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Ozika's helm is a masterpiece. Gorgeous detailing on the mini, too. Love the numerals on the jump pack.


Sorry to hear about the recast! That's only happened to me once, but I got the literally unusable variety and a week-long fight with the seller until they agreed to take it back for a refund. Looks like you've got a usable one, at least, and your seller's being decent about the missing left side.


How's the resin itself? Hopefully it isn't too brittle? I hope it responds well to heat and the barrels can be sorted with a minimum of hassle.

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I haven't asked around yet, but I do want to look into getting some casts made of that helm, and thanks for the compliment.


I mentioned the recast thing to a online friend and his reaction was that he couldn't believe I didn't think it was a recast at the price, but then I reminded him that several years ago I got an actual Forge World Eldar Revenant Titan with sonic lances for about a third of retail; the seller had two of them going at the same time - the other one with pulsars - and no one bid on the sonic lance version but me. :biggrin.: With a misspelling in the title and no bids, I assumed it was a similar situation for this tank. :sad.:


The resin isn't as brittle as the Chinese recasts I've seen, but not by much. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it didn't have that harsh chemical smell when I first opened the package like the Chinese stuff, but I can smell it when I'm sanding or cutting it. As for the barrels, I got a Sicaran Venator, not the regular version, and thankfully, the laser weapon isn't warped. Here's some views of the road ahead for me:




Holding it together with some heavy rubber bands to see how bad everything lines up, and it's kinda bad. I guess it could be worse, since nothing is warped. The gap on the far left wasn't that bad to begin with, but everything lined up so badly that I had to use my Dremel to remove some of the material so the pieces fit correctly.




This first one I didn't even notice until I started rubber banding this thing together today, but it shouldn't be too hard to open those... vents... or whatever... back up. And if it is a giant PITA, then I'll just fill them in on both sides.


Second pic: attack of the air bubbles! The top three I've already filled in, and the rectangle shows where I was trying to carefully remove the pour spout from the back of the tread and the resin snapped on me. I'm not overly concerned because I'm probably going to build some track guards for both the front and back to help cover up the hideous tracks.


Third pic: some rather large gaps where the glacis plate is supposed to meet the tread wall.




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Oh of course. 


If anyone can straighten that business out, totes you Kage :biggrin.:




Started in with the Bondo type stuff to even out that severely deformed rear armor section on the left track component.




Still have some work to do in it, but it's already looking better.

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Apologies in advance for the blah pics.









There's a full squad of 20 of these guys, but I couldn't seem to get a half-decent photo of all them together.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Welp, I couldn't finish my original figure for the XVIII March of the Legions month, so I decided to dust off an old conversion and try to get it painted in less than 12 hours (including a short work shift).




My old BCK version of Vulkan He'stan that suffered some damage in a move years ago when someone helping me dropped a figure case. His spear, backpack, and left thumb were all casualties. I dusted him off, quickly built a new thumb out of a hunk of sprue plastic, and chopped up a Grey Knight spear to fit. Not my best work, then or now, but he here is with a MkII helmet and MkIV back pack to really give him that 30k (purity) seal of approval:




Although some parts of my old conversion work made me cringe while painting him up, it was nice to finally see him finished.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Not too keen, especially since he's very monochrome. If you have the time/willpower, perhaps you could add some different coloured scales, perhaps add some paint to those black parts, and add some variation to the flat-looking green armour (could be the light though).


It's not bad, by any account. I just know that you're capable of far better. And you probably know that too :)

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Looking fantastic brother. So are you doing any more sallies?


Possibly. A few might end up in my Crimson Sons.


Not bad business at all!


That's damn good regardless of being on such a time budget. 


Yeah, I was surprised how quickly I could paint when I really, really needed to.


Not too keen, especially since he's very monochrome. If you have the time/willpower, perhaps you could add some different coloured scales, perhaps add some paint to those black parts, and add some variation to the flat-looking green armour (could be the light though).


It's not bad, by any account. I just know that you're capable of far better. And you probably know that too :smile.:


Guilty, but I was also rushed on the pics because the hobby room is above the living room with open walls and my younger brother sleeps on the couch downstairs, so I had to get the pics done quick as he was getting ready for bed. There is more definition that what is shown here, but I might go back and improve on it.


Here's a look at what I almost finished for the challenge:




There's been more work since that and I'll see about getting some updated pics, but yes, it's Dr. Doom as a Salamander.

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Dear sweet Emperor I finally caught up. It has only taken me *stares at watch for a few minutes* three weeks. A lot of great stuff going on here. Excellent painting, amazing converting, posing etc etc. Though as others have stated previously I cringed a lot at the beginings of your projects. Also I did a triple take on where your recent mini started and is. I still don't fully believe it myself.
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Dear sweet Emperor I finally caught up. It has only taken me *stares at watch for a few minutes* three weeks. A lot of great stuff going on here. Excellent painting, amazing converting, posing etc etc. Though as others have stated previously I cringed a lot at the beginings of your projects.


Wow, thanks for taking the time, lol. If I understand you, I know what you mean about the beginnings and the difference from there to the finished product. I generally have a good idea of where a figure is going to end up despite the initial wip pic. It kinda reminds of watching some time lapse videos of the progress of various paintings in art class years ago, and the watercolor ones were always the worst. They always started out looking like crap and about 3/4s of the way through started to look completely different and awesome.


Also I did a triple take on where your recent mini started and is. I still don't fully believe it myself.


Which one? The He'Stan figure or the Dr. Doom? If you mean Doom, I only used the cape from the original figure.

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You understood correctly. That's what I thought of each time. The pauses of scrolling through I had to take each time for RL made it a little more nail biting at times. I may be vicariously living through board members right now :) As for Dr Doom that makes a lot more sense now. I missed the "only the cape part".
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For those who may not have seen it yet, there is a thread in the News forum about getting an army built and painted for Brother Argos. (If you don't know who he is, the Inquisition will be contacting you shortly for a casual chat.) I volunteered for and was approved to do a figure to represent both the real and the 40k version of Brother Argos, Techmarine - and later Forge-Lord - of the Salamanders.


At first, I had my own ideas for where to take the model, but then found out that the amazingly talented madscuzzy was doing an illustration of Brother Argos to go along with the army.




This is when it was still a WIP, and while I have seen the glorious finished picture, I'll let him reveal that in his own time. Needless to say, I was very impressed and decided to see if I could model the figure as close to this as possible. I did find something that would work, but the position of the legs was reversed. The deadline for this is the end of this month, so I'm saving time where I can by using a figure with a mirrored pose, and a couple of the servo arms I have on hand are already close to a mirror of the art as well. I flipped the art horizontally and printed it out to keep at my desk for reference.




First thing to do was find a suitable head. Now, the Argos character had severe facial reconstruction after two bad luck instances with some Tyranid acid, and the real Argos has a beard. I had one of those older tac marine Sergeant heads that's half cybernetic and...




Next was to get some basic surgery going on the figure. Normally, I extend the torso of my marines a bit, but for this one, I stretched the legs a tad as well to bring it more in line with the proportions on the art and to give me a little more room to work on the armor detail as well.




Looking pretty close to the art, I think!


A little more work, and testing out some arms.




The hands might look a little large right now, but it's similar to the art and I'm going to be bulking up all four limbs anyway, so it will even out.

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