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I tried sculpting the rest of the protruding spine bits on Mung, my aberrant with the whack-a-mole power mallet, and didn't have much luck. I was already doing an Oyumaru cast of a genestealer spine as a back up just in case this fell through, so here's the mold I made, which is also the largest one I've ever done even though I only needed a small part of it. 




The spine cut to size. 




And a test fit to make sure the length is good, which it is!




I think I'm going to remove all the work I've done on the back currently and start over with this new piece and if I like the way it looks, I might do this with all my aberrants because I think the back muscles on the models look strange. 

I usually don't fret too much about starting over on some sculpting work because some of my favorite conversions only came about because I didn't settle for the first try (or second, or third in some cases). The spine part I originally used was also a lot more twisted that it seemed on the first night that I did it and after some fresh eyes a few days later I knew I was going to remove it anyway. 


On the new spine, I've built up the protrusions (spinous process IIRC) on the larger vertebrae and begun the blending it in with his back. I already think this is a lot better. 



Oyu can be handy, but it's also hard to tell just how good the mold is until you cast something from it and it's real frustrating when you waited that long to find out it's crap. 

I use oyamaru and liquid interchangeably, liquid for bigger pieces or for when I'm trying to preserve more detail, like on my mk3 upgrade kits, oyamaru for mass casting like shoulderpads and little bits - like that spine.

Hrm, you're obviously going to hate me for this, but I actually preferred the previous design by far, mostly because it didn't look quite as obviously Tyranid-like, but had this really cool, malformed look, like an organism trying to reconcile genetics that weren't quite compatible. And it actually felt like the weird looking muscle was a part of that. Sorry, just my two cents... :(

Thanks, Hushrong. 


Hrm, you're obviously going to hate me for this, but I actually preferred the previous design by far


Actually, I appreciate the honesty you always have in your opinions even if you think I might not like it. In this particular instance I wasn't happy with the first go and there's a bit of a story reason in my head for it: this particular aberrant I need to be... more successful... and the other one I've started working on will get some work on his back closer to what Mung originally had. 

Happy to help!


Here's my second aberrant with some Dremel surgery to carve out a channel in his back and another tyranid piece copied to fill it in. 



From what I've been reading about them in Kill Team, you really need to cheese the crap out of your list to be competitive at all, which is sad. 


Almost done with aberrant #2. 



Now that I have the plague spewer bits for the bloat marine and can see how much room I have to work with between it and his body, I can now go back and finish up the armor on his chest to make it look as though it's been cut open to allow room for his... condition. 




I tried to remove the left arm to either cut back some of the GS and do it over or make a whole new, but I can't get it off and I don't remember how I attached it. 

Maybe rend open a pauldron and have a couple of power cables that have converted to carrying fluids leaking down from under it to merge the armor to the arm?


I really like that guy. Your Kill Teams are going to look a lot more awesome than my unconverted ones! :lol:


The muscles coming off that spine are crazy!

I'm going to dust off my old Lugft Huron remake for Grotsmasha's upcoming DIY character and diorama challenge. 




I can't seem to locate my Badab books at the moment but does anyone know of him fighting a named character in the lore other than Captain Androcles of the Star Phantoms? I really hate painting white. 

Seeing the opened armor on the elephantiasis blessed marine is nice to see. Going back to what you mentioned before about marines getting such blessings, I wonder when this happened to that marine if he just had his armor shorn open and just thought 'this is fine' while having his putrid flesh exposed.


As for Lugft I cannot remember if he fought anyone else. It will be cool to see you finish off that beast of a terminator you made for him!

This showed up in the mail today!




This is the Large size tube/tentacle maker, and they're not joking. 




That's a 32 and 40mm base sitting on one of the plates. It's not all good news though. 


I bought the large size because I incorrectly thought that just the plates were larger to enable you to make longer tubes, and not that it was upscaled from the smaller plates so the distance between the grooves in the tubes would be larger. I really don't know how often I would use these because it makes tubes that look they would go on huge vehicles or scenery.


When I have excess GS, I almost always roll it out into a sausage of the same approximate size unless I specifically need something larger or smaller. This is the what the "small" plates made with that. 




Yup, primaris marine and 32mm base for scale. No bananas handy, sorry. 


*sigh* I was so excited when it showed up, taking several weeks to get here, and now I almost feel like I wasted my money. 

If it's any consolation, you can roll out a nice smooth tube, then don't apply much pressure with the plates, and they'll create light widely spaced grooves. I've actually found cables like that are useful for breaking up how often the standard fine corrugated hose is used.

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