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Hey there guys smile.png

Recently I have discovered the apparently very old, and very vauge Minor chaos god Malal. He seems like a pretty fun guy, essentially a chaos god who wants nothing more then for chaos to be wiped out. This guy has my attention and now I want to collect a Malal-themed army. I came up with the idea of using pre-Heresy models from forgeworld to represent the archaic and super powerful champions of Malal, who he creates to basically go around and put all the other god's champions in their places. To fit with the anti-chaos theme of this chaos army, I thought it would probably be best represented by (And kind of an insult to) the Grey Knights codex. I have not had the experience of playing against Grey Knights, but from what I have seen their anti-Psyker and anti-Daemon specialisation seem to fit in with the fluff of Malal better then the chaos codex does.

What do you guys think?

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Thanks for the feedback everybody :)


@Minigun762: I had a look at the Dark angels codex in store today, and though I see them fitting the feel of Malal well, I think GK's just win out.


@Wazir: Thanks for the welcome XD. The Sons of Malice were actually where I first herd of Malal/Malice. I do love the Sons, but I wanted to go down a more Cataphractii kind of aesthetic. Thats why I think a terminator-heavy army like GK's would work. 


I cooked up a little backstory if you guys are interested:


Basically, a very small group of the loyalist Sons of Horus managed to escape the bombing and slaughter of Istvaan III, but their ship was heavily damaged so the engines gave out and left the group stranded and moving slowly through space. As the months passed, their passionate hate for chaos grew to stupid proportions, even for loyalists. Distress beacons were seemingly ignored (But really people were just busy trying to smack Horus up) and the marines began to doubt the imperum.  After nearly a year and a half of tumbling through space they crashed onto the post-feudal world of Firma I, and became seen as gods to the locals. They taught the locals about technology and helped to bring the planet up to the level of tech associated with the early years of the age of technology. This took them about 200 years of course, and in that time the cult of Malice grew out of spite of the traitors and loyalists alike. in about 372M31 the inquisition (In some form, not entirely sure) found the planet and were treated with disrespect and contempt. They were shocked to find marines on the planet and in true imperial fashion started an orbital bombardment against the traitors. This set of something in the de-facto leader of the Sons, Cassus Helios, Who took his ten brothers and teleported into the ship, and proceeded to beat the crap out of anyone on the ship(s). 


After this he realised the planet was not safe and relocated with the most worthy warriors on his planet. During their travel the apothecary, Siyndar Murdad, Implanted the warriors with Gene-seed. Only half of them survived, and that half were put through rigorous training. As you can imagine, they found a planet and trained themselves both physically and mentally to work on their own as a tightly knitted group, and to live for nothing but the utter destruction of chaos and eventually the imperium of man. The found a death-world to live on and basically began to find the most deadly creatures imaginable (Swamp dragons, Hydras, giant wolf-like lizards) and sacrificed them in the name of destruction. This caught the attention of Malal. Rather then mutating his followers externally, he began to warp their insides, making bones denser and muscle thicker. Ad this to the already exceptional physique of the space marines and he had a small, super elate army to use as a dagger in the backs of his rival gods. Over the next thousand years they hunted down all life on the death-world, had a mass awakening and nearly all of them becoming (Somewhat insane) Psykers.


Then they left the world and infiltrated the eye of terror, smashing the legions that lived in fleets first. Their most effective tactic was teleporting right onto the bridge of enemy command ships and killing anything that moved, be it with blade or sorcerious might. This history is mostly unrecorded, but they butted heads with barely any of the main traitor legions, the only exception being their rabid hunting of the black legion. During the thirteenth black crusade they followed the coward Abbadon and ended up being forced far out of the eye and into the line of imperial fire. Their eagerness for destruction had caused them to fall into a trap and now they were fractured into much smaller groups.


Well, that's all iv'e got so far. I haven't really fleshed out the last bit there. I also cant think of a name XD, Sons of Malice is taken and all the alternatives i have come up with are terrible. Their colours will be Dark grey and cream with red to add some variation :)

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Sons of Malice.


They had a model painted in their Colour scheme in the 3.5 ed and 4th ed codexes.


They where more an easter egg for those who knew Mallal, then a really cannon fluff material.


Mallal is like Squats, everybody have heard about it in the 40k univers, but no one can recall exactly when and where they have gone.

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