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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Hesh Kadesh has done an awesome list of the Lords of War available in the Heresy. With regards to the non-Heresy options, this is what I can see is available to all the armies out there:


War Machine Detachment (1-2 of the following):

Malcador Defender, Macharius Heavy Tank, Macharius Vanquisher, Macharius Vulkan, Macharius Omega, Crassus Armoured Assault Transport, Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher, Dominus Armoured Siege Bombard.


Engine of Destruction (1 of the following):

Hellhammer, Banehammer, Doomhammer, Banesword.


Sub-Orbital Strike Wing (1-3 of the following):

Aquila Lander, Vulture Gunship, Marauder Bomber (1 only), Marauder Destroyer (1 only).


Note that the Legiones Astartes can take Space Marine Crew for their Super-heavy Tanks (15 points for BS4), Mechanicum can take Autokrator Control for their Super-heavy Tanks (20 points for BS4 & Blessed Autosimulacra), and everyone can take Battle Servitor Control for their Flyers/Super-heavy Flyers (15 points for Tank Hunters).


The Marauder Destroyer looks truly awesome to me! Wicked model, and as it is a Super-heavy Flyer, it won't get blown out of the sky immediately. Will also nuke something when it crashes, so hopefully it goes down over the enemy! :)

Edited by Caillum
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Hesh Kadesh has done an awesome list of the Lords of War available in the Heresy. With regards to the non-Heresy options, this is what I can see is available to all the armies out there:


Engine of Destruction (1 of the following):

Hellhammer, Banehammer, Doomhammer, Banesword.



Looking at the Baneblade variants available, the ones that currently aren't available range from meh to a bit above average:

  • Hellhammer cannon is pretty much just a Typhon with more guns/ hull points/ worse armour for ~200 more points with sponsons.
  • Banehammer/sword seem iffy, Marines don't need a LoW slot for massed AP3 templates though.
  • Doomhammer is a good medium with a ridiculous range S10 AP1 Large Blast, but then again it loses out on the Demo cannon for it... But can transport 25 dudes...

I'd imagine these haven't been ported over yet simply because they aren't too desirable, just looking at the Falchion or Fellblade those are MUCH better for similar points, except for perhaps the Hellhammer. Glaive is another step up with it's crazy weapon but still overpriced IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys and gals, I emailed FW about the option for immortals to swap their bolters for chainswords/combat blades and this is the response I got:


"Thanks for contacting us. There is no in game benefit (as far as we can see) for swapping the bolters out for Chainsword/combat blades but we believe the option was simply added if people wanted to go with a more close combat looking squad."


So unfortunately it's just aesthetic, too bad I really wanted to convert some sweet cc immortals

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Hey guys! I'm going to be having my first zone mortalis game next week and just wanted some quick feedback on the list I'm thinking of bringing.

It's for a little campaign at the FLGS so we've house ruled only 1 dreadnought per side and no characters over 225 points.

We'll all be using the combatant force org I think.



Praetor w/paragon blade, arti armour, iron halo, cyber familiar, iron father upgrade


Primus Medicae w/ power sword, plasma pistol, arti armour, melta bomb



15 breachers w/ 3 volkite

Serg has arti armour, cyber familiar, thunder hammer


10 man tac squad and serg w/ arti armour, power axe, melta bomb



5 gorgons w/ grav gun

Serg has the hammer stock and cyber familiar added


Contemptor Cortus w/ fist, chainfist, melta, heavy flamer


That should be 1250 on the nose. Medic goes with the breachers and then the Praetor can join up with anyone.


Any feedback is welcome!

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If you want to save save some points and circumvent the primus medicae, you could swap the breachers for a medusan immortal squad. They get the medicae's FNP with a wider selection of wargear (in case you want more volkite in addition to melta maybe). There is a immortal ROW that makes them troops and gives the army hatred. I'm no tactician but it's something to think about!
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This is my current zm list its 2-3 win loss but it holds its own

+++ Boarding action (1245pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Combatant) ++


+ HQ +


Iron-father Autek Mor [Cyber-familiar]

····Master of the Legion [Zone Mortalis Assault Force]


+ Elites +


Legion Dreadnought Talon

····Legion Dreadnought [Multi-Melta]

····Legion Dreadnought [Multi-Melta]


+ Troops +


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [14x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, 3x Melta gun]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Thunder Hammer]


Legion Tactical Support Squad [4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]


Legion Terminator Squad [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Teleport Assault]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Cyber-familiar]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Loyalist, X: Iron Hands]

Edited by RandomMarine
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Thanks guys, I'll see if i can fiddle around with some points to get the meltas in. I tried swapping to company of bitter iron but the immortals just have such an expensive base cost. I'm playing on thursday so maybe this weekend I'll add a little battle report
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Can't use RoWs in ZM.

Actually! Theres a ZM RoW sooooooooooooooooooo


You totes can especially since its a different game mode and not an alternate FoC and isn't listed in that section.

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Planning on fighting against a very big Iron Warrior's army on saturday, and I'm trying to plan a list that is ready to take on armor, infantry and at least one leviathan


so scraping together all the semi-Heresy and non-Heresy stuff I have, I made a list:


Head of the Gorgon


Warlord: Legion Preator (Cataphract armor, Chain Fist, Cyber Familiar)

-Terminator Command Squad (Cataphract Armor, x4 Powerfists, Grenade Launcher and Thunderhammer on Banner Bearer)

        -Land Raider Phobos (multi-melta)


Warlord: Preavian Centurion (Power Fist)

 -x2 Castellex Robots (enhanced Targeters)


Troop 1: Legion Tactical Squad (x20 guys, Artificer Armor, Power Sword, Vexilla, Extra Close Combat weapon)

    Elite 1:Apothecary (artificer Armor)


Troop 2:Legion Tactical Squad (x10 guys, Artificer Armor, Nuxio Vox)



Troop 3: Legion Support Squad (x10 guys, Volkite Chargers, Artificer Armor)


Elite 2: Contemptor Dread (Kheres Assault Cannon)


Elite 3: Legion Vet Tactical Squad ( x10 guys. Artificer Armor, x2 Plasma Guns, Sniper USR)



F/A: Attack Bikes (x4 bikes, x4 Multi-melta)


H/S 1: Legion Predator  Executioner (Power of the Machine Spirit)


H/S 2: Legion Vindicator squadron (x2 Vindicators, Power of the Machine Spirit)


H/S 3: Legion Scorpius


Total: 3,000 points



So the plan is that the Command squad drives up in the land raider along with the vindicators, Bikes, and Contemptor While the Robots and Tactical squads hold the back field. The predator, Vets and support outflank as per head of the Gorgon rule to mess some stuff up.

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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Crusade honours refer to the special model that FW did for orders over a certain amount back in January.


Battlescribe has it as an option for all Centurions but I don't think it should be available to Consuls...

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Crusade honours refer to the special model that FW did for orders over a certain amount back in January.


Battlescribe has it as an option for all Centurions but I don't think it should be available to Consuls...


IIRC the Early-Crusade Honours were just for basic centurions.

Edited by IronDrake28
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 I'm not sure with Mauler Bolters, it's worth upgrading them with Enhanced Targeting.


Whyso? The +1BS and -1 to enemy cover seems like it would never not be valuable. 


I've essentially just starting thinking of the Castellax as a 120pt model by this point, so I'm super curious to an opinion in the opposite direction.

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Yea, I'm keeping the enhanced arrays. I play Cult mechanicus and I wish I could take them for my kastalans in 40k. hitting on 2's is so much better than 4+.



Has anyone tried out a Head of the gorgon list with  only land raiders as transports?

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Yea, I'm keeping the enhanced arrays. I play Cult mechanicus and I wish I could take them for my kastalans in 40k. hitting on 2's is so much better than 4+.



Has anyone tried out a Head of the gorgon list with  only land raiders as transports?

Wolf_Pack is the man to direct those questions to!

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Yea, I'm keeping the enhanced arrays. I play Cult mechanicus and I wish I could take them for my kastalans in 40k. hitting on 2's is so much better than 4+.



Has anyone tried out a Head of the gorgon list with  only land raiders as transports?


Proteus lanadraiders were amazing before, they are even more so with the update.


Cheap Av 14 boxes that can now be outfitted with a 3rd lascannon. That's a 50% increase in fire power before taking a pintle melta.

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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