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  • 3 weeks later...

Being too busy with work, and having no painting mojo, it's been a barren few weeks. Short of eBay dealings I just haven't had much time to delve into a good session or two.


So, I'll be entering the Inquisitorial Henchman Challenge just to get the cogs moving and gee myself up.


First up, I finally settled on my Crusaders:





Still need to attach power cables running to some sort of generator/pack, hidden under those Chaos cloaks I've wanted to use for sooooo long.


Next, the Duelist Nobles:




Made a friend for the first guy, added pouches/kit galore to fill in gaps, and I see them as crackshot wannabe Inquistors, that my main fella has absolutely no intention of allowing. Tools to be used and nothing else, too arrogant and pompous to suit the role.


But these are straight-forward ideas, and I wanted something more elaborate to enter, so I'm sticking with my DCA/proto-Eversor, a veritable Swiss Army Knife amongst tools. As long as the desired result is death......


=] EDITED [=


Gave up on the Eldar legs, splashed out for some 'quin ones, and despite being a ways away, I've scrabbled bits for a combat drug system, a salvaged Scion targeter, and some other touches. 


Think I'll delve a little deeper into this, and ignore my ever-growing mountain of unpainted projects......

Finished earlier than expected last night, and finally a spare evening ! 


So, rolled the sleeves up, poured a nice G&T, and cracked on:








So outside my comfort zone, but it's not a terrible effort. Might actually be able to play a small game or two !

@Bio & DSS


Ta, fellas.




Yep, browsing a bits seller as I do, clicking "add to cart" on all sorts of interesting things. Once I see something, I can come up with ideas quickly, based upon a single part, and it's a question of making everything else work around it. The legs I happened upon without remembering about them, and it's a perfect fit.


In the Assassin's case though, it's the laurel-wreathed skull head that was the basis, and a severely wounded DCA being resurrected and conditioned into her new role, with the red/brass rather than a black scheme.


Also managed to individually score an array of cheap 99p Wolf Scouts, pure luck given the typical £20-odd for squads, who'll serve as Veteran WS Scouts:




Oh, and a darling rare mini, who'll serve as my DW Watch Captain:




Part of an Ultramarine box, despite his honour icon matching the Chapter symbol for the Novamarines. It also matches the Sons of Medusa, the Iron Hand splinter, and that could be a more interesting angle fluff-wise........the DW are already rife with Novas after all !


Couple of days off coming up, hopefully I'll get something finished.

I won't duplicate the entire post, but I've finished my entry in the Inquisitorial Henchman Challange :




Follow the link for pics and fluff, but here's a teaser:



  • 1 month later...

Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, merely busy juggling between GTA Heists, Dark Souls DLC, and the usual overload of both a new anime season AND GoT returning.


Needed a break, that's for sure.


Recently delved into fluff stuff regarding Illiarn and it's structure, and considering it's a subterranean mining world, I wanted something to represent that. Had the spare Scion helms from my Inq meddling, but I needed some sort of heavier outfit than standard IG bodies.

A cheap Bretonian box later, and:





Cutting down Cadian arms to fit is far more hassle than envisioned, but they'll be worth it. Thoughts ?


And to gear myself up to completing the WE, I bought a few treats:




Mainly wanted the helms and bling, the Skarr topknot for a Khan, and a possible Daemon Prince in the offing. There's also an Oblit idea rattling around that may see fruition...... 


It's good to be cutting plastic again. :happy.:

Quick lil' (sic) update, chuffed that the lil' guy worked out after a lot of persistence...... Carrow, the Squat 'counts as Jokero' engineer, drunkard, tobacco enthusiast like Decim, and jokingly teased that he's descended from Jokeros by the Inq himself. Yep, he'll be ginger.





Cobbled together the bell acolyte from the pilot figure, just as an aside, and glad I kept the Enginseer backpack from the traitor one.


Might actually throw some paint on them. Undercoat, at the very least......

That.....was fast. Hadn't even returned from editing the title !

Lack of bits for the arms, rinsed all the good stuff from the joblot (like the remaining members) and I had to have that hammer, broken as it is. Just remembered about the hole in his servo arm in the latter pic though.......
Having the epiphany that his legs would be closer than modelled on the skirt was doing well by my standards ! Hopefully the distraction of the book will detract from the slight scale difference on the hands.  :blush.:



A change of form: finishing off these Iron Warriors who've languished around for so long.






1555pts in three months ? Hell, they're easy to paint from memory.....aren't they ?  


Lots of MoT to account for the shields/6+ save, and the lightbulb idea of some runic script to further represent their devotion, perhaps something akin to a Deathwatch pauldron look on armour pieces. Looking at a rudimentary mold from some wizard banners kicking around......


Fluff ? A small band who've lost their Warpsmith, pursuing desperate avenues to remain powerful. Did tinker with the idea of adding icons etc for the Soul Blaze rule, representing rad/chem weapons, but I'll stick to the basics. Think I've enough to do !

  • 2 weeks later...

Two weeks already.......ouch !


Thankfully, my holidays have only just started, and the worst of it is done: 2nd edition metals are no fun.  :(


The Lord:




Fluff-wise, I've settled on the Lord allowing his sorceror to seek whatever advantage he could for the warband, unfortunately settling for a rubric similar to the 1k Sons, leading to the Lord killing him and sealing the rubric in thon lil' chest on the backpack. Hence the Tzeentch influence, and it'll suit the lifless, hornless helms for the CSM squads.


More Lancers (Possessed):




Such annoying minis to paint. Still, onwards and upwards !  42 CSM and a Decimator to go, and perhaps a cheeky Cypher/WE vow in the final month.......

Thanks guys.



I especially love how you've used that little treasure chest from the Bretonnian Men-at-arms -- it seems like a cool little narrative touch 


.....partly answers:



Look good buddy. Where did the arch piece on the lords backpack come from? It's a nice touch.


.....and the arch itself is an extremely cut down Slaneesh standard, the CSM one. Needed something that aped the spike trio pieces I've used to mark champions, and looks suitably like a corrupt Iron Halo too.


As for the remaining Bretonian sprue, I HAVE to find a use for the lil' snail.  It's not as if I've 30 Death Guard in a box somewhere..... :D


Pah, if only I had your weathering skills........ 



Glad you like the mining crew, something that'll seep into the platoon they're in.


So, Week 3 blues ? Nah, a squad in a week is pretty good going for me !




Close up of standard an champ reverse:



Still haven't comitted to a style for the runic script I'm allegedly comitted to, toying between runes based on old RT transfer sheet dotted about, or typical WB 'scribbles' with little definition. I'll maybe ask you folks out there based on some test pics soon.


And talking of testing, I mucked around with some Technicals I picked up:



Hopefully that'll win a few brownie points with a certain someone.....  As for it's occupant, the less said about dodgy Chinese recasts the better. I swear my fingers burn while holding it. Just as well it was free !

GO ! GO ! GO !


Second CSM squad:



The "god-awful-supposedly-resin-but-it-burns-barely-passable-miscast-lump" Decimator:



And a group:



Getting there, hopefully to finish my first vow by the end of Week 5. Then to decide between Cypher or Khorne....?

  • 2 weeks later...

.....spam the thread to a new page. Didn't realise it merged posts though, so hopefully this works !


ETL Vow 1 Complete !


Army shot:



Chosen with T.Hammers (Power weapon)



The previous Lord, with a Sorcerer, and Big Axe Fella, a proxy I included to account for previous work. Figure he prowls the line, ensuring that there's no retreat, or CHOP !



2nd Ed Havocs:



And 5 rough proxy minis, fashioned into a flamer squad.



The real surprise of this force though ? Probably cost me £30-35 quid, constructed from various scraps and spares from numerous joblots, the 2nd ed stuff which was pennies, clotted in bad paint and seen as worthless, and the aforementioned Decimator which came as a freebie being a recast.


5 weeks of effort and they've scrubbed up quite nicely I reckon.



Time to figure out Vow 2, and time to resurrect thon Cypher concept.......

ED: Plan C for the new page. Crashed my PS3 twice !


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