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Really, what else do you want me to do to dress it up? It's a handle.

Some frills, perhaps some lovely stripes. A bit of rouge and eyeliner. Y'know, take it out for a night on the town.


I think I got lost somewhere in the middle of my own joke.

Even better: skin frills, blood rouge and <insert anatomy> eyeliner! And by take it out on the town, we mean, literally, take it out on the town!

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Gorgeous the way you've done it so far. Reminds me of the Varangian Lang Axes, or whatever they were called (memory fails atm). They were also used by the Saxon huscarls I believe as they were great for getting over, pulling down and hacking through shield walls.  Can't wait to see those and more of the Argos project!


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Gorgeous the way you've done it so far. Reminds me of the Varangian Lang Axes, or whatever they were called (memory fails atm). They were also used by the Saxon huscarls I believe as they were great for getting over, pulling down and hacking through shield walls. Can't wait to see those and more of the Argos project!



Do You mean a Dane Axe as used by Saxon Housecarl? They tended to be smaller blades that stuck out more.


I'm a big fan of your work as ever BCK. I like the difference in style in the Terrain Glaives to the Nostromon. The Mace terminator from before is very nice to.

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Thanks for the compliments and comments, brothers.


So, this idea kept turning over in my head this past week.



Interesting idea, but then the teeth are going the wrong way.

Good eye! I Guess you need to modify them, or cut and flip them too...  :wink:



If they were plastic, it wouldn't be much of a problem to cut the teeth off and reposition them, but resin is too brittle for that kind of delicate knife work.


Since I'm only making nine of these weapons and I have ten of the power axes, I figured I would experiment a little bit.




I wasn't sure of the idea when it was first suggested, but I'm sold on it now. And as it turns out, the resin is not too brittle to cut the teeth off and reposition them, but just like doing the same with a plastic chain weapon, it is incredibly tedious to do. I'm sorry to admit that my motivation started wane in the face of converting eight more of these things, but after a week of pushing through the lack of motivation...







A few need a bit more clean up, but overall, I'm happy with how they turned out. Thanks for the idea, brothers. :D

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I'd like that post if I had any left from today. :tongue.:


Dammit, I just ran out too! Fantastic work, BCK!


Woo Hoo! Apparently the clock reset, so was able to Like!


No worries, guys, I know how a new GW/FW event eats up the likes. :wink:


You even redid the Teeth? Bravo for that little flirt with insanity!


Yeah, if you simply cut the head off the axe off and flip it 180 degrees, the teeth are now going the wrong direction. To get it to look right, I had to cut the teeth off and put them back on facing the correct direction.


Awesome effort, bro!! They look amazing :thumbsup:


Thanks, Kizz! I agree, and this shows yet again why I like to post up early WIP pics, 'cause someone might see a mistake I missed or have a suggestion that pushes the idea from 'good' into 'awesome' (or 'brilliant' for those across the pond).

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Now that is interesting. I've done this method enough that I will rarely screw it up, but still, it's a pain to do. Those strips would make custom chain weapons so much easier to do.


Knowing the kind of work you do, that compliment is high praise indeed. Thank you. :D

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Interesting idea, but then the teeth are going the wrong way.


Yeah I always wondered about the teeth of chainblades. Unless the chain rotates instead of going back and forth in a sawing motion they are going the wrong way half the time anyways.

I know I'm late, but yeah the chain rotates, like a chainsaw. Although chain weapons are very impractical because the depth they can cut to is pretty limited by the housing (the teeth should be wider than the housing to cut through anything). They're awesome though. Kudos BCK for flipping the teeth on all of them. I think I'd have left them haha.

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The Cataphract chain glaives look great


With regards to dressing up the hafts, what about a ver y thin strip of paper and spiral wind it round the the haft with a wee disc at either end?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still having trouble getting my ETL vow going so I decided to shift gears and work on something else to see if it might help get the hobby engine going. Remember this guy from the beginning of the thread?




He's finally getting some paint.




I'm tinting some of the metal with washes of blue, green, and purple, but the Rub and Buff silver color I tried out for the base is pretty shiny, so some of those subtle color shifts aren't visible here. :(

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Yeah, it's been far too long a wait for this guy to get some paint. Got some more progress.




He's not glued to the base and was leaning on the pin, so when he gets finished and permanently attached, he won't be leaning like that. The photos still aren't picking up all the colors, but I tried to get close with a little fiddling in Photoshop.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I might have had this guy done today if it weren't for the spear in the left hand giving me no end of trouble. *sigh* The rest of him is almost finished, but there's still some weathering left to do, especially with the powders.





Wow dude, those chain halberds are fantastic. I'm very impressed with your tenacity regarding the teeth converting. :yes:


Yeah, it was a chore.

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