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Your NotTyphon looks good. I think the pose is ok as it is, I tried to change the torso pose of Khârn. It went badly, although you are more skilled then I am. What I would say is maybe carve out the belly section and rebuild out of gs.

The Rotor Cannon on that Contemptor is amazing. Your 'Typhon' looks cool too, the Dusk Raiders colour scheme is awesome, looking forward to seeing these guys painted up :smile.:


Thanks! I'm going to wait until I get the other Grave Guard and the Typhon guy finished before I do any more painting so I can base coat all the Dusk Raiders at the same time.


Your NotTyphon looks good. I think the pose is ok as it is, I tried to change the torso pose of Khârn. It went badly, although you are more skilled then I am. What I would say is maybe carve out the belly section and rebuild out of gs.


Yeah, I think it would just be more work than it's worth, because if I changed the position of the torso the position of the arms would no longer make sense.


Speaking of Khârn... I've been considering doing a few other counts-as figures that might be Loyalists from Isstvan III that joined up with the Crimson Sons and their Death Guard Dusk Raiders buddies. Maybe a few Emperor's Children, Sons of Horus Luna Wolves, and World Eaters War Hounds. I thought I'd start with the War Hound, and going WAY back to the 2nd page of this thread to this guy...




I really like the pose, so I set about seeing if I could recreate it with an earlier armor Mark.




For now, I couldn't lean him forward as much as I wanted to because I want to glue him to the base, but once it's finished, he'll be pinned to the base so I can lean him over a lot more. I'm also considering making this guy a hulking beast by lengthening the torso and making him bulkier in the chest and limbs.

As is often the case, I completely changed gears on this XII Legion loyalist, in more ways than one. Instead of going with a Khârn counts-as, I think Centurion Shabran Darr appeals to me a bit more. I like the idea of a loyalist World Eater running through a mob of his traitorous brothers, singling out sergeants and officers and swiping their heads off with his master-crafted chain axe. The other change is from the running action pose to something a bit more understated; perhaps the Centurion at a calm moment when the nails aren't white hot and singing the song of slaughter into his brain.


I decided to keep the MKII chest and helm, but the legs I wanted to use are the larger 'Legion' MKIII legs, where the ones in the pic above are the smaller first generation type, and just labeled as MKIII Iron Armor on the FW site. With the MKII torso having a narrower trunk and waist than the MKIII, it almost looks comical on the larger Legion legs, so in keeping with the original idea of making this guy a hulking brute, I lengthened the torso and gave it more girth by sculpting new armor plates. I didn't have a second set of the same legs for comparison, so I got the closest ones I had on hand.




Subtle difference, I think. It looks more proportional to the legs without going overboard into the TRU-SCAYLE! silliness.


And because almost everything reminds of something from a movie, I couldn't help but think of this scene after Darr chops of an officer's head in front of his men:



God damn Jasp stop posting... I know I know but the raptor backpack just arrived and I finished a model finally!

First decent model in months :)


Boy did I take my eye off the ball! All the new stuff is amazing.


If you're still thinking about the spiked crown. Cocktail sticks. Cut the points off and drill them in.

I can't say how happy I am that you're building Shabran Darr!


He is my absolute favorite World Eater and the entire inspiration behind my own little slice of the legion.

Looks good. I like the sound of a more relaxed pose, I find that they tend to be more menacing.


Yeah, I was working on the running version and saw the custom Khârn I had started working on for a friend a while back, who has a menacing walking pose, and that helped change my mind.


I can't say how happy I am that you're building Shabran Darr!


He is my absolute favorite World Eater and the entire inspiration behind my own little slice of the legion.


I was thinking I remembered the name associated with your WEs when I was reading his entry in Betrayal last night. :)

The figure finally started speaking to me, and asked for some more changes. It's still WIP, but I think I've nailed down the pose for good:




I still have to find some hands, finish the belt area on the waist, and then figure out how I'm going to decorate his armor, but I like it.

That. That right there is why I love that Forgeworld doesn't make a model for every character they create. 


It's amazing what the mind can craft from a small paragraph story, and a handful of equipment.


Awesome, man. He's imposing as hell, and that axe is :cuss ing scary.

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