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VIII Legion by Alan - back from the warp


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@ Koriel - Well army is never complete they say biggrin.png. I was counting yesterday and I have painted around 50-60 marines, still in work with minor things to do are Havocs, Bikers, Lucius count as, Techmarine, Lord on Bike, scratch built Obliterators and figure of Huron Blackhart.

I have one Defiler in pretty bad shape (thats the gamble with second hand miniatures, but if you like restoring or re-purposing them it is nice way of getting them on cheap) which is probably going to finish as Maulerfiend count as, probably going to scratch build Fabius Bile and maybe some kind of Thousand sons count as (I am playing with idea of them being some kind of Dark Mechanicum servitors led by Techno Magos) and also Dark Apostle.

As you can see I will try to have representation of every unit from our codex, except Typhus and CC Obliterators.

@ Tanith Ghost -While he is under my roof (although rented) he will play with Night Lords biggrin.png.

@ DSS7 - Yep, indoctrination at early age.

Sounds like you've got a lot done for your Chaos marine army...

Sounds like a good time to dip your toe into a bit of a 30k legion...

@Flint13 - a bit longer response I was in a hurry last night when I replied.

30k seems very interesting as a modelling project with all cool stuff (that tank Sicaran or Sicarius is awesome, probably best tank kit Forge world produced). Also I find quality of their products sub-par with prices like that, I mean I saw a lot of reviews and for those prices so much mistakes and miscasts is certainly unacceptable in my opinion.

Second pretty big problem is my gaming group collects xeno scum, Grey knights and Necrons and just one Space wolf, and they are not also in position to start project of that magnitude that is 30k.


@DSS7 - Well I like Night Lords pretty much :D . Killing traitors in Ghoul stars, a-ha yes indeed.

Ah, gotcha. About 50% of my FW stuff is from people selling off stuff on ebay mixed together with normal GW merch. You'd be suprised at all the legion stuff mixed in with the tons of "SPACE MARINE 4000k+ PRO-PAINTED ARMY L@@K" sales on ebay. I can totally see what you mean though. 


I will say that even though FW has made some pretty big order mistakes (sending me a Warpfire dragon when I order a Chaos Dwarve warmachine, and two squads of Catalan Reavers when I ordered some terminators) they have always corrected things super fast and let me keep the mistake orders as an apology for the inconvenience. That's why my Nightlords have all those Sons of Horus parts scattered around. Those backpacks are *the* business!


I'll agree with you though, the quality is often pretty hit or miss. It still blows my mind that for 50$ USD + 15% shipping that they can't clean the mold release agents off of a 5 man assault sqaud for you so that primer will stick.


After my Fire Raptor purchase, I have gotten to the point where I only really buy small things from them. Bolters, shoulderpads and the like. 

@Flint - yes I saw a lot of building processes for Forge world flyers and shape and condition in which they are sold to the customer is catastrophic.

But also in their defense, they seem to have very nice attitude to the customers and they are more then willingly happy to send you new or replacement stuff ( I was tempted to make some order hoping to receive damaged part or some part missing so I can complain to them to send me something new :D ).

I love to buy second hand and usually ask seller are they willing to throw in some bits, it doesnt have to be fancy or expensive but it is great when you find some little gem inside :D. With that way I managed to collect a lot of useful stuff from all systems and races.

Sisters and brothers of the VIII I just wanted to say that tonight I shall wage war against tricky xeno scum, or as most people know them - Eldar. I plan to eradicate them without mercy.
And I have whole morning just for myself :D , I will try to do something new for my growing army if inspiration comes.

You'll get it! Space elves are, at best, grease for the treads of our tanks. 


Let us know how that fight goes.


Also, I just realized since we're cataloging everyone's companies, we have adjacent company numbers


^_^ GO TEAM 20something!

Brothers and sisters of the VIII th I lost. Battle was fierce with lots of casualties and wounded but in the end we had to fall back to the orbit and leave that thrice damned planet to the Eldar scum. Warlord Al Ahn suffered grievous flaming wounds and lot of battle brothers are presumed MIA. Warp take those Biel Tan Eldars.

We landed on the planet in this "linup"

Chaos lord with burning brand, terminator armor and chain fist, Mark of Nurgle


2x Claws with 5 marines (melta gun and rhino)

5 Plague marines with 2 plasmas and rhino

5 Noise marines with blastmaster

Raptor claw with two meltas (mark of slaanesh)

2 Predator tanks with lascannon sponsons and autocannon

Forge fiend

4 Bikes with two meltas (mark of slaanesh)

Aegis with quadgun


My enemy brought Army of the dead with all wraith constructs (guard, lord and knights), War walkers and Hemlock fighter.

Mission was "pitched battle" and Big guns never tire with 4 objectives.

Battle started fiercely with a lot of shooting in first two opening turns. Eldar can bring tremendous quantity of firepower and sheer numbers of saving throws means I will fail some.

I tried to dig myself in stretching defense line as long I could and even widening it with rhinos to get additional precious barricades. Plan was to take as much I can from behind fortification and then launch counter attack with raptors, bikes and outflanking Plague marines and ordinary claw with Huron.

Everything went pretty well I had two objectives in my possession, I killed his warlord and one heavy and also had a linebreaker at 4th turn. But then came the mistake, my lord was left alone behind aegis after his claw was wiped out by Wraithguards flamers (instant death ones - sneaky Eldars) and I decided to charge them with my lord totally forgetting that they have flamers and auto hits from overwatch. I failed that one 6 which meant that Lord decided to emergency evacuate himself :D. After that he managed to cross my line and wiped everything with his wraith knight and so I was wiped out in the 6th turn.

When the dust settled the result was 12:2 for Xenos.

Afterthought: I really thought I would managed to defend myself long enough to capture objectives and hold them and to inflict enough damage to his heavy slot but in the end all those high toughness targets were too much for me, I even concentrated fire pretty much on a single target at the time but when I lost my Lord there werent many units there too counter attack them and drive them off my deployment zone. He manage to destroy my quad gun immediately so I was left without those precious shots for the most part of the game.


In the end It is highly possible that my lords Witch adviser "forgot" to inform him of the Eldar treat hoping that he will get killed in action so he can take over the position of leader of warband. Night Lords, who wouldnt love them.

Man that sounds like a rough lineup, I too have a vendetta against the Eldar that ply the tides of my local star system. Last saturday I fought them to a bloody tie by turn 5 so I know the vicious damage that those wraith knights can deliver. So long as your company lives to hunt another night, that is all that matters. Ave Dominus Nox.

@Brother Heinrich - well we wouldnt last so long if we dont know when we should back up. I didnt take no pics since my friend didnt have all models for his army and I doubt all people could imagine 2 liters bottle as a wraith knight and robo toy as a wraith lord :D.

All in all I enjoyed game very much and I must say it again that I am extremely lucky to have very nice gaming group and every game is a great one with relaxed atmosphere.

We shall return one day to that planet to eradicate it of all life, screw those pointy eared bastards and their maiden worlds.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just quick note, I am still alive just last few days have been nothing short of hectic. At the moment I am working on Terminator champion for my unit. Sawing that old bastard was extremely stressful for my hands:D, gotta love those old 2 cm metal guys.

Yeah I once used a little bit of my blood shed cutting a terminator or something metal (don't remember what exactly) on a khorne berserker that I had sitting around for the red on him. tongue.png He performed well in games, approval of the blood god no doubt!

Edit: After pondering what it was I think it was an old metal bloodthirster, trying to saw off his head for a conversion idea that never panned out.

  • 9 months later...

Wow, its been a while since I visited this part of the forum but the time in warp flows differently. I had some personal issues (the owner of the house where we lived was stealing from us for the better part of last three years so me and my family had to move out from there, I was trying to get a new job-even asked help from net community but didnt managed to find any etc.).
I didnt have plenty of spare time so VIII th legion was on hold but I have returned and running trough my bits I found enough parts to build a small army of Inquisition with alpha legion marines(currently in paint stage) so I plan to post new pics when my camera baterries recharge.
Lets make some war.

  • 2 weeks later...

So few hours became few days but nevertheless here are some new pics (only two of them and they are in raw PiP and WiP state but I wanted to show them).
First are mine terminator champion and raptor lord. I always wanted to own that old beetle terminator but couldnt get one so re purposed one of the old metal ones (I have around twenty of them, one cant have enough of them, right?) and second one is raptor lord for my army (these two are one of my first working experiences with green stuff and I am still learning but I think I found something that will keep me entertained for a long time.
Pics are a bit dark (but we are Night Lords so that doesnt bother us, weather was extremely cloudy today so I couldnt get decent enough photo hopefully tomorrow I will have something better to show).


And this is a small "teaser" on what is currently becoming a small Inquisition army. I was sorting mine old stuff and stuff I dont need anymore and built around 2000 pts completely uncompetitive army (Karamazov count as, Alpha legion tactical marines as allies etc). The progress on this army will become a separate thread in some undefined future biggrin.png.


P.S. Speaking of unneeded stuff please check my ebay auction it ends soon and maybe you like something from it. Right now prices are real bargain (hopefully I dont violate any forum rules with small advertising but if I do feel free to remove these last links and sentences).


Until next time...


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