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I know what you mean Arkley. I can hardly be bothered picking up a brush now since I finished the Gal Vorbak :/


Especially since I have other minis I could be painting that appeal to me much more.

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I think you knocked one out the park with the Gal Vorbak.... They were damn good mini's and you painted them extremely well. 


I felt like that when I painted the Master in my picture. It was one of the best things I ever painted.


But chin up man the Possessed are painted great and just wait for the dreadnought :smile.:


I looked back on the thread again and everything is painted extremely well but its just something about the Gal Vorbak :P... 


Ahh I have a solution do a army of them :P

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The ninth Possessed Marine is coming along slowly.




Truth is, after painting the Gal'Vorbak it's hard to get enthusiastic about the possessed. I don't dislike the models, but in comparison to their older brothers they are rather uninspired. Ah well, just three more to do!

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The Possessed champion is finished!









This isn't the best thing I have ever painted, but given the lack of enthusiasm I have for the models now I am pretty pleased with how he turned out!


I wasn't going to bother using the back pack with the wings, because I think they look a little stupid. But in the end I needed to do something that would denote him as the squad leader, and this is the best I could do without cracking open the green stuff!

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Ta Arkley!


Sadly I won't be painting Lorgar for the forseeable future :( 


Can't really justify buying him at the moment! Other financial priorities! Birthday coming up so though so who knows! :D

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Glad you like chaps! (And chapesses?)


The end is almost in sight!




Once this guy has been completed I have just one more Possessed Marine to paint and then I can move on to something else!



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Possessed number ten done!










Just one more to go (I know, eleven is a weird number), then I can move on to something else! I am tantalized by my options!



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Work begins on the final Possessed Marine!




Hoping to have this guy done by tonight, then I can begin work on something new! Honestly cannot wait!

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I have these things I could work on:


Space Hulk box

Grey knights

Landraider conversion

Biker lord

Biker sorcerer

Maulerfiends (x2)

10 Cultists

Loads of Daemons - A small armies worth including greater daemons

Thousand Sons squad

Raptor Squad


And loads more...


I just need to decide! :D

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OMG Tzen doing Loyalists... What would Lorgar think? :)


I vote in no particular order


1k Sons (Always nice to have would you put a little WB twist to them?)

Ultramarines (My first army in RT :P) 

Raptors sound good too....


But if I remember correctly you were kinda hankering to paint a vehicle


So to that end a Maulerfiend? :) 

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If I started my Thousand Sons it would be a whole new army. Lead by the Ahriman I painted agggeeesss ago. So Thousand Sons and Tzeentch daemons. Lord of change and all that! That's a hell of a project to be starting!

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So many options! So little time! It's a nice problem to have though! :D

My vote is either the Land Raider conversion or a Maulerfiend.  Go big, Tzen, you know you want to.


Yeah, i am tempted. The Landraider is a huuuggeee project, but my Possessed need some way of getting into close combat...

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