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Red and gold looks fantastic together, and I think he looks better then the green you used previously. I think he looks good, the silver section works well to break up the red and gold colours, think if you’d done the same on the helmet it would have been to much though so I’d say stuck to the red there.

Red and gold looks fantastic together, and I think he looks better then the green you used previously. I think he looks good, the silver section works well to break up the red and gold colours, think if you’d done the same on the helmet it would have been to much though so I’d say stuck to the red there.


Once I came up with a good version of that tank color, I just had to do the red. I wanted to do a different color mainly because most of the armies I've gotten some progress on have been red: my original Blood Angels army when I got into the game in 3rd, a Saim-Hann army I started on but couldn't post pics here at the time and the models have since been stripped, and a Skorne WarmaHordes army that I painted up in a simple scheme of base color, shade, and then gloss coat to look like lacquered samurai armor and then later sold it. Speaking of which, the Vanguard helms remind me a lot of the Skorne and obviously the samurai kabuto they were inspired by. 


Looks good but, just out of curiosity, have you tried doing the helmet the other way around? Red visor and golden helmet? I think it could be interesting, but I'm not sure.


Now that I tried the red as the helm base I think I'll be sticking with it. In my mind's eye I had forgotten how much armor and bling these guys have in the gold/bronze colors and I think the helmet being mostly that color would be too much. 

I was going to suggest a black helmet to breal up all the red.


Are you going to go with different coloured helms to represent rank or squad types?


Otherwise looking good. Only other suggestion might be for te shoulders and or the fore arm protection, to paint it steel, but leave the gold on te trim, to make it look a bit more utilitarian?

I feel your pain when taking pics with red armour. The blood god love messing with my pics haha. I really like the scheme you have gone with, I do think that there is a bit to much gold. Maybe paint the elbo pads and the toe caps silver to break it up a bit? Saying that the whole look of the model may change once you have the gun and skin painted. 

There's more red on him because I airbrushed him red and haven't finished the paint job yet and a lot of the unpainted stuff is that base color. All things considered, a lot of the red tunic is covered up by the armor and the gloves are going to be brown like the boots, but I'll try to get it finished tomorrow and evaluate it from there and see what, if anything, needs changing. The gun will probably stay black simply because I tried painting the wood grain the last time I put some paint on Vostys and it didn't go well, plus my "as much realism as possible" thing prevents me from painting guns anything but black. 


Though I do think the off-white color of the tanks on the guns could be a way to tie the vehicles and figures together as well as offering some brighter contrast against the red and gold. 

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

I think he looks good in red, but then I do love the colour red! :D


Just spitballing some thoughts here:


- I think the boots and the rifle would benefit from being a dark brown - Scorched Brown or Umbral Umber for example. This reduces the "red" in the scheme, and helps to boost the contrast on the figure a bit more.


- The gold could receive some verdigris, or even a careful wash of black (maybe with a touch of green in it) to help tone down the wider gold areas. Adding a neutral or green tint to the gold helps to enhance it effect against the red, and would also push the antique feel of their equipment a bit more.


- Some areas could be done in a dark-ish grey if you need to distinguish things like pouches and such. It might also be helpful for the camo netting on the snipers, or for the rebreather tanks.


- Any cabling could be done in a neutral (or blue) black. This would reduce the bling a bit, and is easy/quick to paint. I would suggest a cool blue black would look best against the warm red and gold.


- Some details like little aquilas could be done in white/light grey to provide points of high-contrast interest on the model, and to again reduce the bling a little.

I appreciate the advice, Major. The bronze had already been washed in both brown and black, but those metallic Vallejo paints really want to shine. I tried painting the rifle in the tank color and it didn't work out so well, so I went with a dark grey instead. I'll try a few more things and then post some pics when I have the scheme finalized. 


In other news, remember this guy?




Loved the sword pose, didn't love the chainsword for a Vostroyan HQ and made him a new blade. 



I knew the instant I saw the skitarii helms that I would have to use them for my Vostroyans but for such a nice look, you pay a steep price in sawing off every head and cutting out neck space. 

Sagentus: It's getting to the point that I'm making metal blades for everything, regardless of which army. Not only is it closer to proper scale but I think it's fun. 


Markus_: Right? I thought they blended well unpainted, but man, it almost looks like they were designed to work together after I painted that one. 



The bronze had already been washed in both brown and black, but those metallic Vallejo paints really want to shine


A bit of matte medium mixed into the wash may help with that. Loving the way the commander came out!

I appreciate the advice, Major. The bronze had already been washed in both brown and black, but those metallic Vallejo paints really want to shine. I tried painting the rifle in the tank color and it didn't work out so well, so I went with a dark grey instead. I'll try a few more things and then post some pics when I have the scheme finalized.


I look forward to seeing your progress!


As for the metals, I was more thinking that the recesses could be built up with the washes to contrast the shiny metals with the matte shadows. It's also a neat way of introducing another colour that's complimentary but doesn't overwhelm the model.


The Skitarii helmets are good match too, and whilst I was going to suggest locating some historical Sallet helmets to help bulk out your Skitarii resources, they would be missing the rebreathers.


For the swords, I was having a thought as well. I know a lot of modelling materials suppliers sell flat metal strip as well as rod; could using that as a starting point for your swords save you a lot of time and effort? Sure, they still need to be shaped, but they would effectively come already as "blanks" that don't need flattening.

Most of the flat strips of metal I've seen like that have been brass or some or other soft metal and the reason I go with the wire is so they're strong enough to stand up to some handling even as thin as they are. I actually tried making a few blades out of brass rod hammered flat when I first started this technique and twice they got snapped in half by the Dremel on the lowest setting. 

I appreciate brass/aluminium/copper are going to be too soft for this. I was more thinking of steel or stainless steel strips (like these by K&S metals).


Anyway, it was just a thought! :)

Edited by Major_Gilbear

Some time ago I bought a box of Cold One Knights from a clearance bin at the LGS with the intent of making some Vostroyan rough riders. The time has come. 




This was the first mock up with the plasma culverin or whatever (counting as a normal plasgun) from the skitarii box 'cause I wasn't sure if would be too stupidly large for someone on horseback. It's stupidly large for someone on horseback. 


Ditching the plasma idea for now until I can either find a smaller replacement or convert my own, I started trying out some things for a normal RR like saddle bags, bed roll, and a holstered pistol for left hand draw as well as covering up the badly cast forehead of the lizard with some more scales and a horn (needs more work), trimming down the knight's long coat, and rebuilding the leg armor after the cutting. 





I appreciate the suggestion but I've already considered that and while it would be shorter, it's still larger than I'd like a firearm to be for someone on horseback a mount. 


*edit* Had a play in PS with the pic. 





Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

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