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Looks very nice and bulky! Not much left of the original model though, hehe.


I didn't want it to look exactly like a Kasrkin. :)


One final WIP before the painting:




A few minor tweaks and added the sling for the carbine.

And that's :cussing amazing!


I'm guessing an iron scheme with chevrons are next?


We'll see. ;)


Sweet Jesus that guy is sick. And I thought putting NVg on my guys was cool...


Gotta reach for the stars with each new conversion, brother. For years I've wanted to make a better looking marine scout and it wasn't until recently that all of the parts - my skill with gs, the base figure, the idea, the reference, etc - all came together and gelled into a workable solution. Some may have discerned where this figure is headed and who it was that helped me along with it, but I have to say that I'm glad to be the one behind this particular character and that it turned out even better than I had hoped.

Holy God-Emperor! An update!


Here we have a mock up of a character who, for now, shall remain unknown and his Legion unnamed:




Never fear, faithful followers, the inconography of the IX Legion shall be removed in time. I still have a lot of fiddling to do with the left arm, but I like the look of everything so far.


I will tomorrow. I'm about to drop as it is, and today has been kind of awful.


A little hint on this guy: He's not VIII Legion, but he ties into the story I'm working on for them and is a character of my own creation.

After looking at this guy with fresh eyes this morning, I've decided that I don't like the Sanguinary Guard power fist on this guy. It's way too big and the overall shape of it isn't quite what I was wanting. Unfortunately, right-handed power fists are kind of rare, and that was the only one I had, so I took one of the termie fists from the Black Reach box, cut it off, removed the thumb and power cable, flipped it over, and stuck it on to check the look. Whatcha think, brothers?





(The thumb will be resculpted)

Rare to me. The Sanguinary Guard fist is the only one I have. The MK IV would work, but the conversion itch is wanting to be scratched. >_<

The assault marine box also has a pointing one. It should be available at one or another bits site.

BCK, if you get the time, could you provide a tutorial or simple explanation for how you did the ammo pouches on the torso and the soft pouches on his back for the up armored scout?

I'd also like to know how you did this. 


BCK, if you get the time, could you provide a tutorial or simple explanation for how you did the ammo pouches on the torso and the soft pouches on his back for the up armored scout?

I'd also like to know how you did this.



I'll see what I can do.


Here's an update on the anonymous marine before I go to work:



The power fist was looking a little bland, so I decided to try to bring in more in line with the look of the forearm armor plate on the MK III suits, and also trying out a new head:






C&C welcome

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