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Magic Man's Marines Errant; Its a kind of Magic! PG9


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Hell yes to the Deathwatch. Good choice of Chapters so far. I did a massive double take at Fell - looks like you tore off my Arkhan model's helmet and stuck it on there smile.png He has a particularly cool pose. Any hints on the Chapter? For some reason I want to say Astral Claws, although that may just be because they're in vogue for Blackshields at the minute.

Cool to see you getting in some 40k games on the Space Hulk board, my group's also getting into those. We're trying out the Heralds of Ruin killteam rules though, which are very easy to get into - thought I might share them with you in case you're interested. I had a good game of it last Sat against a friend's Death Guard, it makes for a great change of pace to regular 40k.

Look forward to seeing an army shot at some point, I really like the halved scheme you have going on here.

Haha, cheers mate! Yeah i'd been saving that head for a while, for a Librarian, but it screamed mysterious Black Shield to me, so...

As for the Chapter, Im not too sure. I was originally just getting excited using chains/skulls (I learned how much fun it was with Orks) so I guess maybe Night Lords? I should've really themed him more. Ill probs know after the paint job is done.

And thanks for the link mate! Thats brilliant. Im really enjoying the Space Hulk tiles, too. Very claustrophobic games.

Squads almost done, and to stop this just being text :

SPACE WOLF : Horvath, the tireless hunter. Many a Xenos has tried to evade death by running from the Deathwatch, but Horvath never loses the scent of his prey.



  • 2 weeks later...

So finally got enough time to finish these guys off and take a few pictures! Pretty chuffed with the bunch of them, and now i have my Sternguard Melta squad. smile.png

I still need to weather the black armour on these guys, and freehand the Blood Angel symbol, but they're both proving too difficult for me atm. And I want these guys off my paint station, lol.

I think the crowned helmet worked well for the Crusader, even though he's my least favourite due to the lame pose. I guess some dudes have to be just aiming their guns. Decided the Black Shield was an Astral Claw.

Feeling alot better about painting black armour in general too, this was my first attempt since way back when i first started Space Marines. Thanks for looking.

Hunter, Angel, Warrior, Repentant and Knight.





Close ups :

  • Nemerac carries holy relics into battle.
  • Fell carries the skulls of his last loyal brothers, he will earn redemption for them all.
  • Lazarus proudly displays the symbol of his chapter.


BLOOD ANGEL : Lazarus, his calm manner and deep wisdom conceal a black fury, one that has seen countless Xenos slaughtered in the Emperor's name.


edit : less washed out piccys, i am :cusse at photography

Cheers guys, appreciate it! More bad photos coming up...

It was about time I finished this Tactical squad, it was really just finding the time. I have the day off tomorrow for a fitness test, so i could stay up late tonight (but not really go out) so i finished these three dudes.


And heres the whole band! These guys have fought in a few battles, and the plasma combo seems to be working well for them. smile.png
Plus i really like the glowing plasma look. The Sarges sword is mid-rework, forgot about that but oh well.



So yeah, hopefully gonna crack on with the next squad. Half are half finished, and Tactical marines are my favourite, so it'd be cool to have twenty of them painted.

Best use of the champion arms I've seen yet. It's a cool model out-of-the-box but I've never seen it used particularly well, it's a kind of awkward pose to get right.


Keen to see the Lorenzo conversion. I recently got SH 4.0 and the Terminators are staring at me dolefully every time I enter the room. Don't know how the hell I'm going to convert them...


Do you use masking tape to paint the halved armour scheme?

Thanks, Spectre! 

Arkhan, I love the arms! I've been trying to jam them onto just about every sword wielding model I can. This is the best fit so far, lol. 

The Termies are pretty tough. Most are great to use out of the box, once the BA symbols are gone, but I already had a Tactical Sarge so Lorenzo got chopped n' changed.. 

No masking tape, i just find the centre line in each piece (helmet, chest plate, groin etc) and go steady up the middle. Leadbelcher is such a great coverer, that its easy to fix any mistakes. It gets easy after the 5th or so marine. 

Cracking Deathwatch and a great return to your Marines Errant. Always cool to see the the lesser known Badab chapters represented. Good job on making the tacticals all fairly unique, it's ever so easy to leave them looking rather homogenous.

No masking tape, i just find the centre line in each piece (helmet, chest plate, groin etc) and go steady up the middle. Leadbelcher is such a great coverer, that its easy to fix any mistakes. It gets easy after the 5th or so marine. 


Throne. I do one halved shoulderpad on every Son of Tyr I paint and that makes me want to drive my fist through a plank. Kudos.

@Thrasias, SockIt, Joros, Arkhan,

Thanks dudes! Appreciate the kind words. I dont get alot of hobby time lately, but the encouragement makes it much easier to cram it in! Haha.


Cheers pal! Ermmm, well these helmets are actually from marines I did earlier, where I was originally going to use a bare face. Changed my mind, left with a bunch of half done helmets.

I generally keep changing the head up until the mini is almost finished, until i find that one that fits. Weird I know. *shrug* wacko.png

+++Corsair threat level increasing. Threat level : Omega+++
+Request Heavy Infantry Assets+


+Request Acknowledged+
+++Reinforcements Enroute+++


I never liked the Deathwatch but I love your Marines Errant tactical squads. And I'm totally stealing that 'tactical champion' kitbash if I ever decide to get myself a master of signals (since Forge World refuses to propose him for sale on his own tongue.png).

I'm sure I'm not the first to say, but it's refreshing to see one of the successor chapters done at all, let alone as well as you do them. Looking great so far, congrats biggrin.png hope you get to play against some Red Corsairs one day - you'll have to let us know how the lads get on! msn-wink.gif

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the kind words, guys!

The Tactical squad is almost finished, but after them i'm not sure what to get stuck into next.

Options include :

1. Predator Annihilator

2. Terminator Assault Squad

3. Vanguard Veteran Squad

Any preference? I'll be jamming in random characters inbetween, when i get the urge to paint them.

Speaking of...

Lord of the Star Jackal, Wielder of Thunderfury, Mantis Bane....



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