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Big Guns Never Tire... IF succesor chapter

Storm Hawks Legion

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Edit 1
Forgot to add the color scheme...
Edit 2 '13/11/26
five lines in point form, now becomes 15 paragraphs

Edit 3 '13/12/09

big update, everything written to this point revised, and reformatted.

Revisions to Later History along the lines discussed in the comments.

Edit 4 '14/01/08

this should be a finished IA, unless anyone provides further C&C


here we are again,
I hope I've fixed most of the issues, if not, I am willing to take criticism this time.

What do I want? to create a Space Marine Chapter, reasonably technically capable, but independent from the Adeptus Mechanicus

why? mainly because I have never liked the AM, never trusted them, thought they were given too much power.

C&C very welcome, that is after all the point of this post...

I have kicked around a pile of names for these guys, seems every time I find one I like, GW has already used it,
but, their final name is;

Forge Hawks.

Forge Hawk Colour Scheme




When Gateway was rediscovered in the late 39th to early 40th millennium it was determined that the system represented
an important strategic location to the surrounding systems, as well as the manufacturing in the region, and was at a high enough risk to warrant additional protection. Debate over what the nature of this additional security should be held till the time of the 25th founding, at which time it was determined that a Marine Chapter should be formed to guard the Imperium’s interests in the system. The Imperial Fist’s Geneseed was selected due to the chapters legacy as the defenders who held Terra and countless other worlds, a training cadre was drawn, and the Forge Hawks were born. Within 100 years they achieved full strength, and even then had a few laurels draped upon their standard. Their founding Chapter Master, Adolf Bleier, drove his chapter to prove themselves, far outstripping many expectation for the Marines.


The Forge Hawks’ largest action came during the Fall of Meotre. When a small agrarian planet on the fringes of imperial space came under the eye of the Ordo Heraticus Inquisitor Mareck. Mareck’s initial investigation revealed an anti-imperial plot.  Acting Quickly Mareck called for assistance from any loyalist forces close by. The only forces within striking distance was the Forge Hawks and Gateway. Gateway’s Imperial Guard were already deployed, another regiment would take too long to raise, this left the Marines to answer the call…

and Answer it they did; Adolf Bleier mustered the chapter, leaving only the 6th Company, known as the Sentinels, to guard the Monastery, Bleier then set his eye on Meotre. The Forge Hawks struck with overwhelming strength, easily crushing resistance in the outlying areas, however for every rebellious cell that was purged, it seemed two more settlements would rise up.


Soon it became apparent that the heresy of the planet ran deeper than Mareck had originally expected, soon the Planetary Defense Forces and Imperial Guardsmen were turning on their allies mid firefight. The Decision was made to purge the planet, Mareck wanted to stand off and bombard it from orbit, but Bleier was determined he could take the planet, inch by inch if he had too, Meotre would come back into the fold.


The Forge Hawks were Avenging Imperial Angels, but even Angels fall prey to numbers. By the time the Capital was besieged much of the Forge Hawks Battle Companies had been depleted at least once, marines quickly brought in from the Reserve Companies to hold the gaps, even the first Company was showing the consequences of the struggle for control of the planet, but Bleier wouldn’t give an inch. Mareck entreated with Chapter Master Bleier to hold, wait to be reinforced, additional Imperial forces were already on their way to relieve the beleaguered marines, but Bleier wouldn’t wait.


When the Marines breached the walls of the capital, they found horror, the Governor of the Planet had indeed renounced the Emperor’s light, and Chaos reigned. Even in the face of this terror, Bleier would not back away an Inch, and drove his marines forward, determined to take the Capital. Soon enough however, even Bleier had to admit, defeat was imminent. The Forge Hawks losses had been too great going into the battle, and Imperial reinforcements were only trickling in. The Forge Hawks couldn’t take the city, nor could they hold the line long enough for additional forces to relieve them. But Bleier couldn’t even consider retreat, instead he intended to end the conflict, and send everything still in the city straight to hell. Holding himself responsible for the loss of his chapter Bleier led what remained of his First Company deep into the bowels of the city, while Mareck, all other imperial forces, and the apothecaries, bearing all the Forge Hawks Geneseed that could be recovered, evacuated the city, shortly before Bleier and his first Company started the Reactors to meltdown.


Once the deed was done, Bleier sent his bodyguards away, to try and clear the complex, while he guarded the reactor controls alone. What he faced alone in the dark of the underhive will never be known, but Bleier’s funeral pyre echoed his piety, to the end.


Very Few Marines came out of the ruins, between the hellish combat to hold the line, prevent anything from fleeing the city before the detonation, and then once the city fell, to drag themselves from the rubble. Power Armor may be sealed against any attack, Nuclear, Chemical or Biological, but there is very little in way of armor that can sustain the death of a city. But yet some Marines did emerge from the ruble; one such Marine was Alexsander Cathaldus. Alexsander was a Tactical Sergeant, Second Company, he and his lieutenant, crawled out of the rubble, both sorely wounded, indeed Alexsander’s lieutenant would soon die of his injuries. Alexsander came face to face with Mareck, saying simply;

“The Capital is ours, Meotre is fallen”


When it was over, only 50 Marines stood of the 900 who made planetfall on Meotre, none of the First Company Survived as marines, 3 were entombed in Dreadnought Sarcophaguses. Venerable Brothers Aodh, Taranis, and Lenus. These Three along with Venerable Brother Thanatos and Dread Brother Atlas formed the Council of Ancients to Advise the next Chapter Master, which when Ewart Simmons, Captain of the 6th refused, the most competent and combat hardened marine left of the chapter, was Alexsander Cathaldus.


Alexsander’s task was not an admirable one, to rebuild a devastated chapter. Bleier had managed to save much of the Geneseed, as well as the Apothecarion, allowing the chapter to replace their losses, however rebuilding the chapter meant more than just recruiting 850 Marines. Alexsander wanted to ensure no Chapter Master after him would have to  re-undertake his task.


With the help and advice of the Council of Ancients Alexsander rebuilt the training regimes, moving away from the honor and glory of close combat as Bleier had favored, and instead placing emphasis on long range firepower. Alexsander was determined his Chapter would never come close enough to their enemies to be obliterated again. Strict rules of deployment were drawn up, never again would the Forge Fawks deploy en-mass to the same battlefield. Bleier was a strong man, a legion onto himself, but he was also reckless, single-minded. Bleier had inherited Dorn’s determination, but none of his wisdom, falling for the Iron Cage, same as Dorn had in those dark days. Alexsander had no intention of doing so again.


The massive influx of recruits required to bring the Chapter back to full strength were drawn primarily from Gateway Primari, despite historically Bleier had favored Gateway Secundas for recruitment. Secundas was an agri-world, it’s people were already well entrenched in honor and well drilled in close combat, Primaris was an abandoned manufacturing power, higher population, and already drilled in ranged combat, more suited to Alexsander’s purpose. The two Chapter Masters also differed in their attitude toward the system, while Bleier was always very detached from the system, only making landfall when he had to, Alexsander spent many days on both inhabited planets of the Gateway system, concerning himself with the lives of the average citizen, and aiding in the resolution of major issues where he could. This connection made it clear to him, Gateway Primaris was dying, its population in steady decline, many of them mal-nourished, genetic defects were running rampant, and soon the planet would have to be purged.


The Mechanicus were the ones to provide a solution, or at least a Techmarine trained by the Mechanicus. Steinman Mueller, a young marine from Gateway Primaris. Being adept with Technology he was sent to be trained as a Techmarine by the Adeptus Mechanicus, a charge he accepted readily. Steinman returned a very different individual, his willingness and indeed anxious fervor to undertake his initiation into the Adeptus Mechanicus could be equalled only by his disdain for them upon his return. Believing the Mechanicus to be willfully standing in the way of progress and having corrupted the Emperor’s vision. Steinman predicted that the Mechanicus would rot from the inside out, set to fall at any time, leaving the Imperium lost in darkness as Technology failed without the Tech Priests of Mars.


Steinman’s competence and fiery determination quickly saw him outmatch his peers, becoming the foremost Techmarine in the Forge Hawks Chapter, and soon ascend as Master of the Forge. From this position he approached Alexsander with a plan that would revitalise Gateway Primarus. Steinman’s plan was simple; rebuild and restart the Manufactories.  Steinman’s plan was met with trepidation, to say the least.


Steinman returned to the armory, and slowly started drawing support from the other techmarines, drawing up plans and instructions for his project. Techmarines are not generally overly charismatic, Steinman however is an exception to this rule, he is a powerful orator, capable of winning over even a techmarines cold, mechanical heart, or at least of impressing his point.


Steinman returned to Alexsander with this additional support, as well as a simple observation; the population of Gateway Primaris is dying, if Steinman’s plans are discovered, they will be killed, in a much quicker, and more humane method than if allowed to rot in the ruins of their world. Alexsander relented, so long as no activity could be directly linked back to the chapter. With this go-ahead Steinman began establishing contacts on the planet, guiding them, and so far as he was able, protecting his chosen factions against Arbite and Mechanicus discovery.


Later History


Late in M41 a Gateway Imperial Guard regiment is called for service, Demitre Conleth, the General in command, is a highly respected tactician from the Gateway system. When he returns triumphant to Gateway he begins claiming to have recovered a partial STC, including technical knowledge the Ad Mech do not have access to. The General had arranged to hand the artifact over to Magos Ammotek, who had commanded the Forgeworld supplying the campaign, and had been instrumental in the delivery of much key equipment, which had saved the lives of many of Demitre’s men, and securing Imperial Victory. However Magos Tryior, the Magos overseeing the Forgeworld local to the Gateway system demands its handover in a bid to elevate him over his rivals seeking the rank of Archmagos. Demitre refuses, instead bound to honor his original arrangement. Shortly thereafter he is assassinated, an Ad Mech force from the systems forgeworld ransacks his private estate, his regiment’s barracks and training grounds, Demitre however had, unknown to Magos Tryior, sent the artefact to the Forge Hawks Master of the Forge Steinman Mueller. Frustrated from his ambition Magos Tryior levels accusations against Demitre of having a mental breakdown, abandoning his duty, and treason against the Imperium by denying the treaty of Olympus Mons. He also levels further insults against Demitre’s Regiment, as a result the system erupts in outrage at this insult to a hero of the system.


The reformed Guard regiment, coupled with a second regiment awaiting deployment, elements of the Gateway Planetary Defense Forces and a Sympathetic Imperial Navy Detachment resolves to sack the offending Forgeworld. Magos Tryior appeals to the Forge Hawks, as defenders of their system, to intervene.


Despite Chapter Master Alexsander Cathaldus’ attempts the combined forces will not be reasoned with and he is forced to redeploy his marines to the forgeworld, to aid in its defense. While awaiting the rebel flotilla Alexsander contemplates a deep, brooding dilemma; the “traitor” force now bearing down on the forgeworld may be right about the Mechanicus. He has always been mistrustful of the Machine Cult, hating the dual oath of loyalty of his Techmarines, this is reinforced by the systems suspicions of the followers of the machine cult, the system having been heavily industrialized prior to the Imperium’s return, once the Ad Mech returned the factories were shut down, and stripped of all useful equipment and knowledge, leaving Gateway Alpha to starve, and wallow in its rust and crumbling Ferrocrete. Alexsander knows, whoever he sides with the results will be disastrous for the system, the assault on the forgeworld will most certainly bring a response, and if the general populace is sparred from death they will still suffer under the Iron heel of imperial rule. The young and strong of the planet will be raised to hate the Imperium, tainting the recruitment pool, if the Marines themselves avoid the wrath of the Ordo Heraticus. Standing with the system against the Admech would most probably still lead to destruction, but destruction with the system they were raised to secure, and in glorious battle for the honor of a hero of the system. The Council of the Ancients, the Chapters Elders, entombed within the Iron Shell of the Dreadnoughts, all of whom had been raised for the oncoming war could not reach a consensus of advice, and so the Chapter master was left to make the decision alone. In the final moments, with the avenging fleet arraying for battle in the skies above, he received a transmission from the approaching fleet, a last appeal, to stand with the rebels, Adeptus Mechanicus be damned. Shortly thereafter he emerged from meditation, a decision made.


When the Imperial Guard forces made landfall they did so under directions from the surface, to find the marines already engaging the Mechanicus forces to prevent an ordered repulsion of the landing troops. The combined forces carved into the Forgeworld, finding increasing horrors as they went; For years isolation and secrecy had allowed the Forgeworld to conceal a deep, festering chaos influence within its Plasticrete halls, the invading Gateway Armies hit, like a lance in to a boil, letting the pus run free. A transmission was sent out to the Ordo Heraticus, specifically the Inquisitor they had bled for before in the fall of Meotre.


With favorable warp currents Inquisitor Mareck arrived quickly with a detachment of Adeptus Soritas to aid the siege. The combined forces managed to eliminate resistance within the Forgeworld. Purging it of Chaos, leaving a slowly burning hulk on the outskirts of the system.


In the wake of this destruction, Magos Ammotek arrived in the system, looking to collect the STC fragment Demitre had promised him. Steinman however was quite reluctant to hand it over, having always had suspicions of corruption within the Machine Cult, now only to have them proven true in front of him. Knowing he couldn’t refuse the Magos forever without grounds Steinman approached Inquisitor Mareck and offered an Arrangement, anything from his forge, crafted by his hand, the best Steinman could produce, rivalled by few in the Imperium, in exchange for a false report, proclaiming the taint of the artifact, and detailing its destruction, to provide to Magos Ammotek. After some negotiating Mareck agreed, and even went so far as to approach the Magos to deliver the falsified report himself. While this greatly disappointed the Magos, he had no grounds to dispute it, and was forced to return, empty handed.


While the Purge of the Forgeworld was condoned as far as the Inquisition was concerned by Inquisitor Mareck’s involvement, the Adeptus Mechanicus regarded the incident as an affront to their autonomy. They creating major, and largely baseless difficulties for any equipment being sent to the Gateway System, proposing to starve the system since they were blocked from moving against them directly. However with Steinman’s underground program of manufacturing
in full swing, coupled with the additional knowledge gleaned from the STC fragment Demitre recovered, Production on Gateway Primaris was back into full swing, allowing the system to continue functioning, without the manufacturing capacity of the Adeptus Mechanicus.




Gateway System


Gateway was first colonised during the closing millenniums of the Dark Age of Technology, far removed from Terra and the rest of Human Occupied Space. It is generally believed that this isolation is what allowed Gateway to survive as it did, so far removed from anything of note it escaped notice by almost all major factions. During the isolation Gateway evolved, originally consisting of a single inhabitable planet a great enterprise was undertaken to Terraform a second planet in the system, leading to the establishment of Gateway Primaris, and Secondas. The two planets evolved very differently;  Primaris retained much of the Manufacturing and continued to grow along these routes, sacrificing its ability to feed itself. Foodstuffs to sustain the systems were imported from Gateway Secundas, which became a massive Agri-World in the process.


Because of its manufacturing capabilities Gateway Primaris became protector of the system, as warlords and Xeno’s tried to take control, Gateway Primaris’ large Military and skilled generals enabled the system to stave off any attempts at hostile takeover during the Age of Strife and the beginning of the Age of the Imperium.


Despite the close connection between the two planets they evolved very different cultures from one another; Gateway Primaris’ population were always quite martial, efficient and seemingly cold, this only became more pronounced with time and industrialization. Gateway Secondas was the reverse, its population became very warm, caring more for Honor and their fellow man than the machines and marches of Gateway Primaris.


This change even came to be noted in the language; while a common language was maintained for trade and organization, each planet developed their own subsets, each tailored to the planet and their population.


Gateway maintained its independence even up to the end of the 39th millennium, however by the first of the 40th millennium Gateway Primaris’ manufacturing might attracted the attention of an Admech exploratory fleet, searching for the STC that formed the basis for the systems manufacturing. The system was pacified, and some valuable tech was recovered, though the STC was beyond recovery.


The Technology taken from the system allowed for the establishment of a Forgeworld on the outskirts of the system, to provide the manufacturing necessary after the stripping of Gateway Primaris’ Manufactories.


Inhabitable planets


Alpha; Factories Shut down by AM


                Think Detroit.


Beta; Agri-World



Colonised during the Golden age of Man


Rediscovered shortly prior to Storm Hulk founding


 Technologically capable, on par with Imperium


Mechanicus studied Tech, stole/shut down Alpha’s production to equip Forgeworld in Sector.




The beliefs of the average Forge Hawk Marine are usually hold overs from their home world, Gateway Secundas having a, borderline pagan system of beliefs, separate and parallel to the Ecclesiarchy while Gateway Primaris maintains a monotheistic church, the patron of which is generally interpreted to be the Emperor. Rather than catering to one or the other, as the two beliefs are intermingled, even at a squad level, Chaplains instead emphasis the connection between marines and those around them, their battle-brothers, and those they protect, as well as personal honor. Bleier maintained an emphasis on personal glory as well, something that was shifted during Alexsander’s reformations, instead focusing on the glory and achievements of the Chapter instead.




The Forge Hawk’s are decedents of Rogal Dorn, and all that that lineage entails they have inherited.


Combat Doctrine


As Imperial Fists Successors the Forge Hawks are noted for their stubborn demeanors and the difficulty to move from a position once planted. They are known for their capacities as siege breakers and heavy combat shock troops.


The Forge Hawks combat doctrine calls for overwhelming firepower to be brought to bear on their enemies, and regards close combat as a last resort, and reserved for highly specialized units.


They are also known for their extensive use of Dreadnoughts, employing their ancients as both advisors, and heavy combat specialists, it is not uncommon to find Forge Hawk detachments under the command of a Dreadnought, indeed after the fall of Meotre, Dread Brother Atlas served as acting captain of the Second Company till a marine came forward with sufficient skill in tactics to beat Atlas during a series of combat maneuvers.


The Forge Hawks also make extensive use of combined operations, indeed rarely do they deploy without support from other Imperial organisations, most commonly their own, Gateway Imperial Guard regiments.




The Organisation of the chapter follows closely to that laid down by the Codex Astartes, differing in few places, one is the council of the Ancients, a five strong force of Dreadnoughts assembled to advise the current Chapter Master, and aid in any decision that needs to be made, the five Dreadnoughts vary as the Venerable Brothers sleep and are roused for campaigns. The Company also maintains no Assault Squads imbedded in the battle companies, instead the eighth company assault marines are attached to various companies, much the way of Veteran Space Marine squads.


Battle Cry


“Into the Furnace!”



I like it. Nothing too Mary Sue in my opinion. I say stay away from the cursed founding, nothing seems cursed about them besides being Imperial Fist geneseed. Why are they trying to fix the Betchers gland? Spitting acid is nice but doesnt really seem something they would fret over. 

one reason why I didn't include it in the origins is because I was seriously considering removing it entirely, the only reason it's still on the table at all is because I wrote a short story based on them, in it a marine uses his betchers gland to spit on a heretic, it was a humorous moment I liked, except it doesn't make sense with them being IF successors.

IIRC, the Emperor's agreement with Mars' priests SPECIFICALLY stated that all STC data the Imperial armies recover, MUST be turned over to the AdMech- the Blood Angels have tense relations with Mars, because they refused to turn over the STC for the Baal Predator. If the IG general refused to turn over the STC fragment, he needs a damn good reason for refusing to honor an agreement the GOD-EMPEROR HIMSELF made. Maybe the STC fragment was recovered in an area the locals considered "haunted" or "cursed," making the general suspect Chaos corruption, and he wanted to wait until a Ministerial or Inquisitorial official could confirm the artifact wasn't tainted?

Yeah, man. I'm with Bjorn here. These guys really sound like renegades. And how are they going to maintain all that tech that they like without the help of the AdMech. Whether you agree with it or not, the fact that they hoard their knowledge has the very real effect of making everyone else incapable of surviving at a high-tech level without them. That's exactly why they do it. If they shutter the factories, I don't see the locals stepping up and figuring out how it all works. Not to mention the fact that Forgeworlds usually only make a small sub-set of equipment (not every type of tank, armor, gun, etc.) and the AdMech will take all the existing STC patterns with them... It's too much to take on. And then it comes down to 'why are they doing this' again? Why make such a powerful enemy? You can distrust them and work to become less dependent on them, but you can't easily take them on. Now, if you plan to make a renegade or chaos warband, maybe that's a different story...

Admech are really powerful but it's not unknown for Space Marine Chapters to go it without them; the Dark Angels would be case and point in that they are so damned secretive and distrustful they make almost all of their own equipment. No reason why his Chapter can't adopt a similar approach. As to the STC's; if the Chapter purged all of the mechanicus from the forgeworld due to heresy prior to loyalist Admech arriving there is no reason why they couldn't retrieve all of the STC schematics on file on the forgeworld before withdrawing. The Chapter's Tech Marines already have the skill to forge and maintain an entire Chapters worth of material so they should surely be able to put their knowledge to outright production if they have the technical plans and resources. Only problem I see is how far the Chapters Techmarines are actually likely to go along with such an assault; after all they weren't aware of the Chaos element until they made plantefall - could create conflict within your own ranks. 

the system has been distrustful of the AM from the beginning, when the AM shuttered the factories I would suggest that some manufacturing continued, if even just to spite them, so there would still be some of the knowledge left, Gateway Alpha would be in pretty good chaos, even to the present, leaving plenty of opportunity to rebuild some of that capability without raising suspicions. especially considering all internal monitoring would turn a blind eye, it would provide for some level of stability, keeps people occupied and off the streets, plenty of money to be made, and anyone who came from the system would have an axe to grind with the AM, helping cover up whatever tech is left would just be too good of a middle finger to the AM to pass up.

this would also be the people to come out of it, IG generals, Marines, etcetera would all be resentful of the AM, for General Dimitre Conleth, it's possible that the opportunity for the ultimate move to spite the AM was to much to pass up, even with the conditioning he would have, I would also consider suspicion of a tainted STC, or even that it was tainted, and warped his mind not to want to give it up. if my first explanation doesn't seem to hold water.


The Techmarines is an interesting question. they're loyalty is split, the question is how much so...

I omitted it from the later history section because, it already seems too long to me, however; they would be at least under house arrest before planetfall would be made, once evidence of corruption comes to light, they could swayed.

the next question is how much they know, as Wolvar has said, they'd have the technical knowledge to maintain their chapters arsenal, can they manufacture their chapters equipment? bolter rounds? Rhino Chassis? most of the marines gear is at least in it's basest terms, similar to IG tech. tanks are the same concept no matter who's driving, bolter rounds are a munition, as are thunderfire shells, the IG use munitions. Lascannons, to my understanding are scaled up Lasguns, Space Marine Scouts use Flak armor similar to IG troopers, there are congruences,  marines might not use toaster ovens, but that is surely not hard to backwards engineer.


The Tech marines would also be able to interpret any STCs recovered, including possibly Conleth's, maybe it's not reasonable, but I had envisioned, between two guard regiments, a marine chapter and a SOB detachment with =I= would make a very large hole, quite quickly, the AM of the forgeworld would probably expect to be able to deal with the two guard regiments on their own, and that's all they were expecting, I wouldn't expect them to be either able to sabotage everything, if they were even willing to, before the forgeworld fell.


the Techmarines would be able to teach what they know to others, and so the technology survives.


this may also be similar to the ultramarines are a second founding chapter, but I have been told that at one time, Techmarines also traded knowledge with Eldar, opening up another possible avenue for technology.


do these points seem reasonable now they are extrapolated on? are points still weak?

as for why make this enemy, a DIY chapter has to be something new, if currently the only thing that sets my marines apart is the distance between them and the AM, otherwise I might as well collect Imperial Fists for a chapter that matches my tactics.

Eldar technology and human technology are incompatible. Eldar technology uses energy sources the Imperium is unable to reproduce, according to the 'Rogue Trader' RPG (it may be psychic energy, or maybe a soulstone is needed to interface with and control the power plant). Shuriken weapons use ammunition the Imperium is unable to reproduce (it may be a form of wraithbone, which Lexicanum describes as psychic energy transformed into matter), and this ammo is extremely expensive as a consequence.


In short, Eldar weapons and equipment will be useless to the Space Marines, unless the xenos agree to provide the means of maintaining it- in which case, the Emperor's finest soldiers are now thralls to xenos!


It's easier to explain the conflict as a result of a struggle within the AdMech itself, e.g., Magos A demanded the STC fragment from the IG general, but the general refused because he previously agreed to give this fragment to Magos B, Magos A's rival. After the Inquisition enforced a ceasefire, Magos A decided to spite the Marines and their protectorate, by refusing to provide equipment as required by the Emperor's agreement with Mars- the Magos will make up some excuse about the equipment being incompatible, or maybe needed for another campaign, because a simple "I don't feel like helping you," will attract Inquisitorial attention- the Marines will get the equipment they need, but this equipment will have to be provided by distant forge worlds under Magos B's control, resulting in delays.


Magos A, comander of the local forgeworld, the one who destabilized the system to begin with, demands the artefact

Dimitre says go take a flying dump, arranging to send it to Magos B, for some reason as yet un-explored.

so, why would he like Magos B more than Magios A? lets say he's proactive, wants to mend old wounds to the betterment of the system, would Magos B be willing to do something to contribute stability? sanction and provide limited manufacturing capabilities?

doesn't sound very AM, but it's the best I'm coming up with.


Magos A getts all pissy, assassinates Dimitre, the system retaliates... Magos A gets crippled or killed, otherwise handicapped from retaliating....

=I= enforces ceasefire, Marines have the artifact, entrusted to them for safe keeping.


Magos B was a rival to Magos A, he's not going to shed a tear over Magos A deposement, the rest of the system on the other hand, just had the hand bitten after extending it in a peaceful gesture.


are they going to be willing to honor Dimitre's arrangement, after just having their preconception of the AM proved right in Magos A...


they don't honor the arrangement, they go through it again with Magos B, does put them in between a rock and a hard place

You can make up any number of reasons (or excuses, if you're on Magos A's side) for the general to honor an agreement with Magos B. Maybe Magos B was a benefactor of the general, having supported the IG officer's promotion, or funded the founding of his regiment? Maybe they were relatives who, despite the general disdain the Cult of Mars had towards familial relations, maintained close contact? Maybe there was an agreement in which the general wanted to be appointed Warmaster for a future crusade, and Magos B approached the general with rumors of an STC fragment in the gateway system, and promised to sponsor the general's promotion in exchange for this fragment?


Or you can go along with my original idea, in which the STC fragment was recovered from an area rumored to be "haunted," and- concerned Chaos may have tainted the artifact- the general wanted to wait until an inquisitor had inspected the STC fragment, before releasing it to the AdMech? Feel free to guess the reason why an AdMech faction- not every single Magos within the AdMech, but perhaps an influential group of Magos- would refuse to wait. Maybe Magos A was among the candidates being evaluated as Archmagos C's successor, and possession of the STC fragment would put A ahead of his rivals when Archmagos C retires?

  • 1 month later...

does it count as thread necromancy when it's your own thread?

current idea to resolve the issue


Forgeworld is controlled by Magos A, Magos A is universally hated in the system
Dimitre Finds STC fragment, Makes arrangement to surrender it to Magos B because Magos B got him additional equipment necesary for his campaign that saved lives.

Magos A wants it in order to elevate himself above his rivals in a bid to become Archmagos

Dimitre refuses, sending it to the Forge Hawks to keep while he waits on Magos B to come get it.

Magos A kills him and goes looking for it, doesn't find it.

System retaliates, sacking Forgeworld

Magos B is more interested in the fragment than avenging his rivals death.

Steinman doesn't want to hand it over since he knows he'll be long dead before anything learned from it is applied

Steinman gets Mareck to declare it has been tainted getting Magos B off Steinman's back

Magos B leaves disapointed, Steinman retains the fragment, Mareck leaves having been credited with the taking of two separate worlds fallen to chaos (Meotre and the forgeworld) and owed a favor by a master of the forge

the Ad Mech throws up roadblocks for equipment going Gateway's way, nobody cares, Steinman's pet project is working well, manufacturing is on the rise, less and less needs to be imported.


Everyone lives grimdark ever after.



  • 1 month later...

that looks like a full IA to me, unless anyone has a suggestion or some more criticism, I'm quiet pleased with that, thanks in no small part to Bjorn, infuriating though your criticism was at times, you did force me to come up with a stronger justification for my chapter, and I do believe the IA is better for it, sorry if it seemed like I was a pain in the ass

The revision looks good, overall, but the fact the Master of the Forge plotted to incite CIVIL WAR in the Gateway system to gather the resources necessary to revitalize the Marines' recruiting worlds, makes me wonder what else he'd do "for the Chapter's glory." Maybe incite a Chapter war (see the Soul Drinkers) to cull unworthy recruits and ensure the survivors' spiritual purity? Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


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