not 100% happy with how it is now, but after 3 previous attempts, I'll go with it for now. BTW, all I did for that was take my razor saw and press the serrated edge of the blade into the GS. Not the best looking chainmail ever, but criminally easy.


Maybe I'm smoking crack, but I coulda sworn there was a Cobra Commander outfit at some point in time where he had a half mask and a hood like like my avatar, but my Google-Fu is failing me.


A few favorite pics of the old boy:






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Is it the doctor you are thinking of??




Long time lurker here. I am truly blown away with your modelling skills. and can't wait to see the Space Wolf finished. It is hard to get convincing ringlets for the chanmail. I used to try and stab at the gs with the tip of a scribing tool or a pair of tweezers. Your method seems a much easier way to keep the ringlets uniform!!


Btw about to give your cloak tutorial a bash from page 46 :)


Keep up with the inspiring work!

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