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Show me what you do with it, Anaziel. :wink:


I think I'm almost finished with Heinrich's model.




Added some things to give him a little history, a little justification for being an Elite choice, and most importantly, proper trigger discipline!

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MUST.... NOT.... CLICK....


I would be sorely tempted in your position.


If the work says anything about what to expect December needs to get here


I started strong on yours with some general ideas of the look, but the muse has been favoring Heinrich's figure of late.

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As a Proud Imperial Fist, I approve of this mini! :biggrin.:


Damn bro lol


Glad you like it.


It makes me crazy happy that he shows proper trigger discipline.


Heinrich is in the military, and it seemed appropriate.


Now, a WIP of my version of the Exodus special character of the XX Legion for the March of the Legions down in the Age of Darkness forum:




Still working on a scope, not set on the head choice, and no idea what to do with other arm yet, but of all the many bolter conversions I've done over the years, this is my favorite by far.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Getting closer...




I decided to go to a half helm/respirator-thing because the more I thought about this guy and the little fluff story I'm writing for him, the more it seemed odd to me to have someone looking through the optics of his helmet and into the optics of either the scope or the binoculars.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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new head makes a major diffrence. looking forward to the cloak and hood!


He's going to look sick with a hooded cloak, can't wait!


Fantastic work.

Really inspiring!


Stay with the second head. Or at least something that is sans helmet. Just seems to work for that model. Truly well done.


I return with progress and I hope it lives up to expectations. I kept the second head with the respirator and I happen to think my cloak work turned out well. As always, it's a bit difficult to photograph but there will paint on it very shortly.




I went with a slight variation on the tissue cloak this time, doing a sort of foundation layer with paper towel on the back and sides up to the point of the arms so I could work in some of the fold shapes I wanted, then layered some of the tissue on top of that to cover up the rough texture. When I prime it tomorrow, I'll find out how successful that was.

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