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It could very well have been that someone at Forge World called up Dan and said they needed to sell more Thunderbolts, Marauders, Valkyries, and Chaos Hell Blade/Talon models, and could he help them out, not unlike Transformer the Movie selling a whole new line of toys, but even if that were the case, it's still a good book.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage


Then don't read Titanicus either. :blink.:


Ding ding ding


When ever the phrase "Engine Kill" pops up, it might as well have had a hotlink to FW's website. In other news, I love the new assault marine. Any of those wacky MK4 helms always get props from me.

Edited by Flint13

Indeed, Flint. Indeed.


So, #4 is the flame trooper for the squad, but I'm not sure what head to put on him.




Regular MK III, stolen head from the Tac Marine I did a little while back, or respirator?


Now, I plan on placing these Crimson Sons in the pacification of Oxitania during Unification(It's a gift, you should accept it. Really.), and the atmosphere is toxic, so I'm not sure about having any of the marines with a bare head, but, while we're on the subject...



The torso for #3 is a Mk IV Destroyer's torso, right? I've always wondered how a Mk IV torso would look on Mk III legs. I likes it. I likes it a lot. :thumbsup:


How much of a pain in the butt was it to remove the torso from the Destroyer model? It still comes as a single piece right?

It could very well have been that someone at Forge World called up Dan and said they needed to sell more Thunderbolts, Marauders, Valkyries, and Chaos Hell Blade/Talon models, and could he help them out, not unlike Transformer the Movie selling a whole new line of toys, but even if that were the case, it's still a good book.

Its the Battle of Britain 40k style!

The tactical head has the best respirator ever, so I would go for that. I do think head number 2 looks best of the helmeted ones, though.

Statement seconded. 


Great looking Crimson Sons BCK, looking forward (as always) to more from this inspirational thread. 

i like the respirator head, but I do have a thing for them. if you would rather have a helmed head then i would say number 2. he looks great btw.


The tactical head has the best respirator ever, so I would go for that. I do think head number 2 looks best of the helmeted ones, though.


Statement seconded. 


Great looking Crimson Sons BCK, looking forward (as always) to more from this inspirational thread. 


I'm still not 100% on a bare head, but there seems to be a clear consensus on which helm to use otherwise.


I was looking at #3 earlier and thought that best piece is just too bare. Too empty.




It needs something. I had an idea, but at the time, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.




Maybe the Terran Unification War Raptor-and-Lightning icon? That would look cool, right? Doesn't look too hard either. Right? LOL!






These stupid Unification lightning bolts will be the death of me. I sculpted the Raptor head earlier today and let it cure, and when I came back to do the lightning bolts, I foolishly thought I could knock out all four of them in one go. Yeah, no. In the time I got one of them sculpted, the little bit of GS I had mixed up cured to the point that the memory kicked in too much and I couldn't use it. Not to mention, it was hurting my eyes trying to work on something that small, so I'm done with it for today.

In lieu of an update on the chest piece above or other Crimson Sons figures, I have a different offering today. A little while back, I was talking with a member of another popular hobby/game site via PM and mentioned that I would love to get a Primarch or two into my operating theatre for some surgery - Mortarion, most notably. While I like the figure's sculpting, I don't really care for the pose and wanted something more like this:




The person I was PMing with really liked the idea, and we started talking about a commission to do just that for him. After buying the model, however, he decided he didn't want to chance it.


2.5 years ago, about 3 weeks before I was laid off from my previous job, I bought an '87 Mustang GT rolling shell with the intention of putting a rather large engine in it to take out every now and then for some motoring fun. It's been sitting under a tarp until a few weeks ago when I finally found someone to take it off my hands, since that dream up and died like a fart in the wind some time ago. With the funds, I bought myself a present. Or two.




I'll be doing that conversion for myself, thank ye very much!


I had considered reposing Horus if I ever got the figure, but now that I'm looking at him, I'd be worried about doing irreparable harm to all the fine details on his armor. But with Morty, I have no such reservations.


Time to get out the blades and saws, because...




In every age the truly wise and talented are considered mad men.

So brother I give you my faith and I hope through the ages the whisper of the man who dreamt of reposed primarchs and dared to challenge the gods (FW sculptors)

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