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Also, any plans for the destroyer hive?


Yup! I'm not doing the weird fungus sprouts as is tradition with his art and figures but beyond that, I dunno what I'm doing about it yet. 


My head immediately to something like a wasp-hive built up on the armor, but I really like the current silhouette, so perhaps just texture the upper armor surface to resemble a hive's inside? Kind of like Drycha Hamadreth's limbs https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Sylvaneth-Drycha-Hamadreth

Work, work, work. 




Not sure if I'm 100% happy with the belly plate and may do it over. Also found a new pic of Typhus in the codex that's in a similar pose to what I was already doing. 



I like the plate but I've always liked it looking big. Look at Typhus' chest in the picture where that vented thing juts out. His belly sticks out further than thing. It even covers his groin and there is another layer of armor beneath.


That's just my personal taste. If you are going to have a beer gut why only be able to rest a single bottle on it when you can hold up a 6 pack.

I got a decent amount of work done last night and today. First up is cutting away some of the first belly plate so I can re-sculpt it and making his shoulders wider with some strip plastic. 




With the larger leg armor and the big belly plate, the extensions will bring the arms into proportion with the rest of him. 


And now he finally begins to take proper shape. 




The head is still very early and will get more work done, but I wanted to include it in the picture to see how it worked with the rest of the figure. 


@The Traitor - It is a scythe. A war scythe. He's a soldier, not a farmer. Here's some drawings of historical ones. 




I liked the shape of the ones on the bottom, which felt more like a "manreaper" to me and increased the angle on the end of the blade a bit. 

Nice!  Loving the way its coming together. Except for one thing.... its making me want to do another Typhus.


What's wrong with that? Coincidentally, I happen to be running a character conversion challenge right now. ;)

More helmet work, got a hose into the big wound on his belly plate, and test fitting the shoulder pads. 



I may do chainmail on the shoulders instead of the strips, as some of the other DG and the artwork have. The shoulders and arms are temp glued so I know how much room I have to play with on his back for... something to do for the Destroyer Hive. I hope to have him finished up in the next week or so. 

Looking ever more like a Lord you do not want to cross.


As for the destroyer hive maybe do some smoke stacks, corroding but crusty with Nurgle's touch. Awhile back I used the smoke stacks (I cannot think of an better word or what they are actually called) from the resin warpsmith on a terminator lord.

Thanks, Kizz!


And yes, the Inq28 thing really does let you go crazy in a way not much else in the Imperium side of the game can. I'd like to do a warband for each of the three Ordos and my initial thought was to go really dark and twisted for all of them, but now I'm going to give each one a flavor of its own. I'm starting with the Hereticus because the Inquisitor will be relatively young, of the monodominant school, and won't have anything really outlandish (for the Inquisition anyway), but I am still planning on doing some kinda freaky stuff inspired a lot by Karl Kopinsky's Hereticus art. There will be arco-flagellants, a penitent engine of my own creation, a very unique AdMech Magos (if I can pull off my idea), and some other goodies, but it will be the most 'clean' of the three warbands.


The ProCreate is similar to greenstuff but has some differences that I noticed immediately. First is that it's a lot more firm than GS, even before mixing the two colors, and requires a bit more pressure with the sculpting tools. Once it's mixed, if you've ever mixed GS and Milliput, it reminds me a lot of that - the work life seems a little longer than GS and it doesn't have as much memory as GS so when you get near the end of the work life, it's not as spongy and springy and can still take impressions from the sculpting tools, but at a lesser degree than when it's fresh. I almost always use a little curing oven on my sculpted bits so I can get more work done in a day and the ProCreate cures faster than the GS in the oven. It also cures to a harder finish and sands a hell of a lot better than GS, but unlike a GS/Milliput hybrid, it doesn't turn into concrete and you can still pull it off the figure if you're a hyper self-critical perfectionist that sometimes has to sculpt something several times to get it right. It also doesn't seem to need as much lubricant as GS and doesn't get nearly as sticky.


Something else I discovered a few hours ago is that despite curing harder than GS, it seems to have a lot more plasticity and won't break or tear as easily. Now, last night, as I always do when I have leftover putty, I fed the excess to the tube making tool. I didn't think much of testing it until I was looking at Sister Sneer again to decide just what needed to be reworked, and one thing that's always bothered me is where the GS tube over her left shoulder fractured when I was gluing it in place.




I dunno how many people even noticed it before, but it's one of those little things that bothered me every time I looked at the figure. I decided to see how far I could bend the ProCreate tube before it fractured. Check this :censored: out.




This is fully cured, by the way. That would have snapped in half long before bending it that much if it was GS, and I didn't even feel that tension starting to build in it like you would with a GS tube. I bent it that far three times, in fact - twice with my fingers and a third time to snap this photo, and still no breakage at all. If nothing else, it's amazing for this sort of thing. Now, if you're one of those that put the GS tubes in place before they cure it might not be that big a deal, but I can never seem to do that without crushing the tube or at the very least getting fingerprints into it, so I'm loving this.


I've only had some limited interaction with it so far, but it already feels like a really good sculpting putty and some of the qualities, like having less memory, not being as sticky, and sanding better than GS, would give it a lower learning curve and be more user-friendly for people who are just getting into converting or who really hate using GS.


A couple of downsides are the color, which can make it difficult to see exactly what detail you've pressed into it with your tools, and once it gets to the end of it's working life, it starts to get crumbly. The first night I worked with it, I went a good ways past the working life and when I tried to use the tube tool on the leftovers, it just crumbled like stale bread. It's also not as friendly to photograph as GS due to the lighter color.


Sorry to go back over old posts, but I have been having issues with press moulding small details for curved surfaces.


Would Procreate be the way to go? If it can be this flexible, then press moulding and going around shoulder pads or chest plates should be a breeze?

Yeah, but I'd suggest Oyumaru as well because of its flexibility when molding the part and that fact that you can heat it up and use it again when you're done casting that piece. Speaking of Oyu, I've been having a go at making some more blight launchers. 




The picture sucks due to bad choice of background, but you can see the original on the far left and casts 1, 2, and 3 moving from right to left. The first one was a little rough and the next two turned out decently. They'll all need some repair work to make them presentable, but it's better than buying 3 more of the easy to build kits (and I haven't seen any on sale for eBay by themselves). 


I've been kicking around some ideas for over a week now about what to do for the hive part of Typhus and I tried a couple things over the last few days; this one I liked better than my first attempt. 




I've always thought the bone or fungus or whatever 'chutes' coming off of Typhus' back and top of his armor looked odd and, in my opinion, didn't properly convey the idea of it being a hive of hellish warp flies carrying a horrific disease. I looked up real hives of all sizes and shapes and like one picture I found where it appeared new expansions where built on top of the older ones in a chaotic, twisting fashion. 


That hive is not all greenstuff, btw! With his arms attached so I'd know where to build the hive with clearance room for his arms and shoulder pads, I built up a foundation layer - both for strength and to safe on GS - by tearing off little pieces of paper towel and slowly gluing them on and soaking them in super glue until it was where I wanted. I tried aluminum foil first, but it wasn't working out like I wanted in such a narrow space. 

Now that's a unique twist there. I want to go Kindergarten Cop and say he has a tumor but that is not a bad thing for one of Nurgle.


The only thing I don't like the look of is that it's on his butt. Seeing the rear shot makes me think of a ninja turtle. I think it would look cool if it narrowed at his tailbone area...even looking like a stubby tail maybe. Also, it could look sweet if the hive went onto the top of his armor facing forward in some mockery of the grenade harnesses those guys have.


Regardless, I like the unique direction your Typhus is taking. He is quite the wild card.

I figured someone would mention the hive on his butt. One of the things I was pondering over the past week was how the hive would grow if it only sprouted from his back, as the two models and artwork have shown us. If it grew too wide, the movement of his arms and shoulder pads would break it away back to a point where it was no longer an obstruction, and the same if it grew too far downward with the movement of his hips and legs, so I made it narrow within the center line of his body and growth horizontally outwards from his back. I'm sure plenty of people will make mental jokes about it, but it seemed like the natural way it would evolve if it and he were real. 

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

The art only shows growths from the torso part of his armour as far as I can see and the "pipes" come out high up on the top of the armour. I always imagine a walking chimney, like with a termite mound on his back...




I'm sure you were planning for this but I have to say that the hive on his back looks rather "tacked on" and not a part of him as it should be. 

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