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That chainmail is looking great, Kage!


The hobby saw idea is one that had not occurred to me. I had always poked alternating holes in the GS with a pin while making mine for Warriors of Chaos or Beastmen. I like yours better ^_^

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And he's off again.




Is it the doctor you are thinking of??


Long time lurker here. I am truly blown away with your modelling skills. and can't wait to see the Space Wolf finished. It is hard to get convincing ringlets for the chanmail. I used to try and stab at the gs with the tip of a scribing tool or a pair of tweezers. Your method seems a much easier way to keep the ringlets uniform!!


Btw about to give your cloak tutorial a bash from page 46 :smile.:


Keep up with the inspiring work!


No, the doctor from the movie wasn't what I was thinking about. The memory I have is much, much older and from the comic book.


Thanks for the compliment and if you try out the cloak tutorial, throw some pics up in here and let me see how it works out for you.


That chainmail is looking great, Kage!


The hobby saw idea is one that had not occurred to me. I had always poked alternating holes in the GS with a pin while making mine for Warriors of Chaos or Beastmen. I like yours better :happy.:


I'm sure my internal critic will have me redoing the chainmail sometime soon, but the saw was sitting close by and I had the idea to give that a try.


I wish I could sculpt chainmail like this:





I seriously love that space wolves helmet. 

I would steal that idea if my green stuff skills weren't as pathetic as they are! :tongue.:


I'm glad the helmet is liked. I really wanted to go a different direction than how the standard Wolves look, but the danger with taking that route is that you run the risk of divorcing yourself entirely from the feel of the original. I was very worried I had strayed too far.

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Will do.


It is a pity you can't get a sample of some really  fine chainmail to make a press mould from.


It might be how the gw/fw guys do it?


Saying that your chainmail looks a lot better than my ham-fisted version :D

Edited by dantay_xv
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It's not actually that hard to make to be honest - it's time consuming but not especially difficult if you're patient. You just have to pick a corner and work out, here's some I did on my Daemon Prince, though you'd probably need to make it a bit smaller..



Edited by Blissful Brushes
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Sometimes the best creations are the most straightforward ones. This guy's got the look front and center, but something's off, in my opinion. 


I think this particular model would appear more natural if the sword side of the cloak hugged his leg. You already have two mirrored shapes in the chained veil and tabard. Add in the outstretched arms framed by the similarly angled and symmetrical cloak, and he's starting to suffer from a utopian look. Reflect the Nordic image. Introduce some visual chaos and change things up. Maybe reposition the angle of the axe arm to unbalance the model too. 


Good call abandoning the overplayed wolf fetish to create a "noble savage". Finally, someone else gets it! He would look so freaking badass with Pictish body art branded across his plate.

Edited by Darth Potato
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The first version of the cape I did, it wrapped around his left leg, oddly enough. I didn't plan it out right and it tore when I was trying to loosen it up for removal, so I might take that observation as a sign to redo it. The great thing about these tissue capes is you can just wet down an area until the glue loosens up, move it, and put a little more glue back on. I'm also considering making a different tabard - maybe some sort of animal skin that's not a wolf. Maybe reptile. But no wolf pelts, wolf tails, rune stones, etc.


Don't worry, there will be a lot more decoration on this guy. There's still some pieces I'm moving around until they fit just right, and then there will be a lot more of the swirly, chaotic decorations on his armor.

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As mentioned, he's looking splendid – a really nice and original vision. With regards to the pelts, I think some fur would look lovely – don't let yourself be put off from it just because of the overplayed 'wolf' effect. Understated fur – i.e. no wolf head, no tails, no paws, but just the pelt – could look both fitting and effective.


Looking forward to seeing where he goes from here.

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As mentioned, he's looking splendid – a really nice and original vision. With regards to the pelts, I think some fur would look lovely – don't let yourself be put off from it just because of the overplayed 'wolf' effect. Understated fur – i.e. no wolf head, no tails, no paws, but just the pelt – could look both fitting and effective.


Looking forward to seeing where he goes from here.


Good point. Maybe something on top of the shoulders, leading down to the cloak.


Whilst the cape is very nicely done, I personally think it looked better without it. I don't really know why, it just made him look more menacing?

Either way its your mini and I'm excited to see what it will look like when it's complete! :smile.:


I'd seen him in my mind with a cape from the very beginning, but when I get close to finishing a figure, I usually will start looking at it with different pieces removed to see how it contributes to the whole.

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I jumped in on the Secret Santa thing, doing trades with Brother Heinrich and HellChyld, so if either of you wander in, don't click the spoiler tags. >_>
For Heinrich:


He requested a HH Imperial Fist veteran. Nothin' too fancy, just a regular enlisted guy. I'm gonna dress him up a little bit with some badges and stuff, but nothing too crazy. The idea I immediately had for this guy was something like a modern spec ops solider and the sort of restrained violence they exude.




I also like the pose because it seems to make him appear more comfortable in his armor and with his weapon, as though he's been using both for decades, or more.


For HellChyld:


He requested a pre-Rubric paint scheme Thousand Sons sorcerer, which also means HH armor. I wasn't quite sure how to go with this guy so I did my usual trawling of the interwebs for inspiration and found some concept art sketches from a Forge World event, and am shamelessly stealing one of the helmet designs.




Most of it, anyway:





Rounds 1 and 2 of greenstuffing done. Now I have to finish up the helm and decide how to proceed for the rest of the figure.

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I'm thinking he's really gonna enjoy it!!!


I hope so. I hope both of you do. :)  To make sure I get these done in time I'm recycling a few bits from older projects that never went anywhere, but they'll still be very BCK.


Those are both looking like awesome starts!


Good to hear! :D

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I'm rather fond of that guy myself.


And another update on the SS figure for Heinrich. (That's Secret Santa, not Schutzstaffel.)




The legs had some miscast issues, with bad stretches of the trim and some really bad mold lines that would have been a real pain to get rid of without obliterating other details, so, off it all came and I put down a layer of GS to smooth it all out. A little accident with the X-Acto while removing the trim from an upper leg resulted in chopping off part of the knee pad, so I figured might as well change them up, maybe looking a bit more knightly.


As for the helm, well, you didn't really think I was going to leave that bone-stock MkIII helm on there, did you? It's good practice for a Sigismund figure anyway. :tongue.:


Hopefully, I can have this guy finished in a few more days. That might be a record for me.

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