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Glad you like the new helmet, and Irwit, I will try for a group shot once some more stuff finished.


Done with the modeling phase!




Someone challenged me in my tutorial on making tissue capes to do a tabard with the same materials. Done and done!

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Looks great, really like that helmet concept, very nicely done.




Love the new helmet design, BCK. I think it incorporates the avian cues you were going for really well, but better matches the overall "solid" look that the rest of the mini has.


This is one of the reasons I like getting feedback on my WIP figures, because I might not given the first helmet a second or third look. I'm glad I changed it because it ended better for it. And now the figure is done! Introducing Enami Ozika of the XIX Legion (Terran).







And in my tutorial on making capes out of tissue, I was sort of challenged to make a tabard from one, and I can safely say that it works just as well.



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Ah, that. It's not black. He's a Terran that's rather upset with Corax for treating the Terran Legionaires like second-class astartes, and then outright sacrificing them by throwing them into the teeth of the enemy. He went back to his Unification color scheme and refuses to wear the raven icon. :)

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Ah, that. It's not black. He's a Terran that's rather upset with Corax for treating the Terran Legionaires like second-class astartes, and then outright sacrificing them by throwing them into the teeth of the enemy. He went back to his Unification color scheme and refuses to wear the raven icon. :smile.:

Need to read up on (pre) heresy Raven Guard.
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Next March of the Legions is Salamanders. If this Raven is anything to go by, he'll look amazing. You going to make this one a Crimson Son too :tongue.:?


No, it won't be a Crimson Sons member, though more of these March guys might be. :whistling:


I'm going to break out an old conversion I never finished.




I didn't like the way it was going way back when, so it will probably end up looking a lot different, but it's my version of Nomus Rhy'tan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently acquired a Sicaran Venator from eBay for a low price because of what I thought was a misspelled word in the title and only a couple of minutes left before it ended with 0 bids. I bid, I won, and cheered. For all the world, I thought it was a real Forge World model because it appeared to have the right color in the pictures, the guy didn't have a whole store full of other kits for sale, and I thought maybe he just needed some quick cash for rent or something.


Alas, it was a recast. The biggest tip off that it wasn't genuine was when I started laying out the pieces to make sure everything was there and nothing was broken, and then there was this...




Yeah, two of the same halves of the vehicle. The seller has been contacted and he's going to send me the left side.


As far as recasts go, it's not the worst I've seen(and didn't immediately have that harsh chemical smell as soon as I opened the package that most do), but it does have its issues. There's low spots that needed filling, and I decided to try out the Perfect Plastic Putty I got for Xmas.




It seems to work really well, but if you get some of this stuff, there's something you have to understand about the sentence in the directions on the back that says simply "Water clean up". It's water soluble, both before and after curing. I found this out the hard way because I prefer to wet sand almost all of the time, and when I went to sand down the putty on the back track guard, I was quite surprised when the putty all but dissolved after a few hearty strokes of the wet sanding block. Trying again with dry paper and it worked beautifully. If you also prefer to wet sand and want to use this stuff, make sure you save any leveling or gap filling until you're completely done with the wet sanding.


Aside from those low spots, there's also some alignment issues:




I'll have to wait for the left track component to arrive before I can really gauge how much repair work this is going to take, but then I guess I got what I paid for. Remember kids, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Other than trying to cover up the hideous, stupid tracks as much as possible, it's going to be a straight build. If the tracks were separate, I'd just find some tracks from a 'real' tank kit that were the right width and go with that, but since it's all one giant chunk of resin, I don't want to even attempt removing them.


Despite the flaws, I think with some time and effort, it will turn out fine and I'm anxious to try my Crimson Sons paint job on a vehicle. 1000Hyenas gave me a great suggestion for what to name it, but the christening will have to wait until it's finished.

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