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Battle for Humanity (Legion)


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Okay so scrap that just have to use storm eagles and wait for the fire hawk models :/ need some flyers for my company I think.



Hmm, yeah I also heard storm talons were a nono prior to 40k, which is a shame as I was debating dropping one in as a transport / heavy option. Are you planning on modelling a storm eagle (they're bigger than thunderhawks right?!)? Anyone know of any smaller 30k flyer options that could be converted? I might just go with drop pods, this is a dropsite massacre after all!


BTW, loving your veterans jasp, look forward to seeing them painted.


And those salamanders! Can't wait to see the mods you're planning furioso.

Yep, the stormbird is capable of deploying a full company iirc. Possibly even with armoured support. Although I've read a quote from a BL author that Stormbirds refer to the Storm X family (Raven/Talon/Eagle etc), so hopefully we'll see it cleared up with a FW model and rules........I did say hopefully......




Some really nice work on here already guys. Bit torn on whether or not to pledge myself, after my shameful ETL failure. blush.png 1000 points is quite a lot, and with the pace I paint at I'm not sure I want to rigidly commit to painting that many specific miniatures considering the rate at which FW are releasing Shiny New Things. unsure.png

Some really nice work on here already guys. Bit torn on whether or not to pledge myself, after my shameful ETL failure. blush.png 1000 points is quite a lot, and with the pace I paint at I'm not sure I want to rigidly commit to painting that many specific miniatures considering the rate at which FW are releasing Shiny New Things. unsure.png

Good news is the due date it Book 3:Extinction, which *may* be this Xmas, but is most likely Games Day UK next year.

T0MMY, the Storm eagle smaller than the thunderhawk, can carry 20 guys. You may be thinking of the Stormbird, which is much bigger than the thunderhawk (think Tau Manta size)


Ah thanks bro, yer i ws thinking stormbird. Sooo, what does a storm eagle look like then?!

Some really nice work on here already guys. Bit torn on whether or not to pledge myself, after my shameful ETL failure. blush.png 1000 points is quite a lot, and with the pace I paint at I'm not sure I want to rigidly commit to painting that many specific miniatures considering the rate at which FW are releasing Shiny New Things. unsure.png

Good news is the due date it Book 3:Extinction, which *may* be this Xmas, but is most likely Games Day UK next year.

It's not really how much time I'll have to complete it, it's the fact that It'll tie me down to a very specifc list to complete. Just worried that if I say "I shall paint 20 tactical marines, 20 assault marines, 2 contemptors and a partridge in a pear tree." I'll find myself in march with barely a third of it done and there'll be something else that Ireally want to paint but I can't until I've finished what I've committed to. :) My mistake with the ETL was to do one vow of 3 units, rather than use the 5 vow limit and do one at a time. :)

Yeah, those pics of one of the design team's Night Lords army has a Storm Eagle in it. It had a Salamander strapped to the side of it. It was awesome.




There was also one in Death Guard colors




And there is even a converted one in Imperial Fist Colors(I think it's Imperial Fists, it's big and yellow, like a Twinkie. Behold! The Imperial Twinkie!)



The huge VII on the front helps with the imperial fist identification ;)


I don't think the paint job is bad - it's very yellow mind you! I was going to say I wasn't keen on the model (don't cast me down but I prefer the GW storm raven!) but that death guard eagle is changing my mind...

Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to the VII tongue.png

But I think they were trying to do a giant, non-metallic gold, which from what I've seen, can end up being heavily dependent on being viewed from certain angles, with certain lighting or sometimes even both. A camera at the wrong angle with its flash on could make it look bad without it actually being bad. From what I've seen. I admit no expertise, so take with a grain of salt as I may just be pulling stuff out of a hat.

Although looking at the Stormraven:


Yeah, I'd go for the Storm Eagle. It has substance to it.

Well update time brothers :)


Sorry about the lighting





Comments criticisms

well, due to the curiosity of a 2 yo, a cup pf coffee, and my concept art(drawn in non waterfast ink), I am forced to begin again on my concept art.wallbash.gif

but, that's actually a boon. I have begun to draw more and they are coming out better, different, but better.

i am going to do more roped edges flames dragon wing edging and scale(proper scales, not the lumpy lizard skin look. though there will be that too)

there will also be some sparsely segmented armour and crap load of bronze detailing(i prefer bronze over gold. it's the Spartan in me!)

I might even try my hand at scale/chain maille.

here is a picture of the first pic I am using to base a helmet design off.


this is kinda what i'm thinking....


what'choo guys think!

That IF Storm Eagle is by a guy who has got a plog up on Warseer, not sure if he has one here too. Really nice painting style, if very stylised. Like comic book artwork. Think it works better on his marines than his vehicles, perhaps, but that's not the best picture of it. Awesome conversion though, and some of his other stuff is brilliant too. He did an especially nicely posed captain with power sword and a huge storm shield.



Ace looking squad, Jasp. That sergeant looks like he means business! :)

That IF Storm Eagle is by a guy who has got a plog up on Warseer, not sure if he has one here too. Really nice painting style, if very stylised. Like comic book artwork. Think it works better on his marines than his vehicles, perhaps, but that's not the best picture of it. Awesome conversion though, and some of his other stuff is brilliant too. He did an especially nicely posed captain with power sword and a huge storm shield.

Ace looking squad, Jasp. That sergeant looks like he means business! smile.png

That's this one right?


Kidding. This one?



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