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Etzchayim's Ultramarine WIP - Roboute Guilliman Complete!


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Greeting, brothers. Etzchayim is back!
First, Good to see again! Perhaps few people remember me(I hope whistlingW.gif), and maybe Fantasy WOC player recognize me to Character Conversion freak on COTEC(This is hope whistling.gif again). But most people is meet the first time, so I introduce myself.

I'm little heavy Warhammer player on South Korea, and really like Conversion work.
So sorry for my poor english. I worked hard at english, still my english like schoolchild level lol.

Last year, I strived hard to making Ultramarine 2nd Company but I had temporarily stop for various reason.
But Space Marine is 6th codex and new Tactical box is out! awesome. Almost 1 years, my conversion and painting skill is lot more better, too.

So I'll start that project again!

The Ultramarine's reconstruction (1st & 2nd)
Project is simple but improved than before. As possible as same armour, weapon type... and add more creative idea. Maybe someone get more cool symbol or medal than codex formation.

This is just begin, so photo is few. But I hope you enjoy.

First, the Second Tactical Squad "The Shield Bearer" on 2nd Company.
Here is codex photo.


and here is mine, wait on Painting.


I'll bring the detail photo of each guy's is later.

Second, mighty Maximus! It is based on famous Eavy' Metal's work this.


Here is mine. currently Painting WIP



Comment and Inspire is really welcome!
See ya!

Ah, I forgot this. I had another one. 


Marneus Calgar Power armour ver. 

I refer few artwork, use little creative. 


here is result. 






Good morning! I'm bring the few progress WIP pic. 


No time for small talk, here it is.




Maximus WIP - set up the blue armour plate, little layering on upper plate. ready to decal. 






Power armour Calgar - blue armour is done. Next step is little chipping & gold





Next time, I'll bring my Centurion and Dreadnought WIP


That face is exquisite :)


As for the blue...meh, I can go with the brighter stuff.  All of the big guys were brighter back in the day- Ultras were like this, Imperial Fists were invariably bright yellow, Blood Angels were orange (still have a can of "Blood Red" spray), and Space Wolves were robins egg blue.  Now we have to be all gritty and weathered and toned down these days.


Damned kids...brighter!  Brighter I say!  

Love these ultras especially the Marneus may I ask what was used to create him?


Of course.

Head : Marneus Calgar head (Finecast) 

Powerfist : same as above.

Shoulder pad : Sternguard & Vanguard box

Legs : Forgeworld Raven guard Character legs

Backpack : Sternguard Heavy bolter back pack

chest plate : Terminator + new Plastic Captain bit


I hope you this is help!

Dreadnought time! here it is.


I don't like normal Dreadnought cause they pose is too steady. 

My concept based on "Return to Damnos", So I want first Dreadnought saw like below.




yeh! how amazing! 


So here is dreadnought.




2nd Company, Brother Ultracius - Blessed with Dreadnought armour since 453.M3









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