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Unremembered Empire....initial review

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I don't think we can rule out Michael Jackson either.

In which case, I want to shake Oll's hand!

Daymon's. You want to shake Daymon's hand. Although I find it funny that Abnett went for MLK over JFK since many already believe in conspiracies concerning that event.
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As with all things, I'm primarily worried about story. The reference to MLK just comes as a surprise because I have no possible clue how he could have damaged the Kabal's plan. It just seems like a spooky reference for reference's sake. Both the real incident and Abnett are above that sort of devaluing. If he had tied it in, saying that MLK was playing havoc with the Kabal's "Alpharius Gambit" by reducing the power of Chaos, then it might go down easier. But it just feels like a Family Guy cutaway as it stands.


That being said, I still liked the novel overall and look forward to the unravelling of the "Unremembered Empire."

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On the contrary, I love Abnett's little throwbacks and the little thrill after figuring them about. Stuff like Oll's participation in the battle for 73 easting throws a spanner into my prejudices, and that's a small part of why I read the series.
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It's just strange. If mankind was such a threat and they knew it then, then why didn't the alien members of the Cabal come and blast mankind apart?

Because it would have done nothing to Chaos. The whole point of helping guide Humanity to the Heresy would be that it would become the sole focus of Chaos, the sole source of power. Then, destroy Humanity in a way that would leave such a vacuum that the entirety of Chaos would be sucked into it and destroyed.

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That assumes the Cabal has the foggiest idea what they're doing.


And after a re-read of Legion (You sent agents to TALK to the WORLD EATERS? You missed the fact the Nurthene had a world killer magic artifact?) I call that wild speculation unsupported by the fluff.

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That assumes the Cabal has the foggiest idea what they're doing.


And after a re-read of Legion (You sent agents to TALK to the WORLD EATERS? You missed the fact the Nurthene had a world killer magic artifact?) I call that wild speculation unsupported by the fluff.

I don't recall saying they did know what they were doing.


*rereads post


Still not saying where I said that, or even implied it.


Looks like all I said was what their plan was.



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Except the fact that mankind had the power to birth three of the the 4 big baddies. Granted I dunno if they had contact with humanity before the 16 century :\ The Cabal is stupid.Wade is right. Agents to the World Eaters? Someone was lying or just stupid. ;)


Furthermore, "let's assist mankind in conquering the galaxy, destroying numerous alien species in the process, feeding to the chaos gods, because you know that makes sense. Oh and don't tell those Eldar chaps about you know birthing a chaos god. It's all about resting our hopes on race that's super predisposed to the warp... In order to destroy chaos...



Touché Exessus. Touché


BTW: not criticism at you Wade. Just saying that as currently presented the cabal seem silly to me.

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If it only says he killed a good man in Memphis, there are other "Memphis" than the one in the states you know...like in ancient Egypt... ;)


So maybe he killed King Tut. A good man, who if allowed to live and remain in power would have enacted changes that would resonate for forty thousand years.

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Well, "City of Angels" puts me in mind of Los Angeles. Is there another city known as the City of Angels in which someone known as "the Brother" died one thousand years later(I imagine there's a give and take) after killing King Tut?
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A quick Google search revealed an LA Times article that talked about how Los Angeles was founded over earlier settlements that go back three thousand years.


While a stretch, he might have been referring to an ancient village that would one day become the City of Angels.

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"He’d been killing people for them ever since: good men. Sometimes, serving the Cabal seemed counter-intuitive. They were very obliging. They explained why a good man had to die, and why it was not a bad thing. The wetwork they had had him perform… damn. In Memphis, against the Good Man, and then more than a thousand years later in the City of Angels, against the Brother."


That seems rather specific. I'm not saying it has to be Los Angeles, just somewhere else known as "the City of Angels". Personally, I don't know of any other.

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Could still work, if he was referring to the ancient land as the name it eventually takes.


Or he could have meant Bangkok, which has an incredibly long ceremonial name, which translates as:


"City of angels, great city of immortals, magnificent city of the nine gems, seat of the king, city of royal palaces, home of gods incarnate, erected by Visvakarman at Indra's behest."


The more you know! Brought to you by Wikipedia.

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No, it's not much older than LA, and its previous incarnations as a village dates to the 15th century. According to wikipedia.



But, it's another "City of Angels." So long as it proves Los Angeles isn't the only one, it means that the reference could have been referring to something else altogether.


Or not exist yet. If Memphis is MLK, Jr, then the Brother at the City of Angels is a thousand years from now, right?


If it's King Tut, then the City of Angels could be an ancient place that no longer exists, or is even remembered.

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Honestly, am I the only one who would prefer to see the Cabal and their Perpetuals cut clean out of the Heresy?


They were fine as a plot point in Legion, but then they've spread like a virus into the main story where they contribute nothing except more angry fans who want to read about the Primarchs, their Legions, the Chaos Gods, and the Emperor, not a gaggle of bug eyed xenos and their unkillable flunkies.

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I would prefer to either see them ended or reigned in. Just like I'd like to see the Alpha LegionUltramarine's "I am Alpharius" reigned in as well. It's one thing to say they are secretive and they go out of their way to perform complex battle strategies versus simple ones, but its different to have every single bloody book having one Alpha Legion infiltrator in yet.
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