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Shame about the sword, I would send you mine but I have plans for it. Forging your own would be awesome. The DKoK weapon set has a power sword with the basket hilt if you want one to place the blade on, my Skitarii Prime is using it.


I like the Zealot, makes me want to finish my Ordo Herticus inquisitor and build him some lackies.

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Thanks for the info, bro. The ProCreate sounds like it could be really useful for some of my press moulded detail. The flexibility is definitely a big selling point.



Ps. the Inquisitor is looking great! The pistol is particularly nice :tu:

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For the rapier, what about using a sewing needle.


A good idea, but I definitely want it to look like a rapier with the thin, dual edged blade. I'll see about the bead holder idea, thanks.


That Inquisitor (as with all your models) is just a pleasure to watch unfold. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for watching! :smile.:


Shame about the sword, I would send you mine but I have plans for it.


I like the Zealot, makes me want to finish my Ordo Herticus inquisitor and build him some lackies.


I appreciate the offer, but I want to see if I can pull this off. One of the things that bothers about the 40k figures even more than the massive guns is the ridiculously thick blades. I do realize a lot of that has to do with production feasibility, and you could argue about how successful Forgeworld is with their attempts at thinner blades, so maybe making them out of metal will be the solution I've wanted all these years.


Really good stuff, but then we expect no less :wink: You should take your work to the Inquisition section if you haven't already to spread some inspiration around :thumbsup:


I second the idea of having a sister thread down in the =][= subforum.


Great work on your Inquisitrix! It's a real treat to see the model come together :)


I might just do that. I've already got some fluff kicking around in the back of my head.


So, brother, are you going to make him a Redemptionist? :happy.:


I wondered how long it was gonna take you to ask that, lol. I think I will make him a Redemptionist.


Thanks for the info, bro. The ProCreate sounds like it could be really useful for some of my press moulded detail. The flexibility is definitely a big selling point.

Ps. the Inquisitor is looking great! The pistol is particularly nice.


It bothers me seeing people new to the hobby (or even worse, ones who have been around a while) thinking that greenstuff/Kneadatite is the be-all and end-all of putty for their needs and I want them to experiment and see there's much better alternatives, especially for things like gap filling. I use anything from super glue to Tamiya putty to fething Bondo to fill gaps depending on the circumstances. And even though I'm decent with the greenstuff for sculpting, I know it's a total bitch to get used to and if there's something out there that I'll like better, I'd like to find it and help others do the same in the process. I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there that would be doing a lot more converting if there was a sculpting medium with a more gentle learning curve.


Wow, haven't checked in for a while and your new project looks very interesting. The female ][ looks great. Also, thanks for theProCreate info.


Thanks! I'm sure I'll be back to my Crimson Sons in the near future, but I needed a diversion for now and this seemed like the best idea. :)


Got a few new pics to put up. First is an updated on the deatch cult assassin.




The arms and head aren't finalized yet, but I didn't want to post up a limbless, headless figure either. I know the pose of the legs looks a little funky right now, but she will eventually be walking down some steps when it's all finished.


So, this is my first attempt at sculpting the female anatomy at this scale, and it's a lot easier to go overboard than I thought it would be. Her endowments were originally larger, and I've reduced them even further since this photo was taken.


Next up is a quick mock up of a new addition to the warband.




He's changed a lot since this was taken, most notable is changing his gear to a riot shield and shock maul, but it gets the idea across.

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I commend your desire to forge your own blade, since I saw Lamby do it I've wanted to try it myself.

The new guys look good. I tried so sculpt the upper half of a female torso a while back and it is difficult to keep it tastefully proportioned. Not sure what that says about us tbh!

I know the arms are just place holders but may I suggest two backwards held knifes?

The Cultust conversion is good, nice use of bits. I'm guessing he is to be an enforcer. Have you filled int he chaos star on the groin area?

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Ol' Moderati Olis is becoming a bit slow of late... :P


Kage: I'm liking the Enforcer concept, but the helmeted head clashes with the high collar of the base model. Perhaps you've got some alternative heads for this chap?

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I love the inquisitor. Has some saber rider vibe on it. Must be the hat^^


Thanks. I'd never heard of Saber Rider until you mentioned it - kinda reminds me of Galaxy Rangers


I commend your desire to forge your own blade, since I saw Lamby do it I've wanted to try it myself.

The new guys look good. I tried so sculpt the upper half of a female torso a while back and it is difficult to keep it tastefully proportioned. Not sure what that says about us tbh!

I know the arms are just place holders but may I suggest two backwards held knifes?

The Cultist conversion is good, nice use of bits. I'm guessing he is to be an enforcer. Have you filled int he chaos star on the groin area?


I think it was a case of not realizing just how well endowed I'd made her that night. The next day when I went to look at it I was like :blink.:... what have I done?! The cultist conversion is gonna be an Arbites, and I've actually ground off the top layer of the legs and complerely removed the chaos tabard thing with my Dremel so I can sculpt in armored leggings without it being too bulky.


If you go with that head will you be trimming the points off of the ears, to try and make it less dark eldary? 


Yeah, I'll trim the ears if I go with a head where they're visible.


Ol' Moderati Olis is becoming a bit slow of late... :tongue.:


Kage: I'm liking the Enforcer concept, but the helmeted head clashes with the high collar of the base model. Perhaps you've got some alternative heads for this chap?


I do have an alt head for him, in fact! More updates soon.

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I love the inquisitor. Has some saber rider vibe on it. Must be the hat^^


Thanks. I'd never heard of Saber Rider until you mentioned it - kinda reminds me of Galaxy Rangers



I commend your desire to forge your own blade, since I saw Lamby do it I've wanted to try it myself.

The new guys look good. I tried so sculpt the upper half of a female torso a while back and it is difficult to keep it tastefully proportioned. Not sure what that says about us tbh!

I know the arms are just place holders but may I suggest two backwards held knifes?

The Cultist conversion is good, nice use of bits. I'm guessing he is to be an enforcer. Have you filled int he chaos star on the groin area?




Well Saber Rider was a Great Show and if i recollect it, Galaxy Rangers was Produced besäuselt Saber Rider was such a success.

Had very similar Themes. Space cowboys Are always great

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I think it was a case of not realizing just how well endowed I'd made her that night. The next day when I went to look at it I was like blink.png... what have I done?! The cultist conversion is gonna be an Arbites, and I've actually ground off the top layer of the legs and complerely removed the chaos tabard thing with my Dremel so I can sculpt in armored leggings without it being too bulky.


Arbites, that's what I was thinking when I said Enforcer. I'm looking forward to seeing more work on him, especially how you do the armoured leggings.

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I tried out Lamby's method of making a sword out of metal today and I think it turned out fairly well. I used a paperclip and two different sizes of brass rod to see what would be the easiest to work with. The smaller brass rod was way too thin once hammered out and bent way too easily when I started filing the rough edges down. The larger brass rod was better, but it still suffered from the same issue.




Since I neglected to take a pic of the paperclip after the hammering and before working on it, I included the larger diameter brass rod after being flattened to get an idea of where I had to start. A Grey Knight terminator sword, and the tac marine combat blade and power sword are there for scale. When I first started working on the hammered paperclip with some files, I was worried it was going to take an unreasonable amount of time to get the blade down to the width I wanted (it was easily as wide as the brass to start with) and then I remembered that when I bought my Dremel I got the version that came with several different tools, including grinding wheels. I'd spent nearly an hour with only a small amount of progress using files and in five minutes of careful grinding with the Dremel I got it about where you see it now.


I came in with the files again and smoothed out the hammer marks and switched to sandpaper, using progressively higher grits and got it polished to a near-mirror finish. I'm excited that it turned out so well on the first try, but also a little nervous that I might want to start doing this with all the blades from now on.



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Here's that blade on the Inquisitor with some more work - note that the hat has been removed because I plan to start work on the coat next.




Looks pretty good, right? :biggrin.:


Respirator's on, the sash around the waist with the tail to be added later, knee pad with ][ symbol, and started on the base of a tabard/lon cloth thing with some leftover GS.


*edit* No heating, just hammered the paper clip and the brass rods.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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