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Nature vs. Nurture, the What If? edition

Conn Eremon

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Just a notice, I think I finally have the code figured out so I'm going to start going through collecting everything. Please make sure the Primarchs' original canon names are identifiable as that will be how they are grouped. This has been a public service announcement. Thank you. biggrin.png
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Well, sickly-Angron is basically stuck playing defense against the zombie apocalypse (since he lacks Mortarion's unnatural resilience, and apparently the technically ingenuity that let the Death Lord craft the breathing apparatuses for his first soldiers) so force multipliers like fortifications become important. As for the idea behind it...in my opinion, Barbarus is a planet that beats you down, wears on you until you just give in, lay down and die (canon Mortarion, my alt-Guilliman).


The thing about Angron, though..."Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, RAGE against the dying of the light." Bury him alive? He WILL dig his way out, even if he has to skin himself alive to do it (well, if he doesn't dig down into the molten core of the planet because his angry broke his sense of direction). In canon, that defiance, that refusal to kneel to anything, became a negative trait, but if you put him somewhere like Barbarus, without the Butcher's Nails eating most of his forward brain functions, and you just might get a hero.


A pyromaniacal hero with anger issues, but so it goes.

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"Do not go gentle into that good night.

Someone's been watching Independence Day.

Actually, it was The Rundown, which made me look the original poem up on Youtube, where I found Anthony Hopkins reading it, which was suitably epic to inspire cancer patient Angron and his Iron Death Salamanders.laugh.png


You know what? Here's the video. Just because I thought it was cool.


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Just a suggestion to I have, and feel free to ignore me Cormac. But what if we move on and plug in some of the Primarchs now, mainly so we can start narrowing in without running into issues with favourite Primarch stories? Theres a couple of Primarchs I can think of where it is going to be auto-select the story...and locking them in could help focus the rest of us


Or, we could continue as we are now, but its a thought I had.

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Brother-Sergeant Bohemond, on 17 Sept 2013 - 22:55, said:

Just a suggestion to I have, and feel free to ignore me Cormac. But what if we move on and plug in some of the Primarchs now, mainly so we can start narrowing in without running into issues with favourite Primarch stories? Theres a couple of Primarchs I can think of where it is going to be auto-select the story...and locking them in could help focus the rest of us


Or, we could continue as we are now, but its a thought I had.

Not many of the Primarchs have more than one story though. For example, I'm only on page 9, but I've only found one story for Perturabo.
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Cormac, your snippet earlier confused me..was that that Lorgar's inner monologue, or Freyr's? The bit about "should have been Warmaster" says Primarch, but it seems he's out cold during the scene...

Uh, Freyr's. Freyr thinking Angron should have been Warmaster, instead of the nameless arch-heretic, doesn't feel right?

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My chain of thought ran thusly:


This fleet is the answer to Warmaster Whoever's treachery. Lorgar is taking charge of it at Angron's request.


Lorgar should have been Warmaster? Huh?

He'd have been a terrible Warmaster! Like Vulkan! Some jobs need cold hearts that can make hard decisions.


Man that soup smells good. DINNER BREAK!

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It has been edited, that part about the Warmaster. Better?



That was "humor", or a weak attempt at it. In all seriousness, yes, much better.

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Since it has been mentioned that we should see which ones need more work, here is the current, unofficial list of completed works, from page 1 through 16:


Home World - Legio

Caliban - VIII, XV

Chemos - IV

Olympia - XIV, X, XX, III, VIII

Chogoris - I, VII

Fenris - XVII

Inwit - X, XVI

Nostramo - VII, XIV

Baal - VIII

Medusa - III, V

Nuceria - XIX, III, X, V

Macragge - XII, XIV, XX, I

Barbarus - XIII, XII

Prospero - XVIII

Cthonia - XX, I

Colchis - IX, VIII

Nocturne - VIII, I, XIV

Deliverance - XII, XVI, VII

Unknown Fleet - VI


Primarch - Home World(s)

Lion - Chogoris, Nocturne, Cthonia, Macragge

Fulgrim - Medusa, Nuceria, Olympia

Perturabo - Chemos

Jaghatai - Medusa, Nuceria

Russ - Unknown Fleet

Dorn - Nostramo, Chogoris, Deliverance

Konrad Curze - Baal, Nocturne, Colchis, Caliban, Olympia

Sanguinius - Colchis

Ferrus Manus - Olympia, Inwit, Nuceria

Angron - Macragge, Deliverance, Barbarus

Guilliman - Barbarus

Mortarion - Olympia, Nostramo, Macragge, Nocturne

Magnus - Caliban

Horus - Deliverance, Inwit

Lorgar - Fenris

Vulkan - Prospero

Corax - Nuceria

Alpharius - Cthonia, Olympia, Macragge


And for those of you who want to work on those that have the least, here I have that broken down for you.

Home Worlds

Home Worlds with no Primarchs:



Home Worlds with only 1 Primarch:

Chemos, Fenris, Baal, Prospero, Unknown Fleet


Home Worlds with 2 Primarchs:

Caliban, Chogoris, Inwit, Nostramo, Medusa, Cthonia, Colchis, Barbarus


Home Worlds with 3 Primarchs:

Nocturne, Deliverance


Home Worlds with 4 Primarchs:

Nuceria, Macraggge


Home Worlds with 5 Primarchs




Primarchs with no Home Worlds:



Primarchs with 1 Home World:

Perturabo, Leman Russ, Sanguinius, Roboute Guilliman, Magnus the Red, Lorgar Aurelian, Vulkan, Corax


Primarchs with 2 Home Worlds:

Horus, Jaghatai Khan


Primarchs with 3 Home Worlds:

Fulgrim the Phoenician, Rogal Dorn, Ferrus Manus, Alpharius Omegon, Angron


Primarchs with 4 Home Worlds:

Mortarion, Lion el'Jonson


Primarchs with 5 Home Worlds

Konrad Curze



So, in conclusion, I will close this thread down hard if all I see are Olympian Curzes following this post. :p


It is true that we have some fan favorites that some of us are avoiding exploring further on when it comes to the Primarchs. Perturabo, Russ, Magnus, Russ and Guilliman have all been loudly lauded, but only have one home world. Now, if we come to the end and we just don't want to, I am fine appointing instead of putting them to election. But I would like us to try some new combinations to challenge these slots. Maybe we can't come up with something to topple them, or maybe we stumble onto something even better. Won't know until you try! And as the great master Yoda says, there is no try. But who are we to take advice from some dirty psyker? Have fun!

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I should say it is current up to page 16. Forgot that bit, will edit it in.


If the ones you refer to are between 1 and 16, point me at it and I will rectify it. Kol's doing his own trawl, so we will be double-checking each other.

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