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How has Alan Bligh not asked for your number yet? 


He should take him out to dinner and a movie first, don't you think?


Maybe they're just friends with resin benefits? 

Honestly the cloak seems a little off to me. I can't quite put my finger on it. I think it might have something to do with that I don't see any binding. There's no clasp around the neck or pin to the paldrons. Right now it just sort of looks like a blanket over his head.

Mayb a microbead either side of Exodus' head on the armours collar, to act as fixing studs for the cloak?


Otherwise a very beautiful model...


Going back to the 6th legionary.


Does this help with the chainmail, or have I missed the boat on that one?





Edited by dantay_xv

For Mr. Bligh, I'd skip the dinner and the movie. *ahem* Thanks for the compliments brothers(and sister).


Here's my finished Exodus for the March of the Legions:




Originally, I was going to make this an entirely monochromatic figure with everything being a neutral shade of grey - including his face that had grey camo paint on it -  but maybe my painting my skills aren't up to pulling it off because it was just too flat. I mean, it would be great for real camo while trying to snipe someone from a great field of pulverized grey stone, but for a miniature it really needed some contrast. I went with the camo pattern on his armor to see if that would do it and it just wasn't enough of a push, so while it may not look as tactically feasible, I decided to paint the exposed head a flesh color.


Something else I learned on this was how my lack of finishing models nearly made me miss the deadline for entering this guy in the contest, which ends today. I didn't take into consideration the height of the two thin layers of super-fine sand I added to the base and had to cock his rifle at that angle to get it to fit in his hand... and I had already glued him down to the base, as well as gluing the cloak to him and the base. Last minute surgery on that left arm was not an option. Serves me right for finishing a model every 7.5 years or so.

I feel like you're some sort of mystical hobby prophet. 


Once every X number of years, you wander down from your mountain retreat, drop a gorgeous hobby bombshell that warrants no competition, only to wordlessly return to your mountain hideaway...


7.5 years isn't too shabby for results like that! 

  • 2 weeks later...



Oh, don't mind the Aquila on his butt plate as it will be covered up shortly.


It could be a scavenged piece of loyalist plate. It's got the whole "I fart in your general direction" thing going on for it. That always rubs the Emperor's lapdogs the wrong way.


That's a really cool backpack, maybe one of the more overlooked pieces from the DV Chosen.


I just really wanna see this guy complete, BCK! 


Me too. I'm thinking I might just focus on Maestoros and one other lord, since I pledged 2 of them for the conversion challenge, 'cause I want to see this guy finished as well.


I like the aquilla on the armor plate as well, quite the insult if you ask me.  The armored shoulder pad looks good as well.  Are you going to replace the large studs on his helmet with one row of smaller studs or a bunch of smaller studs spread out all over the top of the helmet?


I had thought about keeping the aquila, but the trophies I had in mind for these guys were based on an Iron Warrior conversion I made from a Lucius model, where they have banners and such displayed as trophies instead of heads and all that other usual chaos stuff. Here's the guy:




In that vein, his backside will be covered.


I love that helmet! could you please tell me where it comes from?

Indeed, the Iron Warriors kit from GW.


And an early WIP shot of my XIX Legionnaire for the March of the Legions:



I don't know how I feel about this, but I just went through all 71 pages in one sitting. I look forward to seeing more Mortarion. I'm surprised the primarch models are so tall though. I knew they were big, but that guy is pushing 16 or more feet. Isn't the Emperor even taller? What a bunch of freaks. :tongue.:

Edited by Zeller

I don't know how I feel about this, but I just went through all 71 pages in one sitting. I look forward to seeing more Mortarion.


Wow, thanks! I plan on getting back to Morty sometime after the new year as I have several things I need to finish up this month.

Your wish is my command, Hellchyld.


This guy is turning out to be one of those builds where the idea I had in my head for most of the figure just aren't working out, so there's been some changes.


Iteration two:




Didn't like the original MkIV chest so I swapped it out with a different one, bulked out the thighs and right arm a bit, and tried two different ideas for the axe that seemed awesome in my head and looked like crap once made real. Then that hook sort of thing on the top of the axe blade gave me an idea for a multi-use weapon, with the lower part for for general chopping duties and a curved blade on top specifically for severing limbs. He's a pissed off Pale Nomad late in the Heresy and not a very nice fellow.


While looking around for something to use for a right arm, I happened across the MkVI torso from the current tac squad box and decided I'd go with that, more to fit in line with the abundance of them known to be used by the XIX, but also because I decided to see if I could pull off a decent looking HH figure with 40k plastics.




With the exception of the should pads, everything on him is from GW, and the Forge World shoulder pads could easily be replaced by similar 40k versions, but I didn't have any handy.


And yes, I know there are terrible mold lines on the left arm, but I just slapped it on at the last second and I'm not even sure if it will still be there in the final version.

Nope, it came from the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard box.




I had already messed it up pretty bad with the first idea I had for it so this was something I salvaged from it.

It's pretty close to symmetrical and I spent a good while getting it that way, but I think it's the lighting. Maybe desaturation and playing with the settings will help.



As is often the case, I changed my mind on the helmet for this guy. I gave it a few days to see how it sat with me and in the end, I wasn't happy with it. I built over the same head and came up with something I like better. I also decided to go back to the MkIV chest because the resin one is taller by a few mm and I didn't want to take the time to chop up the plastic MkVI and stretch it with all the deadlines for minis I have this month.




The right shin is getting some armor plating built up on it, similar to the MkIV Destroyers, and then the bonding studs will go on both lower legs to get to a pseudo-MkV.


Oh, and he's currently armless because they have GS curing on them right now.

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