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Dunno. Contemplating putting the Tyrant's Legion icon on it, but not sure if I will attempt to sculpt it or do a decal. There will be some of the usual trim and rivet stuff as well.

Yes. The new round shield is definitely different from what we usually get but I like it. Rivets, the Claw, and some filigree would be sweet!


Have you come up with a Bolter idea? I used the mechanical arm from a missile launcher back back to attach a Bolter for my Corien that came out ok-ish.

I'm thinking of doing something similar to Inquisitor Covenant's MIU bolter (from the old Inquisitor game) which seems like a ripoff of the shoulder energy weapon from the Predator movies.

If that is the case, take a look at the Wulfen grenade launchers as a base for the bolter as they have theirs mounted on their backpacks.


Like the shield  was a fan of the test breacher shield being slightly tilted as it matched the angle of Sumatris' body. Having it vertical, to me, looked like the upper rim was going to be pushed back and smack him in the face

I never noticed the grenade launchers on the wulfen, thanks for the suggestion.


Ok, trying out a few things on Sumatris.




I may have to extend that GS leg armor up a little more.

Yeah, I really noticed the leg length difference last night and I'll have to correct it. I think the angled breastplate and unusual blade shapes will be my way of personalizing these Astral Claws.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
I'm glad it's not just me that sees it! What I usually do when it comes to reposing the hip/thigh joint is to completely cut away the remaining plastic seals so I can reposition the legs more easily (for example I feel that the thigh armour should be touching the groin/hip armour at at least one point), and also for ease of sculpting when it comes to adding the GS soft armour. You might have that planned in any case, but I've found it helps in case you weren't going to!

The pose, the blade and shield combo are all on point. The extreme dynamism complements the more esoteric looking weaponry. Nicely done, man. I agree with Jack, though. Consider adjusting his right groin area, so that the lower edge of the leg plating aligns closer to the cod piece.


I've always loved Corien Sumatris and you're definitely on your way to doing him justice.

As it happens, I have an update on that very guy.




I tried out a few things for his MIU bolter and they were all more clunky than I liked, so I guess I'll be sculpting the arm. Instead of lengthening the left leg, I shortened the right because it was looking a tad too long anyway and I know the right leg needs some more adjusting but I gotta leave for work shortly.

My brother and a mutual friend just informed me they are splitting a starter box and asked me if I was going to get one, and while I do like the look of most of the new marines (being a sucker for Mk IV armor), I'm hesitant simply for fluff reasons and probably not what you're thinking. I want my new 40k army to be Astral Claws and by the time Bobby G came back and made some new marines, the Astral Claws had long since been destroyed and the remnants fled into the warp and became the Red Corsairs... who are actively taking part in Abbadon's new push through the Imperium. I see a few possible options here for how to proceed:


1) Do nothing because I can't reconcile the fluff differences enough to include the shiny new models in the army.


2) Don't worry about the fluff and have some shiny new models.


3) Very few people outside of the Inquisition and the marine chapters that took part in the Badab War even know that such a thing happened, and maybe the Astral Claws could be re-born as a new chapter combining normal marines gathered from other mostly-destroyed chapters with primaris marines. The only downside is that I could not use original Astral Claws characters for obvious reasons - like the two I've been working on diligently - or that nifty Tyrant's Legion icon for them.


What to do?

Buy the box and see if the models inspire you in-hand.


I'm literally in the same situation as you except with 30k SoH. What gives me pause, despite my disgust of the new fluff, is this new direction has a really fair chance of being the only boat on the waters in a few years if the reaction to the primaris stuff does well enough. New tactical box released a few years ago? GW isn't afraid to turn on a dime, and I've begun to look at the current SM 40k range as something on borrowed time.


So the choice is stand with your arms crossed and let the hobby drive away without you or jump on board. I'm hoping the new models I've ordered do the same thing most of GW's sprues have done: inspire me to create and convert and craft my own stories. That has proven to keep me around the last 25 years.

Two alternative chapters? One, the reborn Astral Claws, that uses Primaris marines and is loyal- maybe with a few "upgraded" veterans (from loyal chapters) of the Badab War to oversee the new chapter. The other being the Red Corsairs/original Claws, led by Huron and engaged in an all-out assault on the Imperium.


I think it all depends on what you want to do- if you want to make an army that is for the tabletop probably the best choice is to make a nu-Marine version. On the other hand, the original Claws you are working on now look really good and have a unique flavor that may or not be possible to replicate with Primaris.

Buy the box and see if the models inspire you in-hand.


Yeah, and if nothing else, I can sell off the figures on eBay or trade them off for something else. 


Two alternative chapters? One, the reborn Astral Claws, that uses Primaris marines and is loyal- maybe with a few "upgraded" veterans (from loyal chapters) of the Badab War to oversee the new chapter. The other being the Red Corsairs/original Claws, led by Huron and engaged in an all-out assault on the Imperium.


I think it all depends on what you want to do- if you want to make an army that is for the tabletop probably the best choice is to make a nu-Marine version. On the other hand, the original Claws you are working on now look really good and have a unique flavor that may or not be possible to replicate with Primaris.


I'll keep turning it over in my head, see what happens. 

I was actually thinking that very thing on the drive home! Along with Huron creating more marines than he was supposed to have, Valthex and the corpsetakers could have been experimenting with making improved marines.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

Geneseed tithes to Terra could've been 'funding' the Primaris legions growth and we just didn't know it.

That's actually literally the official fluff justification for the huge amount of Primaris Marines being sent out to all the chapters. It sucks, but yah... no there is no but. 


I say just have some shiny new models, BCK.

Having a little fun with my old Games Day '99 Captain.




I got him for a really good price a long time ago and when I saw the condition of the figure - huge mold lines from a mold slip and lots of pitting - I realized why I got such a good deal. I'm bulking up the comically thin legs and adding a combi-plas from the Mk IV kit 'cause his original bolter was an unsalvageable mess, but there's still more work to do in some bad spots.

I've always loved that miniature. I converted mine into a Nurgle Lord back when he was released. I like what you're doing to it. Your 'thickening' technique always at first strikes me as too much, but then the new proportions settle in and they look far more natural! Will you cut in the usual tech-y crevices that power armour has?

I'd love to see how tall (or short!) he is next to modern sculpts, especially Primaris if you decide to go for those when they are released!


I think his thighs are definitely quite chunky, which might make him look more squat than normal!

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