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Great face swap there, KBC. About the pose - he looks a little off-balance to me now... it might be the angle of the pic, but my gut makes me wonder how he would look if you mirror the pose of the upper body. In other words, wouldn't he look better if he's pointing his guns to his right instead of his left?

Augs - I've separated the torso from the legs and I had a hell of a time getting a picture, 'cause everything's just blue tacked together, and it looks like the torso has slid back further on the pelvis area than it should, which is probably why it looks odd. I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it and I took a longer look at it.


Stabby - MkIII shoulder pads - and the rest of the armor, really - are the best in the entire range. :D

Agreed. Im a big fan, I think assorted MkIII bitz are the ones I have acquired the most of on Ebay and such, the parts mix n match well with everything. 


Theres a guy on shapeways that does "kinda" MkIII pads with various chapter/legion markings.

I'd like to introduce the leader of my upcoming Dusk Raiders force, Graiven Morgaul "The Breaker".




The shield is on loan from my Crimson Sons praetor until I can make one custom for this guy. Still a long way to go, but I'm turning that Abbadon frown upside down.

Master Crafted Miniatures makes great pauldrons, plenty of character. Check it out.


Agreed, my gripe with Master Crafted though is that they are sloooooow.


Breaker looks awesome BCK, beatstick looks great.

Stabby - the beatstick was one of the easiest parts to do, but I thought it looked fitting for him given the Death Guard's love of nasty weapons.


KrautScientist - thanks, man, you make some incredibly characterful figures so that means a lot coming from you. :smile.:


The Breaker here is gonna have a little retinue with him who will also be armed with shields, and is one of at least two terminator squads I'm planning on doing with shields.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

Augs - Your wish is my command.


After searching the interwebz for historical shield stuff, I think I've decided to go with a tower shield for The Breaker. His weapon of choice is as simple as a it gets, so why not go with a simple shape in the form of a tower shield?




Is it too big, though?

Wow, that is epic.


A second praetor with mace and shield. I am glad you went with a different shield design or despite the pose they could end up being too similar.


I can almost imagine the 2 Praetors as brothers, tragically separated as youths, into differing legions. Different and yet the same....


Apparently for the first time ever I ran out of likes or 'd be liking the crap out of your Dusk Raider. Are you going to retain the Eye of Horus symbol, or will they disappear?

Edited by dantay_xv

Thanks, Dantay. :biggrin.:


I was a little worried that this might end up too similar to my other praetor, who I think was just a warm up for this guy since I did little more than change his weapon and slap a shield on his other arm. Funny that you mention the brothers thing because it's an idea I'd been kicking around when coming up with some backstory for this guy, but I thought it might be cliche.


As for all of the Sons of Horus icons, they will all be disappearing very shortly. I always try to nail the pose down first thing before I really get going on the converting part of it.


To give some idea of how much he's already changed, here's the first little sketch I did, when I was still considering a bare head. I have come to my senses on that matter, though.



Yay!! BnC finally let me like things again :biggrin.:


Maybe not brothers, but cousins. 2 boys raised together trained together & fought together, before being selected for the legions. Unfortunately the youths were separated and indoctrinated into their respective legions and mind-sets. Or something happened, both did a terrible deed, but only one confessed to protect the other and was doomed to the prison mines of Albia, from where he was selected forthe Crimson Sons...


However neither lost their skills with mace & shield, which became their trademark weapons....  They became mirrors of each other, the same but opposites.


Helmed head works a lot better

Edited by dantay_xv

I would suggest avoiding going too blatantly chemical warfare / Death Guard on the Dusk Raiders, unless they're Heresy Era - We're Going Back to Our Roots - Screw Horus type of thing. Pre-Mortarion they seemed to be more of a generic Legion, more with a penchant for lightning assaults, of all things.

You're right on the money - the basic story idea I have is that their company has been out in the middle of nowhere babysitting some Mechanicum explorators as punishment when the Isstvan stuff is going on, and a warp storm has been blocking their communications for a year or more. Then when it subsides, they start getting a flood of messages about what's happened and cast off their Death Guard name and colors and return to their roots - screw Horus type of thing.



*Edit* Yes, the helm is from the Deathshroud termies.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

What with overtime at work and holiday stuff, I haven't had much chance to work on this guy lately, but here's a small update.




On the tabard, I was trying to make the cloth look like it's bunched up on his left knee pad, but it;s one of those situations where I thought it looked decent before I went to work and when I got home, I'm not so sure anymore. And as usual, the white plastic is proving to be a nightmare to photograph, but after several tries I managed to get a somewhat passable shot of the shield.

And on your left we may see the masterwork of BCK, making me feel inferior on a weekly basis.


We hoped you enjoyed B&C tours, I am going back to my quarters to cry myself to sleep...

The Breaker is looking great. If you are not sure about the tabard, why not do it with your patented gluey tissue cape technique?


Might get some quite cool  fold lines and it will drape more "naturally" over the kneepad.


As an aside you can also draw any designs on the tissue prior to the gluing phase which saves so much time and hassle when it comes to working out where to put the paint :)

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